Do you feel better?

Little angst to fluff
TW: sickness,

I know Tommy got corona, but it's not about corona! Let's hope Tommy will recover quickly.


When he woke up, he instantly knew it would be a bad day. When his feet touched the floor, his body shivered. His Vision was spinning uncomfortably, as he tried to stand. That's when he left pain in his stomach and quickly rushed to his bathroom, leaning over the toilet. He was sick, he knew that very well. It wasn't something that happened to his often, normally he only had temperature and cough but this time it was a lot worse. He couldn't move, in case he felt sick again so he tried to call his mom. Unfortunately, his voice was raspy and quiet. He sat there, breathing loudly and looking at the wall beside him.

"Tommy?" Thank God!

"I'm here" he said, looking at the doors to the bathroom.

They opened and he saw his mom, kneeling down beside him. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"No, I'm feeling sick" he said, closing his eyes.

"My poor boy, I will make you some soup and we will check your temperature" she said, helping him stand up.

Tommy only nodded as they entered his room. His mom walked down to the kitchen and not long after came back with a bowl of soup and thermometer. She checked his temperature while he ate his soup and played on his bed, exhausted.

"Oh Tommy, you got the bad flu. You have to stay in your bed today and we will know how you're going to feel tomorrow." She said, looking down with a sad expression at her son.

"W-what?! But today I'm supposed to meet up with other people from Dream SMP!" He said, whining.

"Sorry Tommy, you won't go anywhere till you're healthy. Your health comes first, friends can wait." She said, taking an empty bowl and waking out of his room.

"Okay, thanks for the soup!"

And with that, he was "grounded" by his sickness. Today the whole Dream Smp was meeting up and he was so excited to meet with them in person. He talked With Tubbo about it the whole week and now he couldn't go. Why was he so unlucky? Tommy groaned in annoyance and lated his head on a surprisingly fluffy pillow. Oh, he never noticed that. Maybe because usually when he was going to sleep it was late and he was exhausted. Eh, who cares. He just needed to rest and everything will be okay. But before that, he needed to clean himself, he smelled terrible.


Everyone was already there, except Tommy so they waited for him. But after an hour, no one came. Where was Tommy? Tubbo started worrying, which wasn't a surprise, they were Best friends. He started thinking maybe Tommy was busy and he had something important to do, so he forgot. Or maybe he fell asleep and now is driving to them late.

"So what are we doing?" George asked, standing next to Dream who had his mask on.

"Maybe we should call someone?" Fundy said, looking around for familiar blond hairs.

"Does anyone have his or his parents number?" Dream asked, eyeing them.

Tubbo took out his phone and looked through his contacts. Soon, he found Tommy's number and decided to call him. Rest of his friends stood there quietly, not to interrupt Tubbo.




No one answered, which was weird and not normally for Tommy. Tubbo opened his contacts again and looked for his mother's number. When he finally found it, he called it and waited. This time, the phone rang only two times when someone picked up.

"Hello?" Tommy's mother's voice.

"Hello Mrs. Simons! It's Tubbo, Tommy's friend" he said, happy that she picked up.

"Oh, hello Tubbo! How can I help you?" She asked nicely.

Tubbo smiled at the rest of them.

"Uh, we were supposed to meet up today with the rest of our friends but Tommy's not here." Tubbo explained to her, waiting for an answer.

"You know what? Tommy got sick this morning and he won't be able to come and hang out with you. I'm really sorry but he isn't able to stand up or walk. It's best for him to stay in bed" Tubbo's smile faded away as he listened to her.

He felt sad, Tommy couldn't meet up with them because of his sickness. He was upset.

"Is there something we can do for him?" He asked after a short silence.

"Maybe you could visit him. I'm taking care of some work and his father isn't home yet, so he's alone. It would be nice if you could check up on him and make sure he is okay. You know where is Key" she said, making Tubbo a little happier.

"Thank you and we will for sure visit him." He said goodbye and hung up on her.

He stood with phone in his hand before turning around and walking to the closest train station. They followed close behind him, confused about what's happening.

"Tommy is sick and he can't do anything, so we are going to visit him. Now." He said, going to buy tickets.

"Who knew Tubbo can be scary and caring at the same time" Sapnap said, making them laugh.

Couple minutes later, they were on the train, going straight to Tommy's house. Tubbo was worried and angry at Tommy for not letting him know he is sick. He cared about his friend dearly and no one could change that.


When they finally got out of their train, they decided to go and buy something to make Tommy feel better. They walked to a small grocery shop and bought coke, biscuits, some vegetables for soup and water. Dream paid for all of this, since they were in a hurry and he wanted to do something for Tommy. Tubbo was the one who took them to Tommy's house, as they followed behind him, trying not to distract him. Tubbo looked a little pissed, to say at least but concern filled his eyes. Who knows what might happen to Tommy.

They reached a small but nice looking house, which  they quested, was Tommy's house. Tubbo walked to the doors, reaching his hand to a small rock in the wall. Behind the rock was a small hole with a key to his house. He quickly opened the brown doors and quietly walked inside. First, they went to the kitchen to leave groceries they bought and then they went upstairs to Tommy's room. It wasn't hard to find it, since some of them visited him a couple of times. Wilbur slowly and carefully opened doors to the youngest room and peaked inside. It was dark, curtains covered windows. His eyes landed on Tommy's bed where he saw a small figure, curled up in a ball. He shook his head as he walked inside and sat on the floor next to Tommy's bed. Some of Dream smp followed his inside, others decided to make something to eat.

Wilbur argued in his head to either wake Tommy up or just look how adorable he looks while sleeping. Tommy's hairs were all over his face, his breath was calm and slow, which meant he was sleeping. He mumbled something in his sleep as his nose twitched a little. People in the room literally awed at this and observed Tommy's sleeping figure. That was until he rubbed his eyes with his hand and opened them. His blue eyes met with brown ones. He somehow managed to sit on his bed, as his eyes widened in fear and shock. Soon later, he realized it's just Wilbur and he sighed in annoyance.

"Bitch.." he mumbled as he layed back on the bed, not feeling any better.

"Hello to you too" he said laughing.

Tommy switched his eyes to people behind him. It was his friends. Philza was sitting on his chair, Wilbur on the floor next to him, George and Dream were sitting on the floor next to the doors, Bad and Skeppy were watching him from afar, as they stood in the corner of his room. Karl and Sapnap were sitting on the small couch next to them was Fundy and Eret. Tommy was confused why they were here and then he remembered he was supposed to meet up with them but he got sick.

"Sorry for the meeting. I didn't expect to get sick today" he said, scratching his neck.

"It's fine, we understand it wasn't your fault. Worse with Tubbo, he is a little mad" Philza said, smiling widely at Tommy.

"Tubs is mad? I'm Gonna die" Tommy said, laughing quietly.

"Do you need something?" Karl asked.

When he said that, Tommy's stomach growled, signaling that he was hungry. Tommy's face turned red in embarrassment and he covered his face with his arms.

"I guess that means you're hungry. I will tell others so they can make you something" Eret said, going downstairs.

Tommy uncovered his eyes and then he felt sick again. He quickly stood up and rushed to the toilet, leaving his friends in his room. After almost tripping over his own legs he reached the toilet, he vomited soup he ate earlier. His stomach felt empty even more than before. He sighed and cleaned his hands and mouth, before walking out of the bathroom. When he opened the doors, he was met with blue eyes but they weren't his. Tubbo was standing in front of him, death glaring in his eyes.

"H-hey!" Tommy said, smiling slightly.

Tubbo didn't move or said anything, he just stared at Tommy which was creepy.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked.

"Uh- I couldn't. My phone was in the living room and I couldn't do anything so, yeah" Tommy explained, trying to get away from Tubbo's eyes.

"Fine, I forgive you. But next time you better tell me" Tubbo said, before helping Tommy go downstairs to eat something.

Everyone was there, watching TV and eating soup and drinking tea. They greeted Tommy with a warm smile. He sat down next to Techno, who handed his cup of tea. Tommy thanked him quietly before sipping his tea and focusing on the movie they picked. Later, even if he didn't want to, they forced him into taking medicine, which was horrible syrup to make him feel better. When they eat their dinner, they decide to play some card games and just talk. Tommy simply ended up sleeping on Tubbo's shoulder, exhausted after the whole day. Tub o smiled softly at him and closed his eyes too. After some time he fell asleep too. Luckily they were on the couch in the living room, so they could rest without problems.

Later Tommy's mom came back and let them all stay and sleep, since it was already late. They agreed since no one felt like catching a train this late. Plus, they could take care of Tommy another day and hang out all together.
