Unwanted meet up

Part 2 of 'Bird Father'
Angst to fluff
TW: arguing, yelling

Im not really proud of it, but I couldn't think of something better.

Everything was going perfect, Tommy and Ranboo had stronger bond. Their fans were excited for every single stream, why? Cause they were always streaming together, usually playing on their own server. Tommy's birds were perfectly fine and healthy, which made Tommy happy. Everytime when he was streaming, before playing Minecraft he had to show chat how they are, cause they wouldn't stop spamming about them. Cosmo usually was sitting with him on his shoulder or head, where she felt safe and could see everything that was happening. You could tell that Ranboo and Tommy literally forgot about Dream SMP and people really didn't mind. I mean, they loved Allium Duo.

Ranboo visited Tommy many times, when they could stream and spend some time together. But Tommy never actually went to Ranboo. So, when he was streaming, he decided to ask about that.

"Hey Ranboo?" He asked.

"Yeah?" Ranboo asked still focusing on his game.

"You always visit my house, what about I come to visit you this week?" He asked, looking at discord call.

Ranboo looked like he was wondering if that's okay. But his face lifted up as he smiled widely and looked at Tommy.

"Sure, but make sure to bring your bird family" he said, looking through his chat.

"I knew you wouldn't let me go without them" Tommy laughed.

It was true, ranboo couldn't survive day without seeing them, same for chat. They needed to see them and talk how cute they are. Tommy didn't mind, he was in fact happy that they loved his birds.

And with that, he was getting ready to meet with Ranboo. He was standing outside his house, a little nervous if he choose wrong house. He took a deep breath in and knocked on the doors. He had his backpack with him and cage with his birds. It wasn't small cage but it wasn't really heavy. They were chirping, singing and jumping around their cage.

"Okay guys, please slow down. Your gonna be death of me" Tommy said, laughing when the doors opened.

Fortunately for Tommy, there stood Ranboo, smiling at him.

"Hey Ranboo!" He yelled, as Ranboo let him inside.

"Welcome Tommy and bird family" Ranboo closed the doors and told Tommy to follow him upstairs.

When Tommy finally placed down his backpack, he could let his birds fly a little, of course being careful. When he opened their small doors, they flew out like they didn't fly for years. Some of them choose bookshelf to sit one, Ash and Dusty sat down on Ranboo's arms while Kezzy and Willow sat down on Tommy's shoulders. Ranboo like always gently patted their small heads and talked with them for a moment. Tommy couldn't do anything but adore this moment (no weird ideas). Ranboo was accepted into their small family without any problems.

"Anyways, do you want to stream?" Ranboo asked after a moment.


With that, they started streaming, unaware of what will happen later.


It for sure was great idea to go for a walk. It was nice and warm day, so for Tommy's parrots it was really good weather. Tommy wasn't afraid that they might fly away and even if they did, they would come back after awhile. They were walking down the street, looking at shops around them. Parrots were flying around them, sitting on their arms from time to time. People did looked at them like they were crazy, but who cares what people think. They had a great time together and nothing could ruin that, that's what they thought at least.

After a hour of walking, Ranboo decided to go to the mall and look for something cool. Tommy agreed, cause he could go and buy some snacks for his parrots. Of course, for everyone good and sake, they were sitting calmly on their shoulders and Cosmo on Tommy's head, cause why not? It must look funny, while fans wanted to take a photo with them and birds. Tommy would place some of them on fans heads and let them take a picture. It was a lot more fun that usually. Even some of the fans walked with them to shops and helped choose some things. They should do that often.

"Thanks!" Ranboo said as their fans walked away.

They were smiling brightly and laughing untill they couldn't breath.

"It was fun" Tommy said, giving Nimbler a little cookie special for parrots.

"Yeah, we should do this often" Ranboo replied, giving Lucky her cookie.

After three hours of just walking, talking and taking pictures with fans, they decided to sit down and eat something. Of course, it was McDonald's. They found good place and started eating their food, enjoying each other's company. Parrots were messing around with each other, occasionally poking both of them or simply biting their food. That was untill someone approached them and started talking to Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo!" Someone said.

Ranboo throw his thrash out and turned around to look at who was talking to him.
Lucky for him, he eat his food already.

"Oh, hey Philza! What are you doing her?" He wasn't happy to see them, not at all.

He was nervous, as he noticed in the corned of his eyes that Tommy was throwing his thrash out too, before walking up to him. His parrots were probably sleeping in his hood, considering the fact that he had it the other way around and his hood was in front of him, not behind him. Oh shit, Ranboo though.

"Ranboo, what's taking you so long?!" He yelled, catching attention of Philza.

"I'm talking with someone!" He yelled back.

"Who-?" He stoped his sentence, as he saw who was with Ranboo.

"Oh, hello Tommy." He greeted him but soon focused on Ranboo again. "Anyways, what are you doing here? We were worried about you!"

Ranboo was confused about what he was talking about.

"Want do you mean and who was worried?" He asked.

"Well, you weren't answering to our messages and you didn't streamed with us for long time now. We thought something bad happened to you, so we decided to come and visit you" he said, pointing behind him.

Ranboo looked behind him and his eyes widened.
Oh hell no. There stood Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, Jack, Quackity, Niki, George and Sapnap. Tommy stood behind Ranboo, probably trying to hide but at the same time, he didn't want to squeeze his parrots. He placed his forehead on Ranboo's back, trying to disappear from there.

"Oh well, I was hanging out with Tommy the whole time, no big deal." He said, praying for them to walk away and leave them alone.

"With Tommy? Why?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy looked up at Tubbo, was that an insult towards him?

"What do you mean with Tommy? He is my best friend, we have great time together" he said, smiling at Tommy who was peeking out at them.

"I'm your Best friend too, you could hang out with me instead" Tubbo replied, making Ranboo a little angry.

"I know, but I wanted to spend some time with someone else than you guys" he siad. "Besides, I prefer Tommy's company"

They looked into his eyes, like they were angry.

"What do you mean? We are great friends to hang out!" Wilbur said.

"Yeah, but you totally forgot Tommy" Ranboo replied, sending Wilbur death glare.

"We didn't forgot about him! We just didn't have time for him!" Jack yelled.

"But Everytime when I asked you to stream with me, you always found time, but never for Tommy!" Ranboo raised his voice.

"Cause Tommy is boring and loud! What do you expect from him?" Techno said.

"That's how he is and there's nothing wrong with him! He is nice and kind person!"

Tommy didn't like that at all, it did hurt his feelings. They kept arguing and yelling, as he tried to focus on something different that that. When he was about to say something, Bong, Gizmo and Echo flew out of his hood and flew towards them. He panicked as he tried to reach his hand and  catch them. They flew last Ranboo and started pocking rest of them.

"Ow!" Wilbur yelled, as he tried to Shok the bird away.

"Gizmo!" Tommy yelled in panick as he runned up to Will.

He reached his hand and somehow managed to catch one of three parrots. He handed him to Ranboo as he runned up to Tubbo, who was attacked by Bongo. After awhile, he catched Bongo and handed him to Ranboo as he focused on third bird. Echo was fast and smart bird.

"Echo, come here baby!" He said, walking towards Phil, around him was flying Echo. "Come on, we've gotta go now." He said.

Echo, with hesitation flew back to Tommy, who put three birds back inside his hood, covering them to not fly again.

"Sorry for them, they can be a little protective.." Tommy said quietly.

He didn't feel bad for that, not at all. He was quite happy that they attacked them.

"What the heck was that?!" Niki said.

"That? That was my bird family" Tommy replied, patting his hood gently.

"Since when can you take care of parrots?" Philza asked as he massaged his hand from peck of the bird.

"Since I got them but it doesn't matter." He whispered.

When they wanted to say something, Ranboo was faster.

"Anyways, I think we explained some things so if you don't mind, we will be going" Ranboo said.


"Bye bye!" He yelled, pushing Tommy towards exit.

Tommy sighed in relief, as they finally went outside.

"That was terrible" he said, walking back to Ranboo's house.

Ranboo agreed as he followed Tommy. It was reunion that no one wanted and no one expected. But it was funny to watch how they tried to get rid of the birds that's ere attacking him. They struggled for a moment before Tommy saved them. It was beautiful.
Lucky for them, they didn't meet any fans or old friends as they come back to home.

Tommy gave food to all of his birds and thanked them for helping. Ranboo was standing on the side, looking how Tommy was happy with birds. He really was a bird father.
