Hey love!

Platonic Tommy x y/n! This time fluff.


Tommy truly loved his wife and his adopted son. Shadow, that's their sons name. He isn't normal like every other kids, no. He is a Wolf hybrid. He has grey and fluffy ears and tail. Tommy found him in the forest, while he was going to visit his love. Imidiatelly, being the pure person he is, he took the hybrid with him. Of course, when y/n saw him, she imidiatelly fell in love in him.

As time passed by, Tommy and y/n are better parents, making sure that their child is happy and health. Shadow grew more confident and comfortable around people, daily visiting the villagers. Tommy visited them every weekend and Friday, so he could spend time with them. As Shadows mom said, it's for him own good. He loved playing with his mom, hunting with his dad and cuddling with both of them. Sure he had some friends. It were mostly foxes and wolves from forest, but sometimes he would play with other children from village.

Everything was perfect, no one from L'manburg suspected anything, which was good. Tommy swore on his life that his family will be safe and happy. And now, he was on his way to visit them.
He was walking out ot his house, with small backpack on his back and some food in hand. Unfortunately for him, Tubbo saw him and went to talk.

"Hey Tommy!" Tubbo yelled.

"Hey big man!" He said back, hugging him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at his backpack.

"Eh- Im going to trade with some villagers, I should be back in four days" he said, walking next to Tubbo.

"Oh, okay. Good luck!" Tubbo yelled.

Tommy only smiled at him and quickly left this place. He runner into forest, trying to disappeared from everyone else. That left Tubbo confused so he decide to follow him. He knew very good that it wasn't good, bit still. Something bad could happen to Tommy, maybe Dream was threatening to kill him?! He quickly followed him, hiding behind trees from time to time.

"Why are we spying on Tommy?" The voice come behind his back.

Tubbo almost yelled, but he managed to stay silent. He turned around and saw Ranboo.

"Im worried for Tommy, he's again leaving for trading." He explained, hiding behind another tree.

"What is wrong with that?" Ranboo asked, rising one of his eyebrows.

"He may be manipulated by someone, I just want to make sure he is okay"

"Oh, okay"

And now, not one person but two people were following poor Tommy, who wasn't expecting that. He was walking, humming quietly to himself, visible happy. Why would he be so happy from trading? Something was off and they needed to know what exactly.

After an hour of walking, they saw small wooden house on the field. It was very pretty house, with small garden in front of it. Many flowers were around it.


You can choose which one you want!)

They hide behind one tree, looking carefully at what was Tommy doing. He knocked on the doors, standing back a little. After couple of seconds, the doors opened. Tubbo's eyes widened, he saw a woman with small kid in her arms.

"Papa!" The kid yelled.

Woman laughed and handed Tommy the child, as Tubbo realized, it was a wolf hybrid. Tommy patted their head and placed a kiss on its forehead.

"Hello buddy, were you a good boy for mommy?" He asked, placing a small kiss on woman's forehead too.

"Yup! I made flower crown for you!" As Ranboo though, the boy said and jumped down from Tommy's arms.

He runned to small bench and sat down on it. Tommy and his partner followed the kid and sat down next to him. Tommy layed his backpack on the ground and focused on his child. The wolf hybrid pulled out small flower crown. It was from his and Tommy's favourite flowers, the Allium one.

"Awwww, it looks beautiful baby" Tommy said, placing the crown down on Shadow's little head.

"Thank you, mama said it looks cool" he said smiling.

"Go play with foxes, mommy and daddy will talk" she said.


Their child runned deeper in the wood, looking gor his fox friends. Tommy kept looking at him untill he disappeared in the forest and he shifted his attention to y/n. She only layed her head on his shoulder and hugged him. Tommy imidiatelly hugged back and closed his eyes.

"I missed you" she said. Her voice was calm and kind.

"Me too" he said. " I met Tubbo this morning"

"You didn't told him, right?" She looked into his eyes.

"Not yet, I was planning on telling him later"

"Mhm" she hummed as he chuckled, Shadow meanwhile come back.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Y/n only noded and went inside the house, Tommy and Shadow following her.

Tubbo and Ranboo, backed away and teleported back to their home.


Tommy sat down on the couch and played with his son, while y/n was making tea. When she was do e, she placed cup on the table and cuddle into Tommy's chest. He was holding her with his arm, as he smiled at his kid.

"When can I met your friends?" She asked.

"I don't know, I just want you to have happy and safe life." He responded her.

"Can we go after weekend, please?" She nuzzled more into Tommy's chest.


Rest of the day they spend on playing with Shadow, making cupcakes and eventually they went to sleep. Y/n was excited to meet Tommy's friends, he was talking so much about them, especially Tubbo, Ranboo and Foolish. Shadow always could be friends with Michaels, Tubbo and Ranboo adopted son.


It was Monday, when Tubbo saw Tommy coming back but not alone. He was with the same woman and his son. Tubbo quickly went to his house, where Techno, Philza, Wilbur, Foolish and Ranboo were waiting for him.

"They are coming!"

Today, they planned on asking who's that and what's their relationship. The one question that was in their mind, was why Tommy didn't tell them or anyone else. After a moment, doors opened and revealed three figures. Tommy wasn't shocked at all, he was quite happy that he saw them.

"Hello boys" he greeted them, smiling.

"Hello Tommy. Who's that with you?" Philza asked.

"Oh? This is Y/n and Shadow, my family" he said, letting go of Shadows small hand. "Say hi"

"H-hi" he said, a little shy.

"He is so cute~" Tubby whined.

"Thank you!" Tommy said happily.

Foolish looked at the woman, she had h/c hairs and e/c eyes. She looked at the age 16, familiar to Tommy. He noticed the diamond ring on her finger, the same Tommy always wore.

"Beautiful ring" he said, catching everyone attention "Tommy's ring looks the same."

"Ahh, you see. Tommy and I are platonically married and Shadow is our son" y/n explained, giving them a heart warming smile.

"Wait, Tommy is married?!" Techno asked shocked.

"Yeah, didn't heard you dickhead?" Tommy snapped back.

"Tommy" she warned him, as Tommy only shrugged " Yeas, we are married for over one year"

"And you didn't tell anyone?" Philza asked.

"I wanted y/n to be happy and safe." He explained, noticing look on Foolish face as he looked on Shadow. "Shadow is a Wolf hybrid, he is very nice and lovely kid" he said.

"He can play with Michael!" Tubbo said, happy.

"If you don't mind" Ranboo said, looking at Tommy.

"Sure, I don't see any problems"

With that Tubbo and Ranboo took Shadow to Michael. They played together, while Philza walked to Tommy.

"I'm proud of you, son" he said.

"Thank you" Tommy smiled at his father, who was smiling at his wife.

"I hope you will be happy family" Techno said, what was surprising from him to hear.

"Thank you very much." Y/n thanked them.
