Souls revenge

Part two of 'Soul locked in robot'

TW: blood, death, controlling, manipulating, FNAF

I'm back baby! Did you missed me? Well I missed you guys and I'm back with another one shots! I'm fully rested and now I'm full of motivation and ideas, so I hope you're excited as much as me. Enjoy!


"Are you sure this will work?" He asked, looking out off the window.

"Of course and no one will get out alive" second person said.

First voice laughed and sighed.

"Perfect, make sure everyone will be there. We don't want someone to skip our show. Go now"

"Of course" one person walked out of the dark room and disappeared behind the doors.

"Now, it's time to get ready to start our little show." He said, before leaving the room too.


It was a two months now and his plan was completed and ready to start. But first, he needed more robots to help. Purpled somehow managed to build three more robots. Foxy, Chica and Freddy. They were in the restaurant, Freddy and Chica were standing on the same stage what Bunny, while Foxy was in his pirate cave. He was proud how everything turned out and that Purpled was really helpful.

Tommy, being the bunny, was the only alive robot. They rest was controlled by Purpled in his office, while Tommy was standing on the stage, acting like a normal robot. Plan was simple and it was time to start. At first, they needed to take care of Sam, which wouldn't be a problem. After three weeks in his suit, Tommy realized he could hypnotize someone and make him for everything he wanted. Of course, he had to use his own eyes. Purpled rebuild his eyes so they looked exactly like his own. And with that, he began to train manipulating people's mind and controlling them. Everything was going smooth and after another two weeks and he was able to control someone for 8 house without break. It was somehow like he could posses someone's body even if that person was dead, which made him able to see and hear everything that person did.

He could also create illusions, which allowed him to make illusion of someone even if they were dead. Their body would change into their old alive version and stand in one place, but since he could control people, he could control the illusion. It looked real and no one could get rid of the illusion, expect Tommy himself. (Sorry if it doesn't makes sense. I'm bad at explaining anything)

Now, they had to kill Sam, creat illusion and control his body. Then they had to get ready to start the show. They planned to invite everyone including Dream and Technoblade, to the restaurant and start their show. It looked like normal robotic show but was supposed to end with blood and death.


~The best Show in your whole life!
Come to the Bunny's restaurant and watch first and the best show in your life. Everyone are invited and we hope you will enjoy our little show. Bring who ever you want. It will be fun!~

People who saw that, were interested and excited to say at least. It was first time when someone did something like that and it seemed nice. Everyone started talking about the show and soon everyone in the country knew. Weird was that no one saw Purpled, who would be excited to see it too. Sam, on the other hand was going to get Dream to watch the show, since he didn't had anything to do. What they didn't notice, was that Sam's eyes weren't green anymore.

When it was time for the show, people started coming in and whispering to each other's. Everything inside seemed beautiful and expensive. They gathered in the doors, looking around. That's when they saw Dream sitting in one of the chairs, of course handcuffed.

"Dream?" George asked carefully.

"Oh hello Guys! Are you free for the show too? Sam brought me here and honestly, I'm not really interested" he said, blowing them a smile.

They slowly took their places, still looking around and admiring this place. It had red curtain, brown tables, white chairs and stage. Big stage. That's when they heard music.

"Listen to my advice boys
If you come upon a restaurant
Don't deal with the robots" voice watching cameras said.

No one heard that.

Sam walked on the stage, with microphone in his hand and huge smile on his face. He looked around and faced the middle of tables, looking at everyone's faces, stopping at Dream's.

"Welcome to my restaurant lads
Are you down for an show tonight?
Let's see what the Bunny's got in his hands
And If you're ready, come on
And sing with him" he sang,

People cheered, hearing the song. Quackity moved a little, he was weirdly uncomfortable for the whole time.

"Snake eyes!" Someone yelled in the background.

"Beg on your knees
You can't flee
Bring those robots to me!"

"Come on!"  Someone yelled again.

People again,n started cheering, but this time five of them didn't. They felt weird, like someone was watching them from the shadows. Quackity stood up and went towards the doors when someone caught his arm and pulled back. He looked behind him and saw a huge red robot.

"Play with his souls or you'll
Pay with your head
Try to escape him and you'll end up dead
You can't complain now cus that's what you get
That's what you get!" Sam sang louder.

People looked at the Quackity who was focused on weir red fox robot, blocking the exit. He slowly took a step back and turned around to face the stage.

"Sam? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked loudly.

But Sam didn't answer. He sang again.

"That's what you get for being stupid!
So stupid!
That's what you get for being toxic!
Oh, that's what you get for being toxic!
That's what you get!" He sang.

No one liked that anymore, it somehow was sang to them, talking about what they did. But what exactly? They didn't know.

"I don't like that.."

"Sam is acting really weird and it's creeping me out"

People were whispering, looking around for another exit. Who would think that this show will end being their death? Only two people, who wanted their revenge.

"There's an second exit!" Someone yelled.

Everyone turned their heads and runned to the doors. Sam's purple eyes followed their figures, smiling lightly.

Wilbur was first so he quickly opened the doors and runned outside the main room. They all followed him close behind. Even Dream was running with them, since he didn't felt like dying now.

They were scared, panicking which he could feel from miles. Wide smile appeared on his face, before moving deeper into the shadows.

"Nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Hurry up I've got a show to end
The time is ticking, you move too slow.
So Pay off the debt to save your skin" Sam's voice eoched through the walls from microphone.

They didn't look back, they kept running as fast at they could. Soon later, they reached another doors. Techno was first to open them, since Wilbur had a little problem. When they went inside, they saw smaller stage with three robots.

"Fight one on one
Run and gun
Long as you get it done" Sam sang louder and louder.

It seemed like he was walking towards them.

"MWAHAHAHA" someone laughed next to them.

Everyone looked at each other, expect Ranboo who was looking at the blue robot. It reminded him of someone but he was dead for a long time now. He shook his head and looked down at Tubbo. He was scared, he knew that. He held his hand tightly, giving him feeling of protection.

Blue robot glared at them in rage, even if they didn't see that. He had to end them, now. His eyes gloved dark purpled and Sam walked in the room, closing the doors behind him.

"You went for escape and oh no now you're scared
Grave situations you can't sugarcoat
If you break his heart then he'll break your soul
That's what you get!" Sam stood in the corner far away form there.

All they saw were purple eyes, piercing through their hearts. They started backing away, when Jack hit one robot with his backs. He started slowly turning around. Tubbo on the other hand fell on his butt and he felt something wet and sticky on his hand. He looked down at his hand and his expression change even more. He screamed and jumped on his feet's, holding onto Ranboo.

"It's a trap! There's blood everywhere and Sam's mask-" before he could end Jack screamed in pain.

They looked towards him and saw that made him scream. Brown robot was holding his hand in it's mouth, ripped off. Everyone screamed and started panicking even more. Maybe not Techno and Dream. Of course, they were terrified but they were trying to think how to escape.

"One two three you better not run
Eins, zwei, drei go ahead and cry
Beware, honey, you better bee
And If you die then don't ask why" Sam's voice became quiet.

Everyone tried to be quiet, muffling their cry's. Puffy tried to help Jack, who was on the ground, bleeding out slowly. The brown bread opened it's mouth and let go off his hands making it land next to the two.
Puffy looked away but still tried to help Jack.

Yellow robot who looked like chicken came down from the stage and stood next to Dream, pressing it's chest against his back. Dream jumped a little and looked up, his eyes widening. Yellow chicken pushed him forward, making him stumble over his own legs.

"W-what's going on?" He asked, his voice cracking.

No one answered, while the yellow robot only pushed him further and further towards Sam. Red robot who was back at the stage came down too, standing in front of the doors, blocking them. Everyone stood closer to each other's, trying to take as little space as possible. They felt sick, scared and terrified. When finally the yellow chicken stopped, Dream stopped too. His heart was beating like it wanted to jump out and run away.

"So listen to my advice boys
If you come upon a restaurant
Don't deal with the robots" someone in front of him said.

Dream looked up and was terrified even more. In from of him, form shadows appeared big purple rabbit.

"Well, look who's scared now. How pathetic" the robot said.

People looked at him, not saying anything.

"H-how can you talk?" Dream asked.

"You see, the three others robot are normal robots, controlled by my helper. But me? My robot is controlled by my own soul." Mechanic voice said.

Dream gulped, for a moment forgetting how to breath.

"Do you know who I am?" The purple robot asked.

"Uh- purple bunny robot with a soul?" Niki asked.

The robot only shot her a glare.

"I'm something more that that. I'm your death" he said.

Something in his chest glowed with white light and something like ghost appeared in feon of the robot. It was a soul. It had pale, almost white skin, grey hairs and piercing blue eyes. That's when it hit them all, that was Tommy's soul.

"Tommy?" Phullza asked, looking shocked.

"Shocking right? I was shocked at first too, when Sam decided to lock my soul here. Poir guy though he could close me here, in this restaurant and get away with it. Sad how short it lasted" he laughed innocently but insanely at the same time.

"What did you do?" Puffy asked, standing up.

Tommy chuckled and his eyes glowed purple again. They heard footsteps. Sam came out of the shadows and stood next to Tommy. Then, illusion disappeared and there stood only corpse. It had ripped out arms, terrible wounded and cut legs and head, crushed on the floor.
Everyone gasped, some of them turned around and gagged.

"How pathetic. Now, let's start" he said.

He looked down at Dream and smiled, before disappearing back in the suit, taking controll of it again. Robot reached out it's hand and held Dream by his neck. He imidiatelly choked on air and wiggled around.

"It's out time for revenge~" he said.

His big and sharp fangs closed on Dream's neck, ripping off his throat open. People screamed in fear and started crying even more. George, fell to the ground and sobbed loudly.

"Now let's take care of others"

Four robots circled around them, opening their mouth and reaching out their hands. One of them had a knife in left hand, swinging with it around.


It looked like there was a war. Blood everywhere, flesh lying around even on the ceiling. Robots were covered in blood also, standing on the stage again. Purpled robot stood in the middle of the mess, silent.

"Tommy you did it!" Purpled yelled when he came inside the room, smiling widely.

"No purpled, we did it. Together" Tommy said,.before turning around to him.

Purpled send him small smile, before pressing one button and opening the doors. He walked towards them and turned to face Tommy.

"Come on, it's time to go home" Purple said before destroying small remote.

Tommy slowly walked towards the doors, not really sure if it was good idea. He slowly put his feet outside and when nothing happened he smiled widely yet insane and walked outside. Control shock didn't work anymore. He was free. Free and filled with urge to get revenge. There were still some people he had to take care off.

Two figures faded in the dark shadow, leaving the familiar place. They had time.
