Killer Queen

Random question, if you had only 48 hours to live, what would you do? I'm just curious, you don't have to answer if you don't want to :).

Anyway, remember to take care of yourself and that I love you no matter what!


Something in between fluff and angst I guess
TW: mention of death,
King Tommy au


There was this boy, the most handsome in the world
He had all the girls in town wrapped 'round his finger, oh
He would walk the halls and everyone would whisper and talk
'Cause all the boys in town wanted to be him

There was a young king, crowned at the young age only to rule the kingdom when his father passed away. It was no secret that the young king was handsome and well raised, charming every young woman he came across. The blond hairs that reached his shoulder blades, light blue eyes like ocean that reflected everything in them only made him more handsome.
Wherever you would look, there was a crowd of girls and boys around him, confessing and screaming how much they loved him. However, the king wasn't easy to get. He had know many people that wanted to be him or wanted to live his life. Every confession would be met with nothing but rejection, sometimes nicer and sometimes more harsh.
After all this confessions and praying to be like him, it became slightly annoying.

But behind those emerald eyes
He's a devil in disguise
The prom king has blood on his hands
Every boy and girl he meets disappears without a trace
So be careful when he asks you to dance

However, the king would never rejection an occasion to dance. God, was he good at dancing. Every dance and every move was filled with passion, years or practice and some love. It was said that whoever danced with the king, wouldn't be able to stop afterwards. There was something in his moves that made them feel the urge to dance and continue till the very sunrise, often ending up exhausted and in need of long rest.

And this eyes, oh his blue eyes. Eyes that could hypnotize you in matter of seconds and make you feel like drugged. His eyes were like addiction and everyone who looked in this eyes couldn't help but want to see them more often.  Everything about him was like addiction, working on every single soul. Some more and some less, but with no exceptions. If you looked in them, you would find yourself drowning in them, feeling helpless and in need.
Many considered his as a siren, some Medusa and some other as a devil. And was he a devil in disguise.

But there was one tiny tiny thing about the king. Whoever danced with him seemed to disappear in darkness, like fading away. If they were never there in the first place. People were so drowned in his eyes that they didn't even notice when some of their friends or family disappeared one day.
It made it easy for him, since no one seemed to notice. And if someone did, they wouldn't blame their king for such a thing, wouldn't they? He was something they desired, something pure and charming. Even tho none of them could have him, they could still dream.

And every time the king would dance, one of his music discs would be used. Every chosen for different occasion, playing loud and clear on his king's request. The music was slow, soft or mysterious. Every holding different story and secret. They were seen as the reason why people seemed to forgot about this who disappeared. The melody echoing in their heads and taking away their memory.

He's a mother fucking killer king, a psychopath at 17
A handsome in a blood-stained suit
He'll fill your heart with kerosene
And light you up 'til you can't breathe
If you cross his path you just might end up dead

The blood on his clothes wasn't a new thing. It was seen on daily basic, but did anyone care? No. He could come to the ball room, dance the whole night with hundreds of people and then disappear for the rest of the night only to return in the morning with blood covering his white clothes. And if someone asks about it, he would also disappear with no word left.
One small mistake and you're off the list.

The blue eyes held more secrets that anyone could count, growing more addicting and more hypnotizing with every day.
They often called him killer king who sold his soul to the devil only to become powerful and stronger than anyone else. A boy who made a deal with the devil. Innocent souls for power, age and strength. And the deal was made years ago, still living and keeping the veins between the devil and the king.

There was this boy who was broken by the world
'Cause every day at village they'd push and shove him, oh
But he had a plan, one day he would get his revenge
And those ladies and baron's would be six feet under

But none of this would happen if not the sudden accident.
He lived a happy life with his family and friends, being loved and cared for. But one day, there was this one boy. Random civilian who appeared from nowhere and before he could blink, he was on his spot. Theseus was s the king's name, and the civilian was called Ranboo. Boy who had nothing to do with being royalty blood. But there he was, sitting on the thrown with his crown. A throne that belonged to no one else but Theseus. As Theseus's father said:

"Ranboo is really special boy and we thought he would be great for a crowned prince. Don't you think so? He looks really proud and smart" The emperor said.

Theseus couldn't agree. He was the crowned prince and the throne was his. So why, this civilian boy was sitting on his stop and taking away his stoplight? What was this nonsense? He tried to talk with his father, argue. But there was nothing that would seem to change his mind. Along with his father, his brothers also turned their back on him and welcomed the Civilian boy as their king.
And the Theseus was replaced, neglected and thrown away in the corner. Forgotten like he never existed.

That's when he met the devil himself, who gave him a chance for new life. With simple handshake, Theseus gained a new father, new strength and mischievous plans. Getting rid of the emperor was easy, since the man was already old and people didn't suspect a thing. All he did was giving the emperor his drink.

"Here's your tea, my Majesty" was all he said, giving his said father tea.

And the tea was sweetened with a little bit of poison, only couple drops needed to kill someone in less than two hours. Next day, the emperor's death was announced, the civilian boy about to take the crown and rule over the kingdom for next year's.

What a shame the boy suddenly disappeared, leaving a note that he wasn't ready and simply ran away. Everyone were left with broken hearts, afraid of what was going to happen. The son's of Emperor declined the offer of being a king, one of them running away to start a normal life and the second one fading in the crowd as one of the soldiers. So, the crown was places on the youngest son's head.
And like that, he was back on his spot but this time as a king.

But behind those angel eyes, lies a devil in surprise
The prom king has killed for his crown
Every boy and girl he seeks never comes back in one piece
So be careful when he tries to talk to you

And whenever there was someone who wanted to take the crown, they were imidiatelly executed in front of hundreds to thousands of people. Quite drastic way to get rid of enemies, but no one seemed to argue with the way the king ruled. The devil himself approved everything the young king did, being the proud father he could be.

"One day, you will be able to stand on my side and rule over the world with me" he said, standing 7 feet tall and proud.

Theseus smiled, bowing his head.

"I cannot wait, father" he said.

"I couldn't be more proud of someone, you are my dearest son"

The blues eyes were filled with pictures of people dying, either from bleeding out or from being poisoned. Burning, drowning, poisoning, torturing and even stabbing or shooting. He could do this all day and not grow bored. His father only watching from the side, Whispering and offering new ideas.

And people only sank more and more in this blue eye of his.

He's a mother fucking killer king, a psychopath at 17
A handsome in a blood-stained suit
He'll fill your heart with kerosene
And light you up 'til you can't breathe
If you break his heart you just might lose your head

It had to be said that the young king was barely 17, having kill more people than some of the most dangerous villains. And yet, he was still loved and seen as a king with pure heart. Handsome and kind, but deep inside ready to kill for his crown. And there was no way to kill him, since he had the whole army's behind himself. Even the other king who had as big kingdom as his own seemed to stay away. There was no one crazier than the young king called Theseus.
And if you broke his heart, he will break your body. Use your skull as decoration on the walls, bones as decorations to his throne or jewelry.

He's dancing by himself
He's crowned the king of hell
Tears will sink into his skin
He's gonna get revenge
You're all gonna know his name
He's the one and only, killer king

And he was the king of hell, able to kill everyone and everything that stood on his way to rule over the world. You could say he was a terrible person. But after what people did to him, he was only repaying the favor.

Dancing with people, he was able to get to know them and choose his next sacrifice victim. After all, the devil needed a new soul from time to time. And the young king gladly delivered the souls to him.
Dancing with people he was able to find more information about possible enemy or replacement.
Dancing with people, he knew what his brothers were doing and if they were coming back to face him and take the crown back.
Dancing with people, he could easily seek out people who still waited for the civilian boy to come back and be their king. This people disappeared for the next day, never returning. And every single one of them ended up like the said boy, thrown to the lions and ripped into shreds.

He's a mother fucking killer king, he sold his soul at 17
A handsome and broken mess
He'll fill your heart with kerosene
And light you up 'til you can't breathe
If you break his heart you just might meet your end

It was said to never dance with the king and if he asked you to do so, decline and hope he would find someone else to dance. But if he insisted, you could only pray to gods to save you. There was no escaping him or his tortures. Once he choose you, you were bound to be sacrificed.

If you asked about this king now, they would tell you it was an legend that people would tell their kids to scare them. But was it really a legend? The heads of many hanging on the walls said otherwise, along with the mysterious discs music. What was weird was the fact that the discs could be played only in the king's jukeboxes. If other one was used, the melody was dead, ringing and muffled by something. And whenever someone listened to it, one person would disappear for the next day. So, for the safety of people the discs were closed in the castle away from humans reach. But still, every night at the same hour the music would fill the halls and echo through the whole kingdom.
Some said it was the king playing the music, sometimes his shadow could be seen dancing around the ball room.

So, was it really just a legend?
