Protect at all cost

So yeah, we are slowly coming to an end of this book since I'm running out of ideas and motivation. There will be a few one shots but I can't promise there will be many. We already reached 150 one shots and I didn't expect to write so many and I'm happy it turned out like that. So, enjoy the last one shots.
Sorry in advance if I didn't use your idea/request!

Lil bit of angst, mostl
TW: mention of death, blood, threatening and manipulation


Micheal, adopted son of Ranboo and Tubbo. Zombie pig man hybrid, born in nether and currently living in Snow chester. A young kid who was innocent, shy at first, energetic and chaotic. Complete opposite of his dad's. He would spend all days playing around and sometimes drawing on a piece of paper. He was loved by his parents, along with their friends and family. He was a ball of Sunshine, who brought happiness wherever he went.
He reminded everyone of someone they knew a long time ago, with the same personality and kind heart. However, they never spoke of him.
He would be Michael's uncle, one of the youngest people that would surround him. But the fate had other plans.

Before Tubbo and Ranboo found Michael, a tragedy struck and ruined everything they had. Everything was gone. He was gone. The god took his away, leaving a hole in everyone's hearts. He was the one who brought them happiness, he was the reason of their smiles every day, it was all his thing. You could say that everyone awaited the moment when he would visit them, often joining them during their work or trips. He had a kind heart, along with beautiful soul.
He was young, way too young to end like this.
The moment his heart stopped beating, the happiness also stopped. It was quiet, boring and dull. They all knew why, expect for Michael. No one wanted to tell him nor he wanted to ask because it seemed like hard topic. And he avoided it, trying to get rid of the curiousity that grew with every day.

That was, u till he met him. At first they were strangers, watching each other warily and not saying a word. Then within a week, the new man talked to him. It was unsure, yet warm and kind voice.

"Hello, Michael" the man said, siting om the ground in his room and watching what he was doing.

"Who are you?" Michael asked, titling his head to the side curiously.

The man had long blond hairs, oddly hypnotizing blue eyes and that shiny and glowing halo. He looked like from one book that Micheal saw in the library. Is he a human?

"I guess you can call me #$&@&, I'm your Guardian Angel" he said.

"#$&@&? That's a pretty name" Michael said, smiling widely before running up to his guardian angel "What is a Guardian Angel?"

He smiled, before patting his lap where Michael sat down and looked up at his new friend.

"A Guardian angel is am angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group or nation. The belief is that guardian angels serve to protect whichever person God assigns them to. As for me, I was assigned to protect and take care of you" He tickled Michael's sides, making him giggle loudly.

"Can others see you?" The kid asked.

"As long as I don't want to reveal myself, then no. You are the only one that can see me"

"Hm, won't they think I'm crazy while talking to air?" The kid asked with innocent puppy eyes.

"Well, one of them says he has voices and often talks with them and that's isn't weird. So why would they all call you crazy, buddy?" 


From that day on, #$&@& would watch over Michael nonstop and helped with things, often reading him stories and drawing with him. Probably two weeks later, some people noticed that Michael was talking to himself and sometimes even levitating in the air, which scared them and also confused.


"#$&@&! Did you see that?!" Michael asked looking at his friend over his shoulder.

#$&@& only nodded, watching from under the tree. He was so focused on the kid that he didn't even sense the two people approaching them from afar, only realizing they are here when they spoke.

"Michael? Who are you talking to?" One of them asked.

"Dad! I'm talking to my friend!" Michael said, pointing towards the tree.

They both looked there, seeing nothing at all.

"Alright, what is his name, Michael?" Tubbo asked, kneeling in front of his son and picking him up.

"He's name is #$&@&! He's my guardian angel!" Michael explained, watching as his dad's look widened full of worry. "Something's wrong?" He asked hesitant.

"How do you know that name?" Techno asked, hard look on his face.

Michael gulped, before looking over at his friend who only nodded and disappeared only to appear behind him.

"I already told you! He's my guardian angel, K met him couple weeks ago when he appeared in my room" Michael explained.

"That's impossible.." Tubbo mumbled, eyes trailing toward the ground and he sliced his eyes.

"Why? What happened?" Michaels asked worried.

He saw how his friend tensed up, before smiling at Michael and disappearing into thin air without any sight. Michael felt upset, since they were supposed to play in hide and seek.
He looked back at Tefhno and Tubbo, waiting for them to say something. Techno beat Tubbo in doing it.

"Tommy was my younger brother and Tubbo's best friend" Techno explained, his eyes full with pain.

"Oh? He never old me, I could ask him to visit you!" Michael said happily as his tail wagged a little.

"Michael, The thing is Tommy is dead. He died three years ago" Tubbo said, looking his son deep in his eyes. "It's impossible that he is alive, you are just imagining things"

Michael felt sad, but also angry that they didn't believe him.

"But I'm telling the truth!" He argued.

Tubbo shook his head, before placing him back on the ground.

"We are going home, so stop saying that. He's dead and he won't come back. Not now, not ever. Guardian angels don't exist, it's just a myth"

Tubbo turned his back on Michael, before walking away. Techno looked down at Micheal, patting his back softly.

"It will be better if you don't mention his name, nor many people accepted the fact that he is dead, even after three years. Now come on, we can play together"

Michael nodded, taking Techno's hand in his own and walking away from the field. He looked back, only to see Tommy with sad expression before he slowly faded away.

"I will take care of you, Michael"
