Sweet but psycho

Many of you probably already noticed that I love writing one shots based on songs. It inspires me😌

Anyway, hope you have a good day or night and don't forgot to take care of yourself! Love you!

I'm not sexualizing anyone! It's all platonic and fluff.
Hope you enjoy!

TW: mention of murder


"Just why?!" Punz argued, not giving up on the topic.

Purpled sighed annoyed, arms crossed over his chest, head titled to the side and his weight resting on one of his legs.

"What why?" He asked, knowing very well what his brother meant.

"Out of all people, why did you chose him?! There was more people, for sure better than him!" Punz yelled, tightening his grip on Purpled's shirt.

"You're only saying this because you hate Tommy and don't want me to marry him." Purpled said, small put escaping his lips.

"I want the best for you! Just look at him!" Punz pointed at Tommy, who was arguing with Jack over something couple feet away from them. "He's not good for you"

"What exactly do you hate in him, hm? What's your problem?" Purpled asked, rasing his eyebrows and looking at his older brother.

Punz sighed, shaking his head before once again pointing at Tommy, who was gripping Jack's collar of his shirt and eyes filling with anger. For everyone else, Tommy looked scary and like a psycho. In Purpled's eyes he was great and there was nothing wrong with him. Jack was the one who started the fight after all.

"He looks sweet" Said Purpled, when Tommy suddenly turned around and gave Shroud a flower before the kid walked away happily to the other spiders to play.

"Oh, he's sweet but a psycho" Punz said

"A little bit psycho" Purpled said, smiling a little at Punz who only shook his head.

"At night he's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind" " Punz said, copying Tommy's voice and mocking him.

"Even better, makes him strong"  Purpled said.

"Oh, he's strong but a psycho" Puns continued.

"So left but he's right, though
At night he's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind" " Purpled said, passing Punz and taking Tommy's hand before walking away.

Punz shook his head, also walking away and cursing at Both Tommy and Purpled's stupidity. Tommy was no good for anyone.


"He'll make you curse, but he's a blessin'" Purpled said.

"He'll rip your heart within a second
You'll be coming back, back for seconds
With your plate, you just can't help it" Niki said, trying to tell him it wasn't worth it.

"I will do it"

No, no, you'll play along
Let her lead you on
You'll be saying:

"No, no" Niki said

Then saying:

"Yes, yes, yes" Purpled argued.

'Cause he's messin' with
your head.

"Oh, he's sweet but a psycho" Niki held Purpled's shoulder, trying to pull him away.

"A little bit psycho" He said, pushing Niki back a little.

"At night he's screaming-" Purpled cut her off

"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

"Oh, he's nice but a psycho" Niki turned around, trying to leave.

"So left but he's right, though"
At night He's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind""


Tommy was training his fighting skills, easily taking down every pillager while Technoblade and Purpled stood behind, observing every his move.

" "Grab a netherite sword" kinda crazy"

"He's deadly but lovely" Purpled said proudly.

"Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away" " Techno agreed, smile creeping on his face.

Since Tommy was on his side, seeing him this terrifying and strong made him proud. Especially since everyone thought of him as crazy and insane.

"'Cause he's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night he's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind" " Purpled said, bitting his lip without noticing.

"See, someone said, "Don't drink his potions
He'll kiss your head with no emotion
When he's mean, you know you love it
'Cause he looks so sweet, don't sugarcoat it" Techno hummed, enjoying the fight in front of him.

No, no, you'll play along
Let her lead you on
You'll be saying:

"No (no, no, no), no (no)" Techno said playfully along with his voices, making fun of everyone else.

Then saying:

"Yes, yes, yes" Purpled laughed, collecting an gold apple from the chest and throwing the enchanted one towards Techno.

'Cause he's messin' with your
head (hey)

"Oh, he's sweet but a psycho" Purpled sang, twisting his axe and placing it on the ground

"A little bit psycho" Techno watched with amused face, while Tommy murdered every single pillager he saw.

"At night he's screaming-"

""I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"" they both laughed, watching as Tommy went further into the building and killing every single pillager.

Oh, he's kind but a psycho
So left but he's right, though
At night he's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

"Grab a netherite sword" kinda crazy
He's tricky but lovely"

"Yeah, people say"

"Run, don't walk away""


oice echoed in the hallway, pillager's screams filled the air as they were slaughtered with no mercy. Tommy laughed, returning back to them before throwing down a single torch.

" 'Cause he's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night He's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"" Purpled though, watching as the red flames slowly burnt everything down to the ground.


"You're just like me, you're out your mind
I know it's strange, we're both the crazy kind" Tommy said, his hands wrapping around Purpled's neck.

"You're tellin' me that I'm insane?" Purpled asked, watching Tommy warily.

"Dear, don't pretend that you don't love the violence"

Purpled looked around, watching as his old friends- or enemies now, tried to get a hold of the situation they were in. Multiple withers flying in the air and destroying everything that lived, hurting everyone expect for this who spawned them.

"Oh, you're sweet but a psycho" Purpled said, looking back at Tommy who smiled innocently.

"A little bit psycho" he said softly, innocent eyes looking in Purpled's ones.

"At night you're screaming-" Purpled said.

"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind" Tommy said, throwing his hands in the air happily as crazy smile creeped on his face.

"Oh, you're kind but a psycho
So left but he's right, though
At night you're screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"" Techno said, standing next to them and watching the growing chaos.

"Grab a Wither skull" kinda crazy
We're insane but creepy" Purpled said, placing the thied skull on the black blocks and another wither was spawned.

Yeah, people say,
"Run, don't walk away"

'Cause he's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night he's screamin'

"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind!" Tommy yelled, the wind sending his voice deep in the dust so everyone heard it.

They shook in fear, trying to somehow get out of there while they could.


oon, the whole L'manburg stood in flames, many explosions filling the air along with screams of their victims.
They were right about one thing. He was a psycho, but a sweet one.
But Purpled couldn't do anything expect for adoring him even more. Was it healthy? Nah. Did he regret it? Not at all.
At the end, they were both ready to kill for each other. It was an unhealthy obsession, but no one dared to say anything. Technoblade didn't mind, especially since he wasn't on their way to be happy and he kinda liked the way they both were 'insane'. And there wasn't anyone else who had something to say, since most of their old friends were probably already dead or traumatized enough to understand that it's not a game.
