Chapter 21: Go Get Her

The next morning I woke up in a daze.

I reached over but didn't feel anything, or really, anyone. Sitting up, I saw the other side of the bed empty, the covers pushed to the side. Looking around I saw clothes scattered all over the floor. I couldn't tell who's was who's. My cheeks burned. I reached over, grabbing one of the t-shirts that hung over the bed, pulling it over my head. I smiled. Jake's.

I got up and made my way into the front area of the bus. When I opened the door, I was met with Jake. He quickly jumped back, holding two cups of coffee.

"Oh!" I gasped. "I'm sorry!" He giggled, handing me one of the cups.
"Well, good morning." He said, flashing me a smile.
"Thank you.. how long have you been up?" I asked. He shrugged, taking a sip of his.
"Not long, how did you sleep?"
"Good." I said simply, smirking. His cheeks burned.

"Will you two get a room?" Sam called out from the kitchen table. I sighed, rolling my eyes, gently taking Jake by the hand and pulling him into the back room again.

"How do you know my coffee order?" I asked, sitting down on the bed, taking a sip. He shrugged with a smile.
"Just took a guess." He said sweetly, placing his cup down on the window sill and plopping down next to me. He looked down at his t-shirt, his smile growing.
"Do you plan on taking all of my clothes?" He asked.
"Yes, actually." I said. He laughed, pulling the covers over himself.
"Well it looks good on you." I crawled under the covers, wrapping my arms around him. He nuzzled his face into my hair.

"You know.." He said "We're gonna be in our hometown tomorrow night. You finally get to meet everyone." I smiled, but felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.
"I'm excited for Mom to meet you." He said sweetly. I sighed, gently kissing his cheek. He giggled to himself.
"I'm excited to meet her too." I said. But all I could think about was Josh telling me how he wanted to be the one to introduce me to her. I could only imagine what both of them had (separately) told her about me. I had a feeling she wasn't going to be a fan of me. The nerves grew.

"What have you told her about me?" I asked, running my fingers up and down his arm. I got flashbacks to that first night in the bar. I quickly stopped. He smirked at me, shrugging.
"Don't worry about it." He giggled, his cheeks blushing.
"Oh, come on.." I said. "You're really not gonna tell me?" He shook his head, his smile growing.
"You don't need to know." He laughed. I rolled over, now sitting on top of him.
"Come on! Tell me something!" I yelled. He laughed even harder, reaching up to tangle his fingers in my hair and pulled me down to kiss him. I couldn't help but smile, but backed away.

"You can't shut me up that way." I said, shaking my head. He sighed, smiling back up at me.
"I just told her.. about us." He said simply.
"What about us?" I asked. He shrugged again, his eyes getting wider.
"Jaaaakkeee..." I sighed. He laughed, reaching up again. I playfully shoved his hands away.
"Come here.." He whined. I backed away a little.
"Tell me!" I said. He quickly reached up again, pulling me into another kiss. It felt like I was melting into his hands.

"Don't worry." He said. "She's gonna love you."

Josh's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee. Looking over the ledge of my bunk, I saw Jake at the counter, pulling two cups out of the cabinet. I felt my stomach drop. I knew who the other cup was for.

It wasn't long until I heard the door to the back room slide open as Jake started to make his way back. I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Oh!" Jess gasped. "I'm sorry."
"Well, good morning." Jake said, handing her one of the cups.
"Thank you.. how long have you been up?" she asked.
"Not long, how did you sleep?"
"Good." She said, a little too cheerily. I sighed.

"Will you two get a room?" Sam called out from the kitchen table. Jess laughed, pulling Jake back into the room, shutting the door behind them. Their voices were muffled now.

I sat up and looked around to see Sam looking back up at me from the kitchen table. He gave me a smirk.

"I knew there was no way you were sleeping through that." He said. I hopped down from my bunk, sliding into the booth across from him.
"So what happened after I left last night?" He asked, taking a bite of his breakfast.
"I assumed you would've stayed up to eavesdrop." He shrugged.
"I knew I'd get the play by play from you in the morning." He said simply. "Or from her." I felt my stomach drop.

"Since when are you two friends?" I asked. Part of me was bitter about it.
"Since I'm the only one who's not in love with her." He laughed. My face burned.
"Shut up.." I sighed, looking out the window. The area was getting more and more open; less skyscrapers, more open fields. We'd be home tomorrow. I was excited to see everyone but hated how Jake would be the one introducing Jess to the family, as his girlfriend nonetheless.

I was fully prepared to receive a mouthful from Mom.

"Jess told me she had feelings for me." I finally blurted out. I saw Sam look up at me with wide eyes. I bit my lip, peeking back at him.
"And.. what happened after that?" He asked eagerly. I sighed.
"Clearly nothing since she went to bed with Jake." I mumbled.
"Well, we all knew she did." He said simply. I stared back at him, confused.
"What do you mean 'we all knew?'" I asked. "Who's we all?" He giggled to himself, taking another bite.

"Come on, Josh. We all saw how she was with you the second she got here. There's no way something isn't there."
"She said she was terrified to be with me.. that she thinks one day I'll wake up and she won't be enough for me." I said, my face dropping. He shrugged.
"Can you blame her?" He said.
"What do you mean?" He sighed.
"I mean, there's a reason you're the front man." He laughed. "You are a lot." My cheeks burned again.

"But.." He continued. "I know how you get when you find your someone. She doesn't." I stared back at him, skeptical.

"Maybe just.. show her."
"Show her?"
"You know how you get.. so just show her." He said simply. "The rose was cute but.. you give out roses every night. How is she different? If anything will sway a girl it's your big gestures." I smirked. Being a hopeless romantic was a gift and a curse.

"But Jake-"
"I know." He sighed. "He's our brother. But honestly, he was never this hung up over this girl. If you want her... go get her."
