The last kingdom

I have no idea what it is, cause I don't think it's angst nor fluff. It's neutral. I will write some requests later, cause now I have many ideas.

Hope you enjoy!


Many years ago, world was ruled by four kingdoms. Each one of them was different, but they lived in peace. Kingdom of Peace, was kingdom full of Animal hybrids, that loved each another and never hurt different hybrid. Kingdom of royalty where lived many strong and brave soldiers, they were loyal to their king and we're ready to sacrifice themselves for his safety. Kingdom of Power, where everyone were strong, they trained everyday and we're good at making potions. Kingdom of Animagus (is that how you write it in English?)  where everyone were able to change into a black dog, they were strong, fast and incredible at fighting.

But after many years of peace, everything went down. Kingdom of royalty and Kingdom of Power got into an argument and within a next week, they were on a war. They fought for two years, destroying everything and killing everyone. That was untill, Kingdom of peace was brought upon this battle. They didn't want to, but when the Kingdom of Royalty attacked them, they had to protect their home and themselves. So, they fought against the Kingdom of Royalty, on Kingdoms of Power side. Unfortunately, Kingdom of Royalty won, but after everything they did, they were eliminated by Kingdom of Animagus.

And with that, Kingdom of Animagus was the last one, now being the only one to rule the world. But they decided to rule only their part of the world, leaving the rest for human to live in. For next centuries, they seemed to disappear from the world, hiding in the shadows and between their own kind. They continued to live in peace, claiming that one day they will come back and take care of the world again. But for now, they had to regenerate their army's and prepare the new king to rule the world again.


It all was a myth, a legend that parents told their kid before they went to sleep. Many parents used it to scare their kids, to teach them something or just to put them to sleep. For them, it was a legend and fantasy story that wasn't real. many kids made fun of that, laughing at every small detail, no matter how sad or scary it was. But there were still a five people that believed it all happened long time ago. They kept telling this story to everyone, no matter what. They tried to convince them that it's true and they shouldn't joke about that.

Wilbur was one of them, he was one of the five people that believed in the story. His father and brother, didn't. He keep telling arguments that it's real, he shows them pictures and everything he could find, just to prove his point. And it all started when Philza told young Techno and Wilbur that story before bed. As every other story, boys would discuss it for a moment and then completely forgot about it. But this time, Wilbur didn't forget and the next day, he keep talking and talking about it. He wanted to know more and more, till this day. Now, he still couldn't believe them, that it wasn't just a myth. Techno was annoyed, Philza slowly becoming pissed off. They couldn't listen to this anymore. He made their family look insane, believing in something that isn't truth. But Wilbur never stopped, he continued and continued. He even started looking around their town, looking for anything that could prove his point. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find anything. But he never gave up.

With his hopes, he searched every small part of the forest, mountains and every cave he found. Even if every time he didn't found anything and he was a little upset, he still continued. Many people would give up at this point, but not him. Not the talented Wilbur Shoot. His great great grandfather belonged to the Kingdom of Peace, where he usually sang and played for people while they were dancing. At least, that's what Wilbur though, but no one believed and keep telling that he is lying. At first, he wanted to do that too, to make everyone happy. But after hearing the story, he changed his mind. He still was hopping that maybe, just maybe, some people are still living in the Kingdom of Animagus. People Sayed it disappeared withing, years but they weren't sure. Maybe it was still there? Maybe people still lived in the kingdom, while the King ruled over their part of earth. Unfortunately, as time passes, everyone forgot where the kingdom was. People that lived before the war, never wrote it down nor told anyone beyond the four kingdoms.

He was determined to find the kingdom and no one could change his mind. Even his brother and father.

"Wilbur, you really should stop that nonsense" Philza said, while finishing their dinner.

"Dad, I already told you. I won't stop, I just- I know that they are still there. The kingdom had to stay even if the people disappeared a long time ago" Wilbur said, staring at his brother looking for his help.

"Sorry Wilbur, but I'm on dad's side. You have to sto,p no one ever knows what happened nor if it was real. It all might as well be a story that people used to tell their kids." Techno sighed, eating his food.

Wilbur groaned and focused on his own food. But as much as his stomach growled and made sure that Wilbur knows about him, he wasn't going to eat. He had to think of a plan, how to escape and look for the last kingdom again. He used to do it a lot, but when Techno moved across his room to keep an eye on him, nothing worked. They would catch him multiple times and yet, he still tried. He knew they were annoyed and tired by his actions, but he wouldn't change his mind, never. 

So, he decided to try again and sneak out when Phil and Techno were supposed to be asleep. Maybe it seemed stupid, but he didn't care. He had mission to do and tht was to find and possibly talk with the last existing kingdom. The kingdom of Animagus.

When it was finally 1:00 am. and he was sure that everyone were fast asleep, he took his chance. Slowly and carefully, he made his way towards the doors, taking his bad with food, water and dagger on his way through the hall. Not caring about anything, he opened slowly the doors and took a step outside. Cool wind hit his face, imidiatelly messing up his hairs. He closed the doors behind him, in second hiding in the closest bushes. He looked out behind them, looking for anyone and when he didn't find anything, he turned around and made his way towards the forest.

After a while, when he was fully surrounded by the trees, he pulled out his notebook. He draw a little map and looked all over it. He covered the whole map with red dots, which meant where he already was. But there was only one place left and that's where he was going now. It was a huge mountain with a cave, that no one knew where had other end. He hoped that there will the kingdom, cause no one ever went there and looked through it. He would be the first person to do it so. He put the notebook back in his bag, throwing it on his shoulder and walking towards the cords.

All the way he was thinking what he was supposed to do when he finds the last kingdom. Are they gonna be friendly? Or will they kill him for finding them? The only thing he knew was that many people said that they could change into some type of a dog, did he believed? Nope, it was the only thing that seemed like a myth. Of course, many hybrids were real, but none of them was capable to turn fully into an animal. But what was he supposed to expect fromt them? Will they shot him down before even walking to the kingdom? Well, there was a chance that this would happen, since no one really knows the truth. He was a little scared and nervous but nothing much. He can do this, right? There's nothing to be scared of, they won't probably he there so it was fine.


After waking for an hour or so, he was exhausted since the way here wasn't easy. There was many rocks, hills, fallen trees and anything you could think off. He took a break, pressing his back against the tree to take a breath in. He groaned as he opened his eyes and looked around. Finally. He stood in front of the huge cave. It was almost as big as the old trees but it was dark. Really dark, he won't be able to see his nose in that darkness. He pulled out torch and lighted it up, bringing it in front of his face. Nothing. He sighed and walked in, as the darkness slowly covered his body and the only light now that he had was the poor and small torch in his right hand. Maybe that wasn't the best idea, but there was no way he was going to turn around and run like a baby. He had to do it, for his own sake.

And with that though in his kind, he walked faster and deeper into the darkness. Five minutes later, the only thing he was was the orange light from his torch. All the walls around him where naturally made from stone, shinning a little from being wet. His heartbeat began to beat faster, when he realized  he was lost. He turned around a couple of times, before he realized it was stupid idea. Now, he didn't know what was where. He couldn't see or hear the exit not the second end of the cave. But he didn't panic, he decided to go forward, even if he didn't know where he was going. He could always turn around. His footsteps eoched through the stone  walls, his breath sounded loud as everything was quiet. That was untill he could hear the water dripping on the ground, bat's squeaking and wind.

"Wind..?" He thought.

Where in the hell, he could hear the wind? In the middle of a dark cave? He stopped for a moment to listen into the sound, before running towards it with hope and smile. Maybe it was an exit.
He didn't care if someone heard him right now, he was finally going to be outside. It was too much for him. No wonder why people never found out what's inside.

The sound of wind and water was louder with every small step. And finally, he reach the exit as he saw the light from sun. He breathed out in relief, before closing his eyes and stepping outside. It took him a hot moment to get use to normal light. But before he could open his eyes, he was pinned to the ground.

"Hey-!" Someone covered his mouth with their hand.

"Shut up Wilbur! Are you insane?! Do you want them them hear you?!" He could hear it was Techno, but his voice was panicked and fill of nervous.

When he finally was able to speak again, he looked at Techno, who pointed his head in front of them. Wilbur looked up and what he saw shocked him. They found it. It was here and it was real. He laughed to himself, trying to be quiet. He finally did ut, he found the last kingdom.

"Wow.." he whispered.

It was beautiful and mysterious at the same time. Tall and black walls around the whole kingdom, protecting it from strangers and possible danger. The castle itself was black with purple vines around the towers and windows, what made it look like obsidian. He could admire it all day, before he realized something.

"Wait, what do you mean them to hear us?" He asked.

"I meant them"  Techno pointed his finger towards the huge walls.

There, on top of them stood could of guards, staring deep into the cave and around it. As he noticed now, it wasn't hidden in a cave. The cave ended here and now, there was a forest with talk trees around, small lake, hill where the kingdom stood and field where farms. His eyes switched to the walls again, exactly at the guards. They were wearing black armors, long swords on their shoulders and masks over their faces. They were around the same height maybe inches or two difference. They stood still, looking scary and strong even from that far. But what scraped him more, was that around the walls on the ground walked many animals that seemed like a wolves. They weren't that talk but still scary. He gulped, glancing at Techno.

"Alright, you saw the kingdom and now it's time to go back before Philza notices" Techno said, before running to the entrance of the cave again.

He stopped five feet from Wilbur, waiting at him and posting towards the entrance. But before Wilbur was able to say something, tall and black figure walked out of the shadow and stood in front of Techno. Of course, he hadn't noticed him as he stood with his back turned to him.

"T-techno.." Wilbur whispered, eyes widened.

Techno groaned in annoyance as he turned around and took a step forward. His face imidiatelly met with hard and black armor. His red eyes widened in panick as he stumbled back. Eventually, his hand reached out to his back, trying to pull out his sword. But his hand met nothing. He turned around as he was pushed to the ground and when he looked up, in front of him stood another tall and black wearing person.

"What's that? Wanted to fight?" The person in front of him asked.

"Leave him alone-!" Wilbur's yells were cut off by another's guard hand, as he hot pulled up.

"Leave my brother alone, you asshole!" Techno yelled, still trying to fight.

"You better watch your mouth it's not good for you" the same one said.

"I don't care! I bet that your king is weak and can't do anything himself so he sends you" Techno said, smirking when he saw how the guard behind him tensed up.

"Oi, watch what you're saying! You can, but don't you dare insult out king! He did more that you can think off, you prick. I will teach you respect towards the stronger" When he was about to his Techno, another guard put his hand on the guards shoulder.

"Don't let your emotion take over, king will take care of them" he said, pulling him away.


Techno and Wilbur were taken to the castle, occasionally being told to shit up or walk faster. As they realized, one of the guards was taller and had small silver veins around his shoulder. He was probably the captain of the army. After one minutes, they finally reached out the big gate and walked in. There was a big garden around the village and castle. But instead of normal flowers, there were withered roses all around the garden along with trees and bushes with black flowers.
While Techno seemed scared and panicked, which wasn't everyday thing, Wilbur seemed intrigued with everything they saw.

They saw many people that looked actually like their normal villagers. But they had some weird black veins around their faces. Which was a little scary even for Techno. But they didn't for enough time to think, when they got pushed towards the big doors of the castle. Wilbur seeing this started laughing and smiling like an insane person, while Techno tried to think of their escape.
But that wasn't easy since there was so many people and that weird dogs.

"Alright, behave in front of the king, he doesn't have time for people like you" the first one said, opening the doors and pushing them inside.

Inside was huge, ceiling was high. Many withered roses were around the corners, long table in the middle and throne made of what seemed like netherite. On the throne sat a person wearing a long black cape, purple and golden crown, purple suit. Next to him sat a wolf, black as night. But when they came closer, the wolf growled alarming the person with closed eyes on the throne. He opened his eyes and looked down at the people in front of the five stairs that were between them.

"My Majesty" the guards said as the kneeled down, showing respect.

Wilbur wanted to kneel down too, but Techno glared at him and looked exactly at the king.

"Listen, I don't care who you are or what kingdom are you from. Let me and my brother go. Now." Techno said, venom in his voice.

The kong looked down at him and smile warmly.

"Why so mad?" He asked.

His voice sounded kind, warm and smart. Techno's heart stopped for a moment before he looked at the man again.

"Don't try to manipulate me with your words, old man"

Wilbur gasped, looking at Techno and the king again. He quickly jumped in front of Techno, smiling awkwardly.

"I-i'm really sor-"

Before he could say something, the king laughed kindly and rubbed his eyes.

"Please, I'm not that old to be called old man. Just because I look like 70 years old, doesn't mean I'm that old" he said.

Wilbur seemed confused.

"Then how old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm physically 100 years old but mentally I'm 26 years old. I can change my look tho"he said, before small white veins went through his hairs and turned their color to golden blond as his eyes filled with ocean blue color. He turned a little shorter but he still looked strong and smart.

"You can call me Tommy I guess" he said, laughing awkwardly.

Techno and Wilbur stood there shocked, their eyes focused on the now young king. The guards punched them in the head lightly, getting the attention.

"Don't look at the king like that, it's disrespectful" one of them said.

"Please, treat them like out guests and take off the armors, you are probably tired"

Two of them sighed in relief as they took off their masks. One of them had green hairs, red glowing eyes and some purple veins around his face. The second one had bling hairs, purple veins around his face and purple eyes. The third one didn't took off his mask, he started at his king.

"My Majesty, you're always right but don't you think it's a little too soon?" He asked.

"Why? They came here and found out kingdom, they aren't enemy's and they are worth of being here" Tommy said.

The third one guard sighed and took off his mask too. He had dirty blond hair, green eyes and purple veins on his face. He put a white mask on half of his face, he had frown on his face as his eyes glowed in danger.

"Thank you. This is Dream, Sam and Purpled. My best guards" Tommy said, sending his guards a warm smile.

Sam and Purpled smiled at him too, adoring their youngest boy in the whole kingdom that happened to be their king. Dream turned his head around and pulled his mask down to hide his smile. He cared for his king deeply he just didn't show that. Tommy was 16, but in reality he was 100. He only made himself look like older to not be suspicious.

"I have a question" Wilbur said.

"Yes?" Tommy asked.

"Is it true, that you can turn into an dog?" He asked, excitement in his eyes.

Tommy laughed, standing from his chair.

"Why yes, it's a really good and strong ability" He said.

He looked at the three boys as black smoke appeared from the veins on his body. Sam and Purpled laughed, they loved doing this. Dream didn't had an choice and he had to follow his kings orders. Second later, there stood four big and black dog looking animals. They had black eyes while Tommy's dog form had red ones. Their fur looked really puffy and beautiful in the light of torches.
Wilbur yelled in happiness, yelling how right he was the whole time, whole Techno still stood there confused.

"Alright, why don't you stay with us?" Tommy asked, back in his human form.

He turned around as his black cape flew in the air behind him. He sat on his throne again, crossing his legs.

"Maids! Take them to the guest's room and make sure they have everything, it's time to come back as the king" he said, watching as the maids took the to men.

He smiled to himself, knowing it's time to reveal themselves to the world again.


Hah, 3529 words!
