Chapter 50: Dressed Up

"What are you planning?" I asked, starting to get nervous again. He laughed, rolling his eyes.
"Trust me, Jess. I know you well enough to not plan anything too dramatic.. not yet.. you're still a flight risk." I smirked, shaking my head.

"I also know you, Jake." I said. He shrugged, flashing me a smile.
"You don't have anything to worry about.. I just.. I just want them to like me." He said quietly.
"Of course they will." I said. "Well.. Travis won't but-"
"But that doesn't matter." He laughed, taking my hand and leading me backstage. "Come on, let's go get them so we can head out." I followed close, intertwining our fingers.

When we got up to the balcony, of course my mom was the first one to the door, eagerly waiting for anyone in the band to walk in. I sighed, feeling my face get hot. I don't know why she had to be like this, tonight of all nights. I didn't really care what she did anymore when I wasn't around, but now this effected me. I also hated how my dad had to see this, though he seemed to have gotten good at blocking it out too.

"Hey!" Jake said, greeting everyone. I saw my dad look over, his eyes shooting down to our hands. My cheeks burned, a smile escaping from my lips, but I didn't let go. He smirked at me, wide-eyed.
"Friends?" He mouthed. I scrunched up my face, shooting him a look.

"Did you guys enjoy the show?" Jake asked, doing his best to make his way over to my dad, but my mom was quick to stop him.
"That was awesome, you guys are incredible. Of course Jess wouldn't settle for anything less, that's my girl!" She said, reaching out. I quickly moved out of the way, avoiding her hand. I felt Jake's grip get tighter.

"Well, clearly she's got good taste." He said plainly, flashing her a smile, now turning to my dad.
"We weren't too bad, were we?" He laughed. My dad smiled, shaking his head.
"Not at all. That was great. I had a good time." Jake flashed him a smile.
"Oh, great. Well, we're headed to the hotel now if you wanna join us. We're all just gonna hang at the hotel bar for the night, but it should be fun." He said, keeping his eyes on my dad. But everyone else jumped at the opportunity too.

"Sounds fun." Travis said, flashing Jake a forced smile. I felt my stomach drop. The last thing I wanted was them alone together, but I'm sure knowing Travis, he would find a way to make it happen. Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulder, glaring back at him, flashing a fake smile in return.

"Great. Can't wait." He said. I smirked up at Jake, gently reaching up and taking his hand. He lead us towards the door, and everyone followed close. As we made our way backstage, I occasionally peeked over my shoulder to make sure my dad was close behind. He was never out of sight.

The air was cold once we got outside. Jake slid off his jacket, gently placing it over my shoulders, giving me a small smile.
"Thank you." I whispered, smiling up at him. He nodded, slipping his hand back into mine. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my dad trailing behind us, flashing me a smile. My cheeks burned and my smile grew.

But before I turned away, I saw my mom walking with Josh, one arm wrapped around his, both of them laughing amongst themselves. My stomach dropped, and I quickly looked away. I couldn't tell who I was more disgusted with.

Once we got to the hotel, Jake lead everyone inside and got us checked in, handing out room keys to the rest of the guys. He turned to me last.

"Here.." He said softly, secretly handing one of the keys to me. "It's to my room. You won't need your other one." My face burned as I smirked back at him, feeling my heart race. I hesitated, but eventually took it, sliding it into my back pocket.

"And what if I do?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Then you can ask me for it later." He said, leaning against the counter. "I'm gonna get everyone a table. You go on up to my room, your gift should be on the bed."
"My gift?" I asked. He nodded, biting down on his lip.
"Go ahead, I'll see you in a minute." He said, leaning in, gently kissing my cheek. I sighed, smiling back at him. He motioned towards the elevator.

When it finally reached my floor, I made my way down to the end of hallway until I finally got to Jake's room. Figured he would be the one to get the room with the balcony. When I opened the door, I was surprised at how big it really was. He wasn't kidding. It really would be a waste not to share.

And then from across the room, I saw a small golden gift bag placed upon the gigantic bed. I couldn't help but smile as I went over, gently pulling out the tissue paper, one by one, until I saw a little black dress at the bottom of the bag. My cheeks burned as I pulled it out, placing it on the bed.

It was.. beautiful. Nicer than anything I had ever owned.

I ran into the bathroom, pulling Jake's shirt over my head and tossing it onto the floor, sliding off my jeans and kicking them over into the pile. I slid on the dress, pressing it down into place. It fit perfectly. I couldn't remember the last time I had the chance to get dressed up. I spun around in the mirror, admiring it. I couldn't help but smile knowing Jake had picked it out. I held the dress in place as I spun around in the mirror again, unable to reach the zipper. Then I heard the door unlock.

"Jake?" I called out. I heard him giggle to himself.
"Well, someone found her gift." He said. I heard him sit down on the bed. "How does it fit? It.. was a little last minute but I think I picked a good one, I'm sure it'll look-"
"I just need your help with the zipper." I said as I walked back out into the bedroom, holding it up. He stopped, staring up at me wide-eyed, his jaw dropping. My cheeks burned, a smile escaping my lips.

"What?" I giggled. He held his stare as he looked me up and down.
"Wow.." He sighed. My heart started racing and my smile grew.
"Do.. do you like it?" I asked, biting down on my lip. I spun around again, giggling to myself.

"You are so beautiful." He sighed.
"Oh, stop." I said, looking down.
"I.. I don't think I could if I wanted to." He said, giggling to himself. He got up, making his way over to me.
"Can you help me?" I laughed, turning around.
"Oh, y-yeah sure." He said. I felt this fingers trace my spine as he slowly zipped it up. My heart started beating faster. I turned back around to face him.
"Thanks." I said, containing my smile. He reached up, holding my face in his hands.

"Wow.." He sighed again, flashing me a huge grin.
"You're cute." I said softly, staring back into his eyes.
"You're stunning." He said. He grabbed my hand, spinning me around again. I laughed, playing along.
"Thank you." I said, moving closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. "For this. It's beautiful."

"Do you know what the beauty is of me getting you this dress.." He whispered into my ear, pulling me in closer. ".. is that I get to be the one to take it off you tonight."
