Chapter 200: With Her

"That would've been.. end of January." I said, looking over at him. He bit down on his lip, nodding, keeping his eyes forward. I could feel that something was off.
"Jake?" I asked, reaching over for his hand. "What's wrong?" He shrugged, staying quiet for a minute.

"I.. I swear, I'll only ask once.. and then I'll never ask you about it ever again." He said. I felt my heart beating faster.
"O-okay.. what is it?"
"I'm.. I'm sorry for even bringing it up but.. I just.. with how he's been acting and.. with the timeline of it all.."
"Jake, what is it?" I asked, starting to get nervous.
"There's.. there's no chance that.." He said, his voice trailing off.
"No chance of what?"
"That its Sam's?" My heart dropped. I squeezed his hand tighter.

"No." I said simply. "There's no chance. It would be impossible for it to be anyone's but yours." He nodded, peeking over at me.
"Okay. I just.. I could understand.. if you never wanted to tell me if anything happened between you two.. I'm sorry. I.. this isn't.. he's just been.. it's been a lot, and I just needed to hear it from you." I sighed, holding my stare on him.
"It's okay. Whatever you need. But no.. just you. It's only been you." He nodded, giving me a gentle smile.
"I don't want to ruin today, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like-"

"Jake, we can talk about whatever you want. I don't mind, I will give you whatever you need because you have always given that to me. I will reassure you whenever you need it, and I will tell you how much I love you, every day for the rest of my life. You never have to apologize. We should be able to talk about anything, without anyone getting upset or angry. You deserve to know how loved you truly are, and I love reminding you."

"Thank you." He whispered, intertwining our fingers. I held my stare on him, gently kissing the top of his hand.
"Yeah, sorry.. you can't get out of it now. This is your kid." I laughed. His smile grew, his cheeks burning as he peeked back over.
"Yes it is." He sighed. I shook my head, smirking back at him.
"Keep your eyes on the road." I giggled, gently turning his head forward.

"You know, 5-6 weeks.. I think that was the night you proposed." I said softly. He giggled to himself, his cheeks getting red.
"What?" I laughed. He shook his head, keeping his eyes forward.
"Nothing.." He said, peeking back over at me. "That was just.. that was a good night. I wouldn't be surprised." I rolled my eyes, a smile escaping my lips, my heart beating faster.
"That was a good night." I whispered. His smile grew as he bit down on his lip.
"You know, we haven't had a night like that in a while.." He said. I felt my body get hot.
"Well, we haven't really had time alone like.. that."
"Oh, I could make sure we have time alone if it meant that." He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh, playfully shoving him.

"Hey.. since we're out.. you wanna stop at the store? I've still got a little time before we gotta get back." He said, pulling into the parking lot.
"Sure.. what for?" He shrugged, flashing me a smile.
"We can just look around."

He took my hand, leading us inside, nonchalantly looking around before inevitably pulling me into the baby section. A smile escaped my lips, knowing this was most likely the plan the entire time. He started flipping through the racks.
"Is this what you really wanted to do?" I laughed. He smirked back up at me, nodding.
"It's fun." He laughed. "Everything is so tiny."

I began looking through the racks too, from tiny onesies to miniature knitted sweaters to sneakers that could fit in the palm of your hand. I wanted everything, and I could tell, he did too. Eventually he started grabbing things, draping them over his arm. He turned to me, holding up a pink onesie.
"Pink?" I laughed. "Jake, we don't know what it is yet." He shrugged, biting down on his lip.
"I can hope." He said softly, holding onto it.
"And what if it's a boy?" I asked, now looking at the little vests and boots.
"Well, then he'll look great in pink." He giggled. "Just like me." I nodded.
"You do look great in pink."
"That settles that then." He said happily.

"Let's.. not get too crazy though." I said softly. "I.. I don't want.. I just.. do you think it's too early? I just don't want.. to jinx anything." He looked back over at me, his face dropping.
"If you don't want to, we don't have to. We have plenty of time." He came over to me, gently touching my arm. I don't think I could take it if we were surrounded by all of these things and then.. something happened. But I loved how excited he was, and I didn't want to take that away from him either.

"N-no. It's okay. W-we.. yeah, let's get it." I said, giving him a smile. He held his stare on me, a smile eventually escaping his lips. Reaching over, he grabbed another one, this time in blue.
"There. Now we have one of each. And no matter what, they can both wear them. A color is just a color, right?" He laughed. I nodded, biting down on my lip. It was going to be so nice raising a child with someone like him.

As we waited on line to check out, I reached my arms around him, leaning my head against his back, eventually feeling his fingers gently rub my arm. Since day one, our life together has been anything but conventional, so getting to experience such ordinary, mundane moments with him felt so intimate and.. safe. It was amazing how at peace you could feel just waiting on line when you were with your person. My grip on him got tighter.

"You okay?" He giggled, peeking back at me. I nodded.
"Yeah.." I sighed, feeling so much more than okay.

Sam's P.O.V

I got up, tossing Sadie her shirt as I pulled mine back over my head. I could feel her eyes on me as I made my way across the dressing room, going into my bag for my pack of cigarettes.
"Sam?" She asked. I looked over at her, giving her a questioning look. She bit down on her lip.
"W-what is this? I mean, like.. what are we? What are we doing?" I held my stare on her.

I was dreading this conversation.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to buy myself some more time.
"I mean.. this has been fun, but like.. are we-"
"No." I quickly said, cutting her off. "We're just.. having fun. It's nothing." I saw her face drop.
"O-oh.." She said softly. "Nothing." I rolled my eyes.
"Not nothing but.." I shrugged. "It.. it is what it is. I.. I don't want anything serious."

With her.

"I just.. I'm on tour. We're on tour. And it's gonna end so.. no use getting feelings involved, right?" She nodded, staying quiet.
"But um.. I.. I gotta go. We'll.. we'll meet up later okay?" I asked, putting on my coat. She nodded, peeking back up at me. I hesitated before going over, leaning down, giving her a quick kiss.
"I'll see you later." I said, forcing a smile. She nodded, smiling back, keeping her eyes on me as I quickly made my way out of the dressing room and back to our buses.

I knew what I was doing wasn't right.
I had said that this wasn't what I was interested in anymore, but.. what did it matter. It wasn't like I had anyone that I actually wanted to be with.

Not that wanted to be with me, anyway.

Sadie was there, and it was so obvious how much she idolized Jess to the point where I got lost in the moments that I'd have to double take to ensure it wasn't actually Jess in front of me. Often so uncanny that I was able to overlook the rest of our time together where I'd have to tune out her nonsensical rambling about god knows what.

It was purely physical with her, and that's all it was ever going to be.

By the time I got back outside, I saw the van pull up next to the bus. Jake quickly got out, making his way around to open Jess' door. I rolled my eyes, turning away, but couldn't resist looking back at her. She was glowing, so effortlessly beautiful, and she-

My stomach dropped as I saw her pull the onesie's out of the van, taking Jake's hand and following him into the bus.
