Can't stop beast from hunting

Part two of 'Horror in the night'.

TW: blood, killing,


It was month since Ant's death and yet, no one knew who or what killed him. They couldn't lie, everyone feared that they may be next. Of course, some of them didn't believe that something dangerous was in the forest. On the other hand, Bad and Alyssa wanted revenge and know who dared to kill Ant, one of them. So, after some planning Bad decided to go to forest and look around. If he would eventually find something suspicious that could kill Ant, he was supposed to kill it or trap it.

It was close to night and everyone were slowly getting ready to go to sleep, expect Bad. He was getting ready to hunt down that beast and bring it's head back with him. He was a hunter and whoever killed Ant was prey. But he never thought about one option, that he will be the one who will be pray. He made his way towards enter of the forest, alone. Some of his friends waved him as goodbye and went to their houses. They decided to eat something, read or do something different before going to bed. Tubbo, was sitting on his couch, thinking where Tommy may be. He didn't saw him and they are supposed to met in his house. He was probably busy and with that Tubbo went to get something to eat.


Tommy's bones ached a little, when he come back from hunting a cow. And again, he was covered in thick black fur with tail and ears. It was month since his last transforming so it was time for it to happen again. But now, he transformed with one though. He knew perfectly fine that Bad will some here probably to hunt him down and get revenge for killing Ant. But the only thing he didn't know, was that Tommy was ready and hour before transforming he made small trap.
He was ready to hunt, to kill. Because this night, the bunter will become pray and pay for everything. His red eyes glowed in the dark as he walked deeper into forest, quietly making his way towards the place where he left the book.

He wrote it just before coming here. It was supposed to scare Bad and distract him, while Tommy would sneak behind him and attack. He knew that Bad may be bigger threat but he wouldn't give up that easily. He needs to kill Alyssa and maybe Dream or Wilbur. But for now he needed to focus on Bad and his appearance. His vision caught some movements as he layed in bushes between two trees, his fur making him invisible.

Not long after, he heard heavy footsteps and breathing, red colour signalized heat of the body. It was alive, it was Bad. With every second footsteps were louder and louder and then someone stepped in the field, looking around. It was Bad, wearing everything black as his red elements were now white. Beast licked it's muzzle, waiting for good opportunity to attack.
Bad looked down on the ground, noticing small book. He kneeled down and reached his hand to take it and read.

"Beast kills for fun and blood. Sneaky and deadly monster. Make sure you're ready, Cause you don't know where it is. I watched you for long time, every move and word. Rage appeared in your eyes when Ant's body was almost ripped apart. You came here as hunter, but are you ready to become pray? You never know what's deep inside the dark forest and what wants to taste your blood. Run when you can, but till your heart beats, you're not safe. Cause I'm the beast who's looking for redemption.


He read loudly while beast moved behind him, taking position so he will see only his bloody red eyes. He licked his muzzle again, letting out small growl. Bad jumped a little before running around. His eyes met red ones. They looked hypnotizing and so beautiful yet so dangerous. Black beast slowly walked out of shadows, standing tall and strong. It was almost as tall as Bad, which made everything harder. Bad couldn't move at all, not even an inch. His plan was ruined within one second. He won't be able to take it down alone but he won't escape either. The only thing he could do was stand there and think about something real fast. He could try and hem it so others would have bigger chance to kill it. But he didn't want to die, he had egg to take care off and manipulate people to join him. Maybe it won't kill him?

"Hey, we can talk about it, okay? I didn't tried it kill you, I just wanted to see what was that powerful to kill my worker" he said, smiling scared.

Did he think that by complementing him, he would leave him alone? Stupid. He let out another growl but this time much louder and longer. He took a step closer, sending shivers down Bad's body. It was his end for sure, but he won't give up without a fight. He took out his sword and took a defensive position. Black monster titled it's head and looked at him angrily. Another growl was heard along with some hissing. First attack, beast jumped at him. Somehow he managed to dodge that as he swung his sword, damaging beast. It let out small hiss and turned around, in next second lunging at Bad. He yelped in pain as sharp claws gripped his sleeve and brought his to the ground. He was forced on his back, arms pinned to the ground. He tried to wiggle around but he couldn't. He froze in place when sharp fangs were inches from his neck, inches from killing him. He tried to stay calm, to think off something. That's when something bit into his arm. Blood dripping on grass, loud scream filling forest. That monster bit his arm, tearing it up. He felt sharp pain in his whole body as his arm was ripped away from his body.

The red eyed beast was holding his arm in it's mouth before throwing it to the side. It looked Bad in the eyes, looking for quilt after everything he did. He only saw pain and fear, not quilt. Tommy growled before bitting into his neck, blood covering his thick fur on the head and his fangs. When he let go, he licked his muzzle, cleaning it from blood. Bad was laying on the grass, not moving. Tommy didn't felt any heartbeat. Two down, one left. Alyssa.

She would be probably asleep now in her house, not knowing anything. Tommy knew she had sword in chest, but her chest were in magazine, not in her bedroom. His plan was simple. Break in her house, kill her before others will come to help and get away before changing back. Did he want people to know about him? No really. Did he care what would his friends think? No, he could always escape and hide. Did he care that he killed two people already? They were bad people and only caused troubled and if that wasn't good reason, they were celebrating his death. So now, he would celebrate their death and his win.

He exited dark forest, it was almost midnight as he walked in the country. Everyone were asleep, or most of them. Some monsters were walking around but they didn't pay any attention to him or they knew that he would easily win with them. He walked next to his house, then Philza's old house and Jack. Many things changed in here, so everyone had their homes in different places. Alyssa's house was behind George's house, not close to his but not far either. George would be probably first person to come and try to help her, but it would be too late anyways. Tommy sniffed air, making sure that it's her house, before carefully opening doors. They weren't closed, like most of houses. Zombies were too stupid to open them and no one robbed anyone so it was safe. Till now, of course.

Tommy walked in the room that seemed like bedroom and there he found sleeping figure. It was Alyssa, as he recognized by red Vines. He stood before her bed, looking at her sleeping face. He stood there, waiting for her to wake up. After some minutes, he let out howl, not loud but enough to wake her up. She opened her eyes and rubbed them before sitting up. When he uncovered them, she was met with wolf muzzle inched away from her face. Before she could do anything or think of something, wolf jumped at her. She was pushed to the ground as pain shot through her body, making her yell in pain. She was wiggling around, pushing head of attacker away but that only caused more pain. She tried to reach for axe that was in the room, but before she could, her neck was broken. Her head limply fell to the ground with little thud. Tommy stood up and looked around. He saw that many light appeared on the outside probably from torches as he heard yelling. Alyssa's yell probably woke more people than he thought so. Quickly he runned to first window before jumping and crushing into it. Glass shattered everywhere when doors opened and around 8 people walked in, panicking. They heard glass shattering and four of them looked through the broken glass. Something big disappeared between trees, even if they barely could see that.

"There! It escaped to the forest!" Jack yelled, running outside.

"Go after it and make sure you will kill it! Be safe!" Niki yelled, staying with Puffy in the house.

Quackity, Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, George, Sapnap, Karl and Fundy quickly turned to the forest where they saw the beast and chased after it. Every one of them had axe or sword, armor on and shield to protect themselves. Wilbur looked around after Tommy, but he wasn't here. He realized that he didn't saw Tommy for two day now and it was weird. What if it killed him too?

"Did any of you saw Tommy?" He asked while they were running through many trees.

"No!" Some of them yelled.

"Good question, I didn't saw him since Monday. It's third day now" Tubbo said, Ranboo nodding.

"Shit, what if it killed him too?" He asked.

"We don't have proof, maybe he is just busy with something or went to visit Philza." Fundy said, running faster.

They didn't talk anymore, focusing on their way after something dangerous. Something that killed Alyssa and probably Ant too. Where is Bad?  Wilbur couldn't think about that now, they had monster to kill. Soon later, they reached small flower field. They stoped in their track when they saw something big and black. Sam mentioned them to kneel down on the ground and observe for now. They looked at the beast and tried to think what it may be doing.

At the other hand, Tommy was barely standing, since he was slowly changing back. His bones started cracking again, leaving pian in his body. His ears and tail slowly become smaller and smaller till they disappeared. His fur started growing back into his skin leaving it natural colour. His red eyes painfully turned back to ocean blue color. When he was back in his human form, his clothes were covered in blood, his hair messy and he felt tired. Memory hit him again, he killed two deer but it wasn't the worst. He killed Bad and Alyssa and even if he wanted it, he was out of control. He acted like a monster, he couldn't control it. He felt bad, even if he hated them, they were humans. What would his friends think about him now? Seeing his changing from huge wolf to human self? They would be scared. They would hate him-

"Tommy?" Tommy's eyes widened at the sudden voice.

He looked to the side and what he saw scared him. There stood his friends in armors and with weapons, they had confused or scared looks. Did they see how he changed?

"Y-yeah?" He asked, cursing his voice for suffering.

"What was that?" Tubbo asked coming closer.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said, trying to stand up which would end with falling but Tubbo caught him in right time.

"Sit down" he said, sitting Tommy down on the ground.

"Tommy, was that you?" Sam asked, his voice sounded serious.

"Yeah" he said.

Tommy could lie anymore, it was stupid. Karl walked up to him and kneeled in front of him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, we aren't mad" Karl said as Sapnap made his way towards the two.

"W-what?" Tommy was confused, how could they not be mad? He just killed three people.

"Tommy, we know you couldn't control it. It happens to me when I was younger many times. Your wolf form was hungry and wanted blood, it's not your fault" Sapnap said, patting his back.

"Plus, you killed people from egg. We would do it anyways, you just did it faster and easier." Ranboo said.

"You're not scared or anything?" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"As Sapnap said, it wasn't your fault so we aren't mad at you" Sam explained. "Now, come on, we have to explain it to the rest."

Tommy smiled widely before standing up, still shaky a little. Sapnap took him on his back, while Karl walked next to the two, talking. Rest went after them, talking to each other happy that it wasn't something different.

Tommy couldn't control it and there was nothing he could do about it. Sam said that they would hunt fresh meat for him when he would change. Tommy agreed to be locked in his house for three days when he was transformed till he couldn't learn how to control it and not be dangerous for anyone.
