Chapter 192: This Is Real

As I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but worry that last night had all been a dream, but in an instant, it felt like anything but. I quickly pushed the blankets away, throwing on my robe, and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I knew it was only a matter of minutes before I woke someone up, but I didn't want to explain until I was able to talk to Jake, if there was anything to explain.

No matter what any test said, I don't think I'd be able to believe it until I was finally holding them in my arms.

I cleaned myself up and went into the cabinet, pulling out the test from last night. Two lines. I don't know what it was, but it still didn't feel real. I had been thinking about this moment since that first scare, and it was crazy to think how now.. this was what we wanted.

I couldn't help but think of how good Jake was with Sophie, how gentle and kind and loving, and just how incredible he would be when it was finally ours. My heart started racing.

I took the test into the bedroom, placing it into one of the many gift boxes Jake had given me, hiding under my side of the best. Thankfully me was still sleeping as I crawled back under the covers, wrapping my arm around him, pulling him close. I felt him shift, eventually flipping over to face me, a gentle smile spread across his lips as he kept his eyes closed.

"Good morning." He sighed, gently gliding his hand up my leg, moving to my waist, eventually wrapping it around me and pulling me up against him. He was so warm. I cuddled closer, hiding my face in chest chest, trying to bury myself within him.
"Good morning." I said softly, gently kissing his chest, slowly moving up to his neck. He held me tighter as he giggled into my ear.

"I love waking up to you." He whispered, his fingers gently gliding up and down my back. I peeked up at him, his hair falling messily into his face, his eyes still closed but that same adoring smile stayed pressed on his lips.

As badly as I wanted to give him this grand gesture, it was eating away at me. I needed to tell someone, and he was the only one I wanted to tell. I could only imagine the look on his face, just how excited he would be, unless.. he meant it when he said.. how now wouldn't be the best time.

"Jake.." I whispered, gently brushing the hair out of his face.
"Mmm?" He managed, cuddling closer, hiding his face in my neck. I sighed, wrapping one leg over his, holding him closer. I loved how affectionate he got.
"Jake.." I said again, gently shaking him. He finally opened his eyes, his smile growing.
"Hey, Baby." He sighed, moving one hand into my hair, pulling me in, kissing my forehead.

"I.. I want to talk to you about something." I said, gently gliding my fingers up his arm. I felt him shiver, holding me tighter as he giggled into my ear again.
"And what could you possibly want to talk about so early in the morning?" He laughed, his eyes closing again. "You know you gotta give me a minute after I wake up. I can't just be ready to go whenever you want me." I shook my head, playfully shoving him. His laughs got louder as he finally opened his eyes, propping his head up onto his hand, staring back down at me.

"Okay.. I guess I'm up now." He reached over, gently holding my face in his hand. His tired eyes staring back at me, tracing every inch of my face. At this point, I couldn't tell if my pounding heart was because of him or the fact that what I was about to tell him was going to change everything.. and he had no idea.

I pushed myself up and reached over the side of the bed, grabbing the box just beneath me. His eyes shot down to it as I pulled it up, holding it close in my lap.
"So-" I started. He sat up, facing me with eager eyes.
"What's that?" He asked, his smile growing. "Is that for me?" I nodded biting down on my lip. He went to grab it, but I quickly pulled it out of reach.
"Hold on.." I laughed, shaking my head. He sat back down, smirking back at me.

And then, a wave of emotions came rushing over me. My body got hot as tears filled my eyes. His face dropped and he leaned in close, wiping my eyes.
"Jess.. what is it?" He asked, gently caressing my face.
"Before I give you this.." I managed between breaths. "I just.. I need you to know how proud I am of you, and how happy I am for you, and.. I'm so excited for what's about to happen to you." He nodded, his smile growing.
"Jess.. what's going on? You're making me nervous." He laughed, gently rubbing his thumb across my cheek. I moved my hand up, placing it over his as I stared back at him, savoring these last few moments.

"Jake, you have given me so much.." I said softly, gently placing the box in his hands. "But this is probably.. the best gift you could have ever given me. And.. I hope you still feel the way we've always talked about.." He slowly removed the lid, placing it down next to him, his eyes going wide.
"Now, I.. maybe it doesn't mean anything, they're wrong all the time, but-"
"Jess.." He exhaled, his eyes shooting up to meet mine. "Jess, what.. what is this.." I bit down on my lip, feeling like my heart was about to pound out of my chest.

"Last night.. I took another test-"
"Two lines. T-two.. Jess, what does two mean?" My smile grew as more tears came to my eyes.
"Two lines means.. it's positive." I said.
"Jess.. is.. is this real?" I nodded, wiping my eyes.
"This.. this is real?" He asked again, his voice cracking. I nodded, giggling to myself.
"It's real."
"So.. you're.." He started, staring back in disbelief. "Jess.."
"I'm pregnant." I finally said out loud.

It didn't sound any more real leaving my lips.

His eyes welled with tears as he quickly reached out, pulling me into a passionate kiss. My heart jumped, as I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back harder.
"You're pregnant." He breathed, his eyes moving down to my stomach. "R-really?" I nodded, giggling to myself.
"As.. as far as I know." I managed, wiping my face again.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
"I.. I just.. I don't want to get my hopes up.. not until I know for sure."
"But.. it's never been positive before, right?" He asked excitedly. I shook my head, my smile growing.

"You're pregnant!" He yelled, smiling back at me, bigger than I've ever seen before. He wrapped his arms around me so tight, pulling us back down.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" He jumped, quickly backing away. I laughed, shaking my head.
"No, it's okay." I assured him. He held his stare on me, his eyes glistening with tears.
"We.. we have to go find out." He said, sitting up. "We have to know."
"Jake, you have-"
"Cancel them." He exclaimed. "We have to find out. Now." He got up and started quickly rummaging through his bag, pulling a clean shirt over his head.

"Jake.." I laughed, crawling over to him. "We.. we can wait. It's okay." He shook his head, sliding on his jeans.
"Jess.." He sighed, crouching down in front of me. "This is more important. This is our baby. This is everything.. and.. some stupid award, I don't-"
"We'll go tomorrow." I assured him, holding his face in my hands, pulling him into a gentle kiss. I felt him sigh, his lips curling into a smile, his eyes in a daze as I finally backed away.

"You're pregnant." He said, more tears coming to his eyes. I nodded, holding my gaze on him. He leaned in, kissing me again.
"I told you.. our love is just too great to end with us." He said softly. I nodded, unable to speak as my breaths got heavier.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"You're gonna be a dad."

He sat back down on the edge of the bed, staring back at me as more tears came to his eyes. Finally, he lied his head down on my lap, and I could hear him trying to catch his breath. I gently rubbed his back, holding him close as his grip on me got tighter between cries.
"Jake.." I whispered, running my fingers through his hair, gently kissing the top of his head. When he finally looked back up at me, his face was blotchy, his eyes bloodshot, but a joyous smile was permanently spread across his lips.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss, tangling his fingers in my hair. I kissed him back harder, slowly climbing into his lap, clinging onto his shirt, pulling him closer.
"Jess." He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine.
"I want to go to today." He said.
"Jake, you have-"
"I want to go today, Jess. I can't not know. I need to know." He pulled me into another kiss, his lips traveling down to my neck. My heart jumped as my grip on him got tighter.
"Jake, we can just-" He cut me off, kissing me again. And then my mind went blank, kissing him back harder, pulling him over me.
"We're going. Today." He decided, leaning his forehead against mine. I bit down on my lip, nodding, holding my stare on him. I don't know what came over him when it came to babies all of a sudden, all I knew was that I loved it, and I was the luckiest girl in the world to be having mine with him.

"Okay." I finally sighed. "We'll go today." He smiled back at me, pulling me into another series of kisses, my body getting hot as they traveled down from my lips to my neck, to my chest.
"I know we don't have to try anymore.." He laughed. "But can we still-"
"Yes." I sighed, pulling him back up into another long, passionate kiss. "We can."
