Phoenix boy

(My au)
He was born different, but not for his family. You see, Techno is pig, Wilbur is ghost and Philza has wings. And there is Tommy with beautiful orange and red wings, maybe little bigger that his father's.
When they first started grown, It was painfully. Breaking bones, they pierced through his skin and at the end, they were fluff and pretty. He liked them, he was excited.

His father at first helped him with cleaning them and stuff. After a couple of days, he was learning how to fly and land. First it was hard and he ended many times at grass, but he didn't give up. It took him full 2 hours to do that perfectly, they were proud. He was so happy like his family, maybe even more.

The next day he showed them to his Best friend, Tubbo. The older boy was amazed by their look, his was different than Phil. Tommy and Tubbo had a lot of fun, flying and playing with each other. They were like brothers, always together, untill one day...

"Dream please escort Tommy out of my country..."

This words never left his head, they were with him and always repeated each other. He didn't care what the voices said, Tommy know how to ignore them. And here he is. Alone at the exile, wait not alone, with his friend Dream.

"They don't care about you Tommy, only I care" yeah, it was true.

No one visited him, no one came at his party, they didn't care. He doesn't need they, he has Dream. Right, he sometimes will hurt Tommy, but it's only his fault.
The young boy was now looking at the sun, it was slowly raising and shinning making him feel warm and nice. Yup, he loved fire and warm places.

I mean, he is The Phoenix Boy, he need some fire. Week ago, he discovered that his wings can ignite a fire and do nothing to him. He liked it. It almost feel like someone is hugging you and loving you.
One day, his friend come to him, checking on him.

"Hello Dream"

"Hello Tommy, any armors or things?"


"That's good, y'know that i don't want you to leave me. We are like best friends"

"Yeah, like best friends.."

Everyday it looked like this, some quick talk before he had to leave, but not today.

"Tommy, you can come with me to the L'manburg but you need to be invisible. No one can see you" he said, giving the younger boy a potion.

"Really? Thank you!" He said drinking the potion, turning invisible.

They went to the portal and to the country, where everyone was chilling and talking. They seemed happy without him, but something seemed different. Tommy was looking around and then Dream walked away. Blond boy didn't notice that and went deeper in the country. After some time he noticed that he is alone. He panicked and started running, he can't lose Dream, what he will think about him? That he tried to leave him?! He runned faster and faster untill...

There was crowd of people looking at something. Then Tommy realized what was happening. He saw Dream, so he quickly went to him but he stopped once he saw the scene. Dream was holding Philza by the neck, over the precipice. Everyone around was shocked and scared.

"Dream! Put Philza down, please. We can talk this out!" Yelled Tubbo.

Everyone was here, looking at the two and couldn't do anything. No one had wings so no one could save him except Tommy. He was ready, he just need to wait when Dream will let Phil go and he will catch him in the air. His father was weak and probably he fainted.

"Say bye bye to the old man!" Dream said, letting Phil fall into the crater.

There was screaming and crying, they thought he will die. Some of them rushed to the crater and looked after Phil. That's when Tommy separated his fire wings and flew into the Black hole. He was fast and quiet. When he reached his dad, he grabbed him under the arms and started flying back. Second later his potion stoped working and now, he was fully visible with his wings. But he didn't cared, he needed to save Phil and take care of Dream.

After a while he flew to the top, not far from the rest of the people. They didn't notice him untill he placed Phil on the ground. Everyone looked up and saw him, with big flaming wings.

"T-tommy..?" First to speak was Tubbo.

"Surprise.." he said awkwardly, landing next to his father and checking on him. He was alright.

"It's really you? Since when do you have wings?!" Asked Quackity.

"From childhood, but now help me with Phil. Later I will answer at your questions."
