Chapter 162: Congratulations

Jake took my hand, leading me down the steps off the bus, gripping me tighter as he slowly guided us towards the house. I gently rubbed my thumb across the top of his hand, pulling him closer.
"Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at him. He nodded, biting down on his lip.

"I.. I just don't want you to be disappointed if.. everyone doesn't react the way we want them to. We're happy and we know that.. right?" He said. I stopped, turning to face him. Reaching up, I gently touched his cheek. His smile grew as he stared back into my eyes, grabbing onto my shirt, pulling me into a gentle kiss.

"Why wouldn't they?" I asked. He gave me a look, gently tucking my hair behind my ears.
"You know who wouldn't, Jess." He said softly. My cheeks burned. I wish I didn't, but I did. And I hated that it had to come to this. I wished out of everyone, my best friend could be excited for me, but I understood why he wouldn't.
"It.. it'll be okay." I stuttered, forcing a smile. He sighed, nodding, gently brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Jake.. before we go in I just.. I feel like there isn't gonna be a better time to tell you." His face dropped, his cheeks burning red.
"W-what, Jess?" He asked. I felt my heart beating faster. This was the last thing I wanted to talk about right now, but it didn't feel right keeping it from him.
"I just.. I don't want us to have any secrets and.. if.. if the roles were reversed, well.. I would want to know.."
"What is it, Jess?" He asked, his voice now more concerned.

"Last night, before I left the bus, Sam-"
"What about Sam?" He asked sternly, his jaw clenching.
"Jake, please." I sighed, pulling him closer. He held his glare on me for a moment before taking a deep breath, subtly nodding.

"Before I left, Sam.. well, he wanted to say.. he almost said.. well, he did.. he.. he told me he loved me." I said softly, now avoiding Jake's eyes, my heart beating faster. "But I.. I stopped him. I did't want.. Jake, I.. I don't want anything ruining this, I'm so happy, and I just want-" He stopped me, pulling me into a long kiss.
"It's okay." He said softly, giving me a gentle smile. "Thank you.. for telling me." I bit down on my lip, nodding, pulling him back into another kiss.
"I love you." I said softly. He kissed me again.
"I love you more." My smile grew as I shook my head

"Alright." He sighed, motioning towards the house. "Now that I know that.. let's go in." He giggled to himself.
"You're not mad? I asked, my cheeks burning. I was so used to his outbursts, I wasn't sure how to handle this new.. calm Jake.
"As far as I'm concerned, you're wearing my ring." I smirked, intertwining our fingers and followed him closely as he lead us through the front door.

It was silent as we walked in; peaceful. The calm before the storm.

"Anyone up?" Jake yelled out. I couldn't help but smile, my cheeks burning red as he lead us into the kitchen that was filled with balloons, 'Congratulations' banners, inflatable rings; the works. I felt tears come to my eyes as I looked around, so happy to be here with them instead of back home. It was so nice to feel.. celebrated. I had never felt as welcomed as I did here.
"I feel bad.." I whispered into his ear. "They were ready to celebrate last night." He smirked, shaking his head.
"It's okay." He said softly, gently kissing my cheek.

And then I heard enthusiastic screams gradually getting louder from down the hall. Jake rolled his eyes as his smile grew.
"Did she say yes?!" Ronnie yelled, quickly running into the kitchen. Her eyes instantly shot to my hand as she tightly grabbed it, bringing it up to her face.
"Oh my god!" She screamed again, now beaming from ear to ear. Her smile was contagious. More tears came to my eyes as she pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm gonna have a sister!" She squealed, bouncing up and down. I heard Jake giggle from behind us, trying to pry her off of me.

"Alright, now don't snap my bride before the wedding." He laughed, pulling me back in, wrapping his arms around me from behind, leaning his head on my shoulder. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair, gently scratching his head. His quiet giggles made my heart jump. Ronnie stared back at us with a wide grin, tears coming to her eyes.
"I'm so happy." She said softly. "I'm so glad it worked. Did she love it? Oh, well.. did you love it?" She laughed, wiping her eyes.

"It was amazing." I sighed. "Everything was so beautiful. Thank you, Ronnie." She shrugged, flashing me another toothy grin.
"Where's everyone else?" Jake asked, looking around.
"Guys!" Ronnie shouted. "They're here!"

It wasn't long before I heard more footsteps coming from down the hall. My heart started beating faster until I saw their mom and Josh turn the corner. I let out a deep breath, flashing them a smile. Their mom instantly perked up, her smile growing. Josh looked over at me, forcing a gentle smile.

"She said yes!" Jake said, squeezing me tighter.
"Oh my goodness! Honey!" She yelled, coming over and wrapping Jake into a tight hug. "Oh, I'm so happy for you. For the both of you. How beautiful!" I bit down on my lip, peeking over at Josh who hesitated before coming over to me.

"Congratulations." He said softly, staring back at me with a dazed look.
"Thank you." I muttered. He held his stare on me for a moment before looking down at my hand. My cheeks burned.
"D-do you want to see?" I asked. He looked back up at me, eventually nodding. I held out my hand, peeking back up at him. He gently took it, raising it up to his face. The longer he was silent the faster my heart beat.

"It's really beautiful, Jess." He finally said, smiling back at me. I couldn't help but smile, reaching over and pulling him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, Josh." I sighed. My smile grew as I felt him squeeze me tighter.
"If you're happy, then.. I'm happy." He whispered into my ear. My heart jumped, more tears coming to my eyes, gently rubbing his back.

He gave me another gentle smile as he backed away, making room for their mom to step in.
"I'm so happy, you're one of the family now!" She said cheerfully, pulling me back into a tight hug. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart swell.
"I'm happy too." I managed.
"And you can call me Mom now." She giggled, squeezing me tighter. More tears came to my eyes as I nodded, leaning my head on her shoulder.
"Okay.. Mom." I giggled. She rubbed my back, finally letting me go, flashing me a familiar toothy grin.

"So when does the wedding planning begin?" Ronnie asked excitedly, sitting down at the counter. She propped her head up onto her hands, staring back over at Jake with a giddy smile.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He laughed, grabbing my waist, pulling me back up against him. He wrapped his arms around me, pressing his chin into my shoulder. I leaned my head against his, holding him tighter against me.

I've never been so happy.

And then I heard more footsteps down the hallway. I turned around as they reached the kitchen, now face to face with Sam. My stomach dropped as his eyes met mine, quickly moving down to my hand. His eyes went wide, the color draining from his face. I felt my entire body go cold as the entire room went silent.

It seemed like.. everyone knew.

"Sam.. congratulate your brother." Their mom muttered. I bit down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn. I wanted nothing more than to run out of the room. This was torture. His eyes remained glued on my hand until he was finally forced himself up to meet mine. I could feel my chest expanding, everything feeling tight as I took a deep breath, unable to exhale. I wished he would say something. Anything.

I then saw his jaw clench, his face flush red, blinking hard to hide the tears I knew he was hoping no one saw. Finally, he shook his head, storming out of the kitchen and through the front door, violently slamming it behind him.

The room was silent; so quiet everyone could probably hear my heart pounding in my chest. More tears came to my eyes; I wasn't excited anymore. The happiness faded with him as he left the room. I peeked up at Jake, who wiped my eyes, gently kissing my cheek before going after Sam.
