Chapter 66: Everything Could Change

I felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was already mentally saying goodbye to him. This wasn't at all how I expected it to go.

Jake stared back at me, a huge smile still spread across his lips.
"Well.. I guess that settles the whole 'moving in' thing then, huh?" He giggled to himself, reaching out for my hand. I crawled over next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.
"We still don't know anything, Jake." I laughed, intertwining our fingers. He shrugged.
"Still.." He said softly. "There's a lot we'll have to think about, right?" 

"Yeah.. when we know for sure."
"Can we just find out now then?" He giggled to himself, turning to me. I smiled back up at him, my cheeks burning.
"I.. really didn't expect you to be this excited about it." I said softly. His smile grew.
"Well.. it is exciting." He said sweetly. "I had never really thought about this before. But.. there's no use not being excited now if it's already happening, right?"

"You're so cute." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck. He flashed me a smile, his cheeks turning red.

"So.. what do we have to do first? What do you need me to do?" He asked eagerly. I couldn't help but smile.
"Well, as of right now I need you to calm down." I laughed. "Before we get worked up, we need to find out if there will even be anything to do."
"So then let's find out." He smiled, staring back at me wide-eyed. "You can't expect me to sit here all night.. just wondering."
"Jake, I went into this thinking you weren't going to want anything to do with this, so-"
"You.. really thought I would just.. leave you?" He said softly, his face dropping.

"Well, I hoped not, but I didn't know for sure. You said you didn't want kids, and you have so much going that.. this could ruin it.. I was just scared-"
"You thought you'd have to do this.. alone?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burn as my heart started to race.

"I.. I did. But then Josh-"
"Josh?" He snapped. "What about Josh?" I bit down on my lip, regretting having mentioned anything at all.

"Josh said that.. regardless of how you took it, he would always be there to help me. But, I.. I didn't know you felt like this, I was just.. I didn't ask him to, he just-"
"He just did." Jake said sternly, looking away.
"I'm.. so happy you feel the way you do." I said softly. "No matter what happens." He sighed, peeking back at me.

"Jess.. if this is something that we're going to go through together, I want it to be.. only us. This is going to be our family. Josh is my brother and I love him but.. this is mine. Ours. And only ours." 

I reached up, gently touching his cheek and a small smile spread across his lips.
"That's all I want." He nodded.
"And.. I'm happy you had him there to help you.. and I'm glad you had someone to comfort you, but.. you have me now. So I want to be the one who's there for you. The only one."
"I want that too." I sighed, staring back up at him. His lips curved back into a smile as he reached up, holding my face in his hands. He pulled me in close, gently kissing me on the lips. I felt him smile. 

"Can we please find out now?" He said softly, leaning his forehead against mine. "I need to know." I smirked, shaking my head.
"I don't want to do it on the bus." I laughed. His smile grew.
"But.. this is where we met." He said sweetly, his cheeks burning. "And.. where we had our first kiss." My heart started beating faster.

I guess it really had become our place.

"It is, isn't it." I said quietly, biting down on my lip.
"So what better place to find out about the next part of our life, right?"
"Jake, our whole lives could change in a matter of minutes.. I just.. want one more night.. of this." He smiled, nodding.

"Okay." He said softly, pulling me back into another kiss. "Can we at least just.. talk about it then?"
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Well, if you could choose, what would you want to have?" He lied back down, propping his head up onto his hand, staring up at me with an eager grin.
"If I could choose.. I think I'd want a boy. Especially after seeing how cute you were when you were little." He scrunched up his face, his cheeks getting red.

"You better hope it's not twins." He laughed. "Josh and I were a handful. I don't know how my mom did it. I don't think that I could ever handle that."
"Me neither." I said, lying down next to him. "So.. what would you want?" He looked over at me, his smile growing.

"I think.. I'd like a girl." He said quietly, looking away. I felt my heart start to beat faster.
"A girl?" I asked. "Why?" He shrugged, smirking.
"Well, besides the fact that Josh and I were terrible.. I don't know.. I just think I would be good with a girl. I'd love to have my two girls with me on tour." He said, smiling up at me.
"Oh, so we'd be coming with you?" I laughed. He nodded.
"Well, there's no way I'd let you leave now, you're hired indefinitely. We'd be a family now. And I'd never be able to leave you guys, so.." He shrugged, flashing me a huge grin.

As if I couldn't love him any more. 

I leaned up, gently tangling my fingers in his hair, pulling him into a kiss. I felt him sigh, sitting up, kissing me back harder.
"You know.." He said. "You did say I deserved a little extra loving today." I felt my cheeks burn.
"I did say that, didn't I?" I laughed, pulling him back in. He nodded as his smile grew.
"Mhm. And.. we should probably get you out of this thing. It's huge." He laughed, reaching behind me and unzipping my dress.

"I feel twenty pounds lighter." I laughed, plopping back down onto the bed, staring back up at him. He crawled back over me, leaning down, kissing me again.
"But honestly.." He sighed, rolling over next to me. "I'd love it if I could just.. lay with you and go to sleep tonight." He giggled. I laughed, leaning in, kissing him again.
"Me too." I said, reaching over for his hand. I intertwined our fingers and turned over, pulling him up against me. He cuddled close, hiding his face in my neck until I could hear his subtle snoring.

As exhausted as I was, it was almost impossible to fall asleep, because I knew tomorrow, everything could change.
