Chapter 113: The Way I Want You

The room fell silent.

Sam held his wide-eyed stare on me for what felt like an eternity until he eventually turned to Jake. I felt him tense up, his grip on me getting tighter. Finally, Sam looked away, pushing through everyone, quickly making his way out of the room. My heart was pounding.

What was I supposed to do with that? 

Before I could even think, Jake turned to me, staring back with sad eyes.
"Please.. don't go." He said softly. My heart sunk. I knew there was no way I could go after Sam, not without ruining everything. I bit down on my lip, staring back up at him.
"Come here." I said, taking his hand and pulling him out through the sliding doors. I lead him out to the bus where I pulled him up the steps, shutting the door behind us. He made his way over to the couch, plopping down, running his hands through his hair.

"Did you know?" He asked, keeping his eyes locked the ceiling. I felt my cheeks burn. I had a feeling but I never knew for sure, and I definitely didn't think he felt.. like that.
"No." I said softly, as I began to pace up and down the main area. "But.. there's something I need to tell you." My heart was pounding as I looked down at my feet, avoiding his eyes. I could see him sitting up now.
"What?" He asked. I sighed, finally bringing myself to stop, going over and sitting down across from him. He stared back at me with his tired eyes, doing his best to keep them open.

"That day.. when Sam and I got into the accident.." I said. He leaned in, moving closer to me.
"W-what happened?" He said, his voice dropping.
"I.. I kissed him." I said softly, biting down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn. He held his stare on me, staying quiet. I could see his mind was racing.
"W-why?" He finally said. I sighed, shrugging, looking down.

"Because.. for a minute, I really thought he was dead, Jake. And.. I just couldn't imagine that. I couldn't imagine you.. your whole family.. " I said quietly. "So.. when he finally woke up, I just.. I don't know what came over me, I was.. overwhelmed and relieved. I just.. I was so happy he was okay, but it wasn't-"
"Okay." He said, cutting me off. "W-was that the only time?" My heart started beating faster.
"Well?" He said, his eye getting wider. I sighed, shaking my head.
"He kissed me too."
"Like.. he kissed you back?" I bit down on my lip, shaking my head.
"No, he.. kissed me again. He said that.. in case anything happened to him, or me, he just.. he wanted to.. enjoy it." I could feel my cheeks burning. Now that I was saying it out loud.. 

I saw Jake's face get angrier, his jaw clenching.
"Well, how do you feel about him?" He said, peeking up at me.
"I care about him, Jake. I.. can't say that I don't. Him and I have gotten.. close. Especially after you and I broke up. He's.. my best friend out here. And he was there for me when I was heartbroken over you, and.. I'll always care about him. But.. I love you." He sighed, his face dropping as he held his stare on me. I could see his eyelids getting heavier.

"I can't do this again, Jess." He said softly, looking down.
"And I don't want to." I sighed, moving in closer, holding his face in my hands. He stared back into my eyes and I felt my heart start to beat faster.
"Jess, did you mean it when you said that.. you couldn't wait for forever with me?" He asked. I couldn't help but smile, gently running my thumb down his cheek.
"Of course I did." I said, pulling him onto a kiss. "You know, actually I.. um.. I kinda thought.. you might.. well, maybe you were planning on.. proposing tonight." He instantly perked up, his eyes getting wide.

"O-oh.." He said, a smile escaping from his lips. "Did you.. did you want me to?" I bit down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn.
"I.. I think that.. I did." I said quietly. He held his stare on me, now reaching up, running his fingers through my hair, his hands making their way down behind my neck where he pulled me back in.

"I wanted to." He said softly, reaching over, gently taking my other hand in his. "But.. that day with your dad.. he.. he kinda.. talked me out of it. He said that.. you didn't want to get married and.. I don't know. I was afraid that.. I was gonna scare you off again. You.. you had never really brought it up before and.. I know you accepted that ring but.. promise rings are.. different.. I.. I'm sorry." I shook my head, giggling to myself.

"Don't be sorry." I said, giving him a subtle smile, gently touching his cheek. "Do you.. already have a ring?" I asked quietly, feeling my heart beat faster. His eyes got wide again as he bit down on his lip, holding in his smile. He nodded. My heart jumped.
"Do you.. have it with you.. now?" I whispered. He held his stare on me as he flashed me a toothy smile, nodding again.
"Jake.." I sighed, my smile growing.
"You're not getting it tonight, Jess." He giggled to himself. "I want to do.. something special." He moved his hands down to my waist, pulling me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in closer.
"Anything with you is special." I said, leaning my forehead against his. I felt him gently shake his head, holding his stare on me.

"I don't care what you say.. you are not getting this ring tonight." He laughed. "You're gonna get the proposal you deserve. But.. if I had asked you.. are you saying that.. you would've said yes?" He asked, biting down on his lip. I couldn't help but smile, my heart beating faster.
"Maybe.." I smirked, feeling my cheeks burning. He laughed, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I moved my hands up, tangling them into his hair, kissing him back harder. I felt him sigh as his kisses moved down to my neck.

"I thought you were tired." I laughed, sliding off his jacket, tossing it to the side. He stared back at me, wide-eyed, his smile growing.
"Yeah, no, I'm definitely awake now." He said, lifting me up and carrying me into the back room.
"Jake!" I laughed, clinging onto him. He tossed me back onto the bed, crawling over me. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair, pulling him into another kiss. I felt him smile, kissing me back harder.

"I gotta get you out of this thing." He sighed, his smile growing. He pulled me back up, reaching behind me and unzipping my dress, quickly sliding it off and tossing it onto the floor. I wrapped my arms back around his neck, pulling him into another kiss as he crawled back over me, kissing me back harder. His lips then slowly moved from my neck down to my chest. 

My heart was racing. I knew he could feel it.

"Jake.." I sighed, tangling my fingers in his hair. I felt his lips curl into a smile as he propped his hands up on either side of me, staring down with his same dazed look.
"I love you so much.." He said softly. I reached up, holding his face in my hands, pulling him back in, kissing him hard on the mouth. He gently slid his fingers up my arms, pushing them back above my head, tightly intertwining our fingers. I stared back up at him as my heart started beating faster, my whole body feeling like it was on fire. 

I squeezed his hands tighter as his kisses moved back to my neck.
"Jess.." He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. "I want you." I stared back up at him, biting down on my lip to contain my smile.
"I'm all yours." I whispered, slowly moving my hands down his chest, undoing his belt and pulling it through the loops, tossing it away. 

I felt every inch of my skin burn where his hands lingered, searching for any possible way to tangle himself within me. The sweet taste of champagne still lingering on his lips as he pulled me into a deeper kiss, gently biting down on my bottom lip. Reaching my arms around him, I dug my nails into his back, looking for any way to have him be that much closer.
"Jess.." He moaned, as I wrapped my legs around him, pressing his body up against mine.

Then I quickly jumped back at the sound of banging on the bus door. He didn't hesitate to pull me back in to another passionate kiss.
"Ignore it, they'll go away." He sighed. I tried my best, but it only got louder the longer we left it alone. Finally, Jake backed away, pushing himself up from the bed.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He muttered, quickly making his way to the front door. I sat up, peeking out into the main area of the bus.
"What!" He yelled before opening the door. Then I saw his face drop, quickly turning into an angry glare.

"I have to talk to her." I heard. My heart dropped.
It was Sam.

"Now is not a good time." Jake snapped. "Get out of here." He went to close the door, but Sam reached out to stop him, propping it open. I felt my heart jump as I saw his arm swing out, his muscle more defined than I had ever seen on him.
"Jake, I'm sorry but.. I have to talk to her." He said, pushing his way past. My cheeks burned bright red as his eyes locked on mine, then making their way down, tracing every inch of my body. It felt like my face was on fire. I reached over, grabbing one of the blankets to cover up.

"Sam! What are you doing here?" I yelled. He quickly made his way into the back room, shutting the door behind him, leaning back up against it. He kept his eyes locked on me as his cheeks burned red.
"Jess, I.. I'm sorry.. but we have to talk about this."
"Sam, I can't.. I just-"

"Sam!" Jake yelled, now banging on the door. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Jess, that's .. not how I wanted you to find out. But.. I'm glad you know now. Having to act like there is nothing between us everyday.. it's killing me. Because I know you feel the same way about me."
"Sam.." I sighed, clutching my blanket closer.
"You and I both know when.. this ends.." He said, motioning back at Jake. "That I'm the one you're gonna come crawling back to. And.. I just need you to know that.. I'm not going anywhere. I have never felt like this about anyone Jess, and honestly.. it's.. it's terrifying. I've.. I've never wanted anyone.. the way I want you. So.. you can do with that what you want. I've.. I've told you how I feel so.. this is up to you now." He said, finally backing away from the door. I stared up at him wide-eyed, my head spinning. He bit down on his lip, holding his stare on me until Jake finally barged in, swinging the door open.

"Get out!" He snapped, shoving Sam back against the wall.
"Jake!" I yelled, now sitting back up.
"N-no, it's okay.. I'll.. I'll go." Sam said softly, giving me one last look before pushing past Jake, slamming the door behind him.
