Chapter 48: I'm Done

Later that night, I waited outside of the venue for my Dad to show. I wanted to be the one to lead him inside and introduce him to everyone, and also give him the rundown on everything (and everyone). 

Like I assumed, my Mom had found out I was back in town and working a show, so of course she had to come, and of course she invited Travis and his family. I was already dreading tonight. I really just wanted my Dad to meet Jake, that was all that really mattered to me. 

It wasn't long until two vehicles pulled up to the front of the venue. I recognized the first. My dad had had the same truck for years. I'd know it anywhere. The other was a car I had never seen before.

"Hey, Sweetheart." He called out, I ran over, hugging him tight.
"Thanks for coming." I said, my voice muffled, my face hidden in his chest.
"Of course, I love seeing what you do. And I have to meet this friend of yours." He laughed. I rolled my eyes, but I was excited to see what he thought of him.

Then the doors of the car behind us opened. My mom stumbled out of the backseat, no doubt already drinking, her shoes a little too high and her skirt a little too short.
"Did you tell her?" I mumbled to my Dad. He shook his head.
"Of course not. Must've found out through Travis." I sighed. Figures. 

Travis got out of the driver's side, looking around, and eventually flashed me a smile. I felt my cheeks burn. I couldn't remember the last time we had seen each other. Probably the night he proposed. 

I was pretty quick to get out of there after that.

"There she is." He smiled, making his way over.
"Hey.." I said, as he wrapped me in a tight hug, kissing the top of my head.
"Long time no see." He said, smiling down at me. I nodded.
"Yeah, um.. so, how'd you hear about this?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Everyone's been talking about this." He said, crossing his arms. "We've been waiting for you to get back in town. These guys are apparently the real deal." He said. I sensed his tone. Travis' band had never really gotten as big as he had hoped.

"Yeah, so, you guys ready to head in?" I asked, doing my best to avoid my mom. It didn't matter that I was here anyway. She'd do whatever it took to get backstage to any show. I wasn't the reason why she showed up tonight. My Dad followed me close as I lead them all into the venue.

"They're gonna be backstage in their dressing rooms." I said, guiding them down the hallway. "For the most part during the show, I'm gonna be down shooting, so you guys can all watch from the balcony if you'd like. That's typically where friends and family stand." My Dad nodded, looking around.

"Okay, wait here for a second." I said as we reached their dressing rooms. I peeked my head inside, trying to catch Jake's eye. He looked up from his phone, smiling over at me. I motioned him over. His eyes got wide as he tossed his phone to the side, quickly making his way over.

"Hey." He whispered. "Are they here?" I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"Yeah, my dad is here, but so is my mom.. and Travis.. and his family."

"Travis is here?" He asked, his voice dropping. I nodded.
"I didn't invite him. I don't.. I really just wanted you to meet my dad.. I'm s-" He shook his head.
"It's okay.. um.. yeah, sure, bring them all in." He said, forcing a smile. I smiled, gently touching his cheek, then went back out into the hallway.

"Okay.. they're ready if you guys want to come in." I said, and they made their way in. My mom didn't hesitate to be the first one in the door.

"Hi!" She said, leaning in to hug Jake. I felt my heart start to beat faster. "I'm Vivian, I'm Jess' mom." Jake looked a little taken back, giving me wide-eyes as he hugged her back. I shrugged, rolling my eyes. He smirked, nodding.
"Nice to meet you." He said cheerily. "These are my brothers Josh and Sam, and our friend Danny." She made her way around the room to meet them all.

"Hey." Travis said, looking down at Jake. "I'm Travis, and you are?" Jake looked up, giving him a small smile.
"Jake." He said simply, holding his hand out. "Heard lots about you." Travis nodded, shaking his hand.
"Funny, haven't heard much about you." Travis said condescendingly. My stomach dropped. Jake laughed, nodding.
"Ah, so we're gonna be like that, huh?" He asked. Travis smiled, finally letting go of Jake's hand.
"Don't know what you're talking about." He said, making his way into the room. I saw Jake glare at Travis as he made his way around, introducing himself to the rest of the guys. 

"And you must be Jess' dad, hi! I'm Jake." He said with a smile, holding his hand out.
"Nice to meet you." My dad said, sternly shaking his hand. I stood back, anxiously watching. "So, you're Jess'.. friend." He said with a smile. My cheeks burned.
"Dad.." He giggled to himself. Jake's face turned bright red as he shot me a quick look. I shurgged.
"I am.. her friend." He said, his smile growing.
"She speaks very highly of you."
"Oh she does?" He asked, smiling back at me. 

In that moment I felt like I could melt into the floor.

"That's enough Dad." I laughed.
"You know, she's not one of those girls you can just have hanging around."
"Oh, no. I don't want to just be friends with her. She's the one who doesn't want to be with me." Jake laughed. My heart was racing. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Okay, I think you have to get ready for the show." I said, pulling Jake away. He laughed, gently taking my hand.
"Apparently, I'm needed elsewhere." He said, giving my dad a look. "It was nice meeting you. I hope we can talk after." 

My dad nodded, smirking over at me.
"Nice to meet you, Jake."

I took Jake by the hand, bringing him down the hall.
"Why'd you pull me away, we were having a great talk." He laughed. I stopped, turning to him.
"Yeah, I think I changed my mind, I don't think I want you two talking anymore." I giggled to myself.

"Well, I think it was going great." He said, leaning against the wall, staring back at me. I sighed, nodding.
"Yeah, for who?" I asked. His smile grew as he reached out for my hand again, pulling me closer.
"Well, he seems nice. Usually dads aren't too happy when their daughter is.. friends with someone in a band. I get that." I shrugged, feeling my cheeks burn.
"I might have put in a good word for you." I said quietly, holding in my smile. "I'm.. sorry about Travis though."

Jake shrugged, intertwining our fingers, pulling me closer.
"It's fine. I barely noticed him." He smirked.
"He's probably just intimidated. His.. shows were never this big." I said. "But don't get a big head over it." Jake laughed, pulling me closer.
"It's okay.. I'm sure it sucks.. having to see you with me.. our amazing chemistry.. it can't be easy." I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him.

"What's.. um.. the deal with your mom though?" He asked. My stomach dropped. She was the last thing I wanted to talk about.

"My mom.." I sighed. Where to begin? "My mom.. is basically a glorified groupie. That's how she met my dad. He used to play in a local band.. but then she started moving on to.. bigger and better I guess. So, needless to say she was thrilled when she found out about tonight. Another way backstage, I guess. Though, I don't know what she thinks she's getting out of it." 

"I don't know." Jake shrugged. "She seemed to hang around Josh a little longer than everyone else."
"Gross." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "But.. I don't know, that's why I didn't want to talk about Travis.. and.. when we first met.. I just.. I told myself I'd never be like her."
"You're nothing like her." Jake said plainly. "Don't worry." He reached out, gently touching my cheek. I couldn't help but smile, staring back into his eyes. His big, beautiful eyes. He held his stare, licking his lips.

"So, do you think your dad liked me?" He finally asked. I smirked, nodding.
"I think it's too soon to tell." I giggled, grabbing onto his shirt, pulling him closer. "Did you really have to mention.. all of that?" He flashed me a smile.
"Yes." He said, looking down at our hands. "Because I don't want him thinking I'm one of those kind of guys. You know I want to be with you. That's all I want. And.. I'll tell anyone." His hand moved to my waist, pulling me up against him. My heart was pounding. 

"I'll give you as much time as you need, I want you to be sure about me. But.. like I said. I'm done, Jess. I want to be with you. So.. when you're ready to be done.. just let me know."
