You don't understand our anger

Why not? Sounds like fun and also no other ideas. Hope you are okay and have a good day/night! Also remember to take care of yourself!
Glitch Tommy au at some point.

TW: mention of death, murder, trauma


He sat on the chair, ropes wrapped around him tightly so he couldn't move even an inch. He woke up 10 minutes ago and now, he was confused and angry. He was peacefully sitting in his cell, thinking of an way how to escape before some weird black acid entered through the small hole in the wall and everything went black. He didn't know who did that or what happened after, but he knew that he was in weird and black room with nothing, but walls, ceiling and the chair he was stuck to. He was alone, darkness surrounding him and dead silence filling the room. On the opposite side of him, were small metal doors, that looked strong and thick enough so he wouldn't escape.
After what seemed like hours of silence, the doors opened slowly and couple figures walked inside. Yellow light almost imidiatelly filling the room, blinding him for a second before his eyes got used to the sudden brightness. He cursed before he looked up and eyed everyone in the room in front of him. He knew this people too well, especially the one who sat on the ground, head hung low.

"Hello guys, how's your day?" He asked, smiling nervously.

"You should stup up for your own good, Dream" one of the figures said, eyes staring intensely at Dream.

He laughed quietly, slowly realizing what was happening.

"Are you gonna-" Dream began but for cutt by another voice.

"We aren't here to ask you questions, Dream" the voice said, another pair of eyes glowing in the dark.

"We are nothing like them, they don't know what they are doing"

Dream shifted on the chair, weird cold feeling spreading through his whole body. This eyes were watching him yet, the one's that weren't looking at him scared him the most.

"We are hear to kill you, and end everything" the same one spoke.

Dream keep his face still, acting like he wasn't scared while in reality, he was terrified. He knew exactly who this people were and what they could possibly want to do with him. After all, he did something horrible to one of them.

"You've caused us all this pain" still, the same voice was talking. "and the death to us."

Dream could see his face, chocolate hairs, huge scare visible on his face and Chocolate eyes staring deep in his own.
He shook uncomfortably in his seat, hands looking for something sharp to escape. No luck however.

"So we thought we would return the favor"

Slowly, sharp and long sword was raised above his head from behind, ready to strike down and hit him, only to cause deadly damage. The person had two coloured skin, two coloured eyes and he was incredibly tall. However, another glitch-like voice stopped him other figure from attacking.

"Stop." It said, the figure on the ground slowly looking up and blue eyes looking dead in Dream's ones. "Death is too good for him, but death is exactly what he wants."

Dream breath in relief, only to choke on his breath as he realize who was speaking. Teen in black and white clothes, skin pale almost reaching the white color, dull grey hairs and tall as the other weird teens. His eyes glowed in blue colour, sending shivers down Dream's back. He knew who it was, since he was the one who cursed his soul and trapped him in this body forever.

"It isn't death, but it is.. exactly what you deserve" he said, trying to raise his hand in the air only for it to glitch and fall to the ground once again.

"Tommy.. we can talk about this" Dream said, referring to the dull robot on the floor.

As he blinked, the boy teleported in front of him, inches away from his face. Dream could finally take in his full look. He already looked dead and dull, but the scars all around his face, neck and arms didn't help. There wasn't an single inch of his skin that the scars wouldn't cover. He looked miserable.
The chocolate haired teen looked over Tommy's shoulder, glaring at the man on the chair.

"Of he's kept alive, we cannot rest"

The blue eyes snapped open, staring deep in the soul of their manipulator and killer. He was the one who traumatized every single one of them, expect for Tommy'ego he murdered and revived back, giving his immortality. Some people would be happy to nerve die, but the price he had to pay for that 'gift' wasn't worth it. It's not like he wanted it anyways.

"Like I said, death is too good for him" Tommy said, standing still.

Dream only watched, knowing there wasn't much he could do.

"What about us?" The chocolate haired one asked, Tubbo he was called.

"That... in not relevant" Tommy answered calmly.

Tubbo clenched his fist, anger rising inside of him. He was furious. They had a chance to make Dream pay for everything, yet Tommy wouldn't let him.
Not even thinking, he raised his hand where his axe was and swung at Tommy's shoulder. However, before the blade could even touch him, another person appeared between Tommy and Tubbo and caught the weapon in his hands.
Tubbo cursed at him, trying to retrieve his axe but to no use.

"Woah. Didn't see that coming" brown haired man said, dark eyes looking from behind the glasses.

His beanie was ripped in some places, small holes making it look older than it was. The person next to him hit his shoulder and shushed him, pointing back at the three in front of them.

"He is correct, Dream doesn't deserve to die" The pinknette said, pushing the weapon down to the ground, where it fell with a loud thud. "He must pay for his doings, especially for killing Tommy."

"Ugh, guys, what happened to you?" The one in beanie asked.

"We were busy.." The two coloured skin said. "..dying"

Silence filled the room for a second, before the pinknette returned his around to face the man on the chair and the dull looking boy.

"The point is" he said "that Dream shouldn't die. Not after what he's done"

Another figure with red and blue glasses growled, mocking the pinknette.

"What? So you're helping him now?" He asked, pushing his glasses on his nose.

"Not helping him, just keeping him alive" He said, urning his head a little.

The dull boy was silent, his eyes still staring at the man meanwhile twitching from time to time.

"Is it really worth it?" The one with chocolate hairs and eyes asked.
"I mean, I understand your anger but-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OUR ANGER!" He snapped, voice mixing with milion others even if no one else in the room spoke. His eyes glowed with blue, fully turning white for a moment before turning back to normal ones along with his voice. "If you did, you wouldn't be killing him so soon"

He stared deep in the eyes of the brunette, anger and something dangerous flashing before his eyes. Calm aura mixed with anger floated in the air, making everyone aware of Tommy's feelings.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we've got company" as the one male with wings said, the doors were busted open and armed guy walked in.

"Surrender or-!" We cutt of by the two coloured male jumping down at him and slashing his axe down.

Tommy galanced up at the boy with golden wings who flew up to the window to look outside. Many flashlight were flashing before his eyes, some yelling that even he barely managed to pick up.

"Ugh, this guy's again" he said, looking out the window.

Sounds of strong metal and pair of cars reached the room, alerting everyone that it was time to go. Tommy galanced back at the killer, who was still tied up to the chair with hope in his eyes.
Second later, the doors were busted open again and many people runner inside.

"Don't let them get away!" But second after he said that, Tommy closed his eyes and imidiatelly teleported everyone away.

The silence filled the room. The armed people quickly looking around the room.

Meanwhile somewhere else, Tommy opened his only to realize that Dream wasn't there. Small smile creeped on his face, as he turned around to everyone.

"We've got incoming" Wilbur whispered.

"Everyone spread out" Tommy said, slowly turning around and smiling darkly as his dull hairs fell down on his face. "And do what you do  best"

Technoblade, the pinknette frowned. He galanced at Tubbo before disappearing in the darkness.

"We need to find him, alive" he said.

Tommy teleported somewhere, the rest spreading out. They carefully made their way around the building, making sure to stay out of the way of the light. And if someone saw them, they were quickly taken care off.


The moved quiet and quickly, watching out for every small move and anything that was suspicious. They knew that someone else was in the room with them and that turned a red lamp in their head.






Something black and white passed in the corner of their eyes. Five of them turned around and started shooting, hitting metal and cartoons that were set on the floor. However, they didn't hit anything that was supposed to be alive. One of them stood in one place, guarding the doors. However, he froze when he felt a warm breath on his neck.

"The voices demand blood"

He scream but before he could even turn around and scream, sharp claws pierced through his body. Two seconds later, his body fell dead and Cold for the floor, blood staining the floor quickly.
Rest of the armed men turned around, raising their weapons in the air. However, the thing they saw froze them in place and they couldn't even stand. Their knees went limb as some of them fell to the ground, guns flying out of their hands.
In front of them stood weird looking robot with red fur, pink adjustments and red eyes. It was looking at them, veins sticking out of the ripped off arm and some ripped fur on the stomach. Huge claws were covered in blood and mouth wide open.

Before anyone could do anything, the animatronic lunged forward and began to rip them apart. Their screams of pian and help echoed through the halls, alarming everyone what had happen. Other people who were searching for Dream that also turned into their possessed animatronics smiled widely before wandering through the vents or quickly walking on the walls.

One man watched on the cameras what was happening and all his hope disappeared when he changed the camera. He saw light blue eyes staring right at the camera, nothing except for the eyes was visible. Black and white cloth mixed with the background, only the eyes shined in the darkness. In the middle of the room on the ground laid a single body, ripped in half with nothing but blood surrounding it. The things that were supposed to be inside the body, were not outside and the man had to fight the urge to vomit. The scene in front of him was a horror and he could barely make out Dream's face out of it.

The blue eyes soon disappeared, teleporting to the other room where everyone gathered, before teleporting once again far away from the old building.

They took their revenge, avenging their souls and pain. He was killed in the end, but not before experiencing hell of the worse pain a human being could ever experience. And even after that, Tommy who was only looking forward to get him revenge, wasn't exactly satisfied. But nothing sad, there's always the reviving book. Who knows maybe the manipulator will be back to go through the same hell they did.
