Protect to death

Hello and welcome back!
Part two of "Welcome to the family", since I was motivated and got an idea for this.
Remember to take care of yourself, take a break, rest your eyes and drink something!

Hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!

Somehow placed between fluff and angst cause author was too lazy to specify
TW: blood, fnaf


They trailed behind the blue robot, often farting their eyes around whenever they saw a shadow or heard some creaking noise. But Everytime Prim would reassure them it was nothing and that they should continue their way to the exit.
They walked for maybe 20 minutes, barely making their way down the stairs and reaching the fourth floor. God, this place was huge, too huge for them to escape that easily. Especially since the weird robots seemed to be after them, expect for the Prim the Puppeteer. He was calm, protecting them and searching for the doors. He was never allowed to exit the building, but he knew where the doors were since he did it many times before. However, the sharp noises in his head did not help at all. The stating sound was distracting him, sometimes to the point where he would randomly stand still and need to process what was happening.
Everything was going as smooth as it could, before the robot stopped frozen and looked at his hands. The rest stood behind him, looking for any danger before their attention snapped to the tall robot.

"What's wrong, Prim?" Wilbur asked, shifting his weight on the other leg as he tried to calm himself.

"I need to recharge my battery, either way we will have some problems along the way. Please excuse me for a moment and try to keep yourself in hiding while I recharge. Try not to draw any attention towards yourself"

With that, the robot walked to the left and disappeared behind big and grey doors. Wilbur stood there for a moment, trying to process what just happened. Meanwhile Sapnap looked around, spotting small cafeteria on his left. With wide smile on his face, he skipped to the cafeteria and without second thoughts, jumped behind the place where the supposed cashier should be. Punz and Dream quickly followed after him, trying to stop him before he would do something unnecessary and catch unwanted attention.

"Sapnap! What the hell are you doing?" Dream whispered yelled, following closely as the other male reached over the corner to try and grab the said male.

Sapnap however ducked down, avoiding their arms and pushed the small button on the coffee maker. He waited for the satisfying sound of the machine turning on, but all he get was silent. He groaned, hitting the coffee maker softly, trying to get it to work. That not only didn't woke out, but also made the machine move a little with loud squeaking sound.

"Sapnap, stop it!" Quackity said desperately, begging for his friend to stop and calm down.

"No! I want-"

Before he could continue, a loud girl like scream escaped his throat, while he stumbled back and Right into Dream's arms. He looked at Dream with hope in his eyes, that maybe the older boy would protect him. Dream only shook his head, also backing away from the corner.
They looked up from a far, waiting for something to come out. Quackity felt something touch his ankle, so he yelped in instinct and backed away. Now, he was red from embarrassment as he waited for whatever it was to come out.

His wish soon cake true, when 7 small bots came from behind the wall, all of them staring at the group of people. They were rather short, barely reaching their waist. Blue eyes staring in their own eyes, along with some blue details. Unlike the other bots, they had wheels instead of legs.

Quackity stared at them, waiting to be attacked or ambushed. But nothing happened, as the robot continued to look at them and watched they warily.

"Who are they?" Asked Dream, after 10 minutes of staring at the small bots he never had a chance to see before.

"This are our coffee robots. They basically make coffee and brindle it to people. The are probably the only friendly bots you will come across today, just like me. They won't be a big help for us, but they can surely help you move faster." Prim said, titling his head to the side as he popped out right next to Punz.

Prim carefully kneeled down in front of the first robot, gently patting it's head and smiling in greeting. The small robot not reacted for a moment, before it's head perked up in excitement and brought out it's hand towards the bigger robot. Prim shook it carefully, letting the robot hold onto his hand for as long as he wanted. The other robots seeing this, moved closer to Prim and also brought out their hand towards him. Without hesitation, Prim held another's bot hand, smiling at it too.

"Please, holr their hands if you want to catch their attention. Once their attention is seatled on you, they won't let go or stop following you as long as you won't tell them then can go. They do it everytime whenever someone comes to the shop. They follow them and take their orders, until the person leaves and let's the robot go. They get back in the staff room, waiting for another customer to come in and request their help" Prim explained freely, glancing at the robot and back at the group of human.

Carefully, Quackity was the first one to bring out his hand towards one of the bots. It looked at his hand questioning, so Quackity had to be the first one to take the hand of the robot, who happily held it afterwards and waved it around. Another robot seeing the happiness in the others bot's eyes, decided to do it on his own. So, he went towards Dream and held out his hand, clenching and unclenching it, telling Dream to take it.
Soon, all five of them were holding onto one of the robots, while Prim held the other two.

"Are they always like this with other bots?" Puns asked, curiously.

Prim shook his head, slowly walking towards the another set of stairs.

"It seems like they are acting like that only towards their creator and people they serve to." Prim said, watching as one of his robots pulled his forward with eye filled with curiousity.

"And who's their creator?" Dream asked, examining his own robot.

"It was supposed to the idea of one of the mechanics, but he got sick. So, I was the one who created them and programmed them at the end"

Well, that did make sense. But, could robots really make another robots? How did it work, exactly?

"Ah, that's great to know that robots are able to make another robots. There's completely nothing scary about that and the fact that they are smarter than most of us" Said Wilbur, rolling his eyes.

"I don't consider myself smarter than anyone else. It's the way I was programmed, there's nothing I can do about it" Prim said, before his smile faded a little. "and they call me Prim the Puppeteer for a reason"

"Alright, we don't want to argue right now. Let's just go" Punz interrupted.


When they finally reached the first floor, they didn't feel anything but relief since they could already see the doors to their freedom at the end of the long hall. However, they still had to walk a little, since running was out of order and it would probably catch more attention.
Prim took care of all the coffee robots, leading them to a safe place away from the exit so they wouldn't be attacked. Prim himself walked at the back of the group, feeling that weird thing in his gut. Someone was close and he wasn't sure if it was other human or maybe one of the robots. He didn't want to test it, so he kept an eyes on their surrounding the whole time.

When they were half way in, they heard loud steps once again. They froze in one place, Prim looking up as his ears twitched and his head snapped towards the place where the sounds were coming from. Sapnap cursed under his breath, looking around quickly as he took a step closer to the friendly robot.
They all gathered around the blue robot, eyes scanning everything and catching every quiet sound. Prim scoffed, taking a step to the side and glaring at the shadows. With every second, the sound was growing louder and soon, they saw two figures coming their way.

One was taller than the other, pink body, green and blue details along with deep red eyes slipped into thin line, sharp fangs and claws. The second one had a black fur, long tail swinging from behind, long and sharp looking claws and also red eyes.

"Who's that..?" Punz asked, moving back.

"I can only guess it's The siren and wolf robot" Quackity said, inching closer to Sapnap as they hold each other in fear.

The two robots noticed the group of people, before their eyes darted towards the third robot. Loud hiss escaped the Wolf's throat, while taking a few steps close to the group.
Prim growled, his own claws ready to attack, his body low and ready to jump. The siren robot only titled it's head, before opening it's mouth and taking a long breath in.

"Cover your ears!"

They did as they were told and second later, a loud screeching was heard. It was so loud that even tho they covered their ears, it was hurting their ears. Forced to back away, they did, hiding behind the closest thing to them which was a small fountain. With their eyes still covered, they could only watch as the wolf slowly kneeled on the ground, almost laying on it when suddenly it jumped forward. Prim was fast enough to dodge the first attack, but the second one came almost as fast as the first one. The siren was still screaming, trying to distract the blue robot so he would be easier to attack.
When the third attack from the wolf robot was pointed directly at the blue robot, he used his paws and claws to attack. When the wolf jumped at him, huge hole and scratch of claws was left on it's side, easily dodging the attack. However, another robot could be seen appearing from the this air and running quickly to attack Prim from behind. Sapnap tried to alert the robot, but the siren was still screeching so it was impossible that the robot would eevn hear him.

They watched with tears as the bird robot slashed it's arms at the blue robot, almost imidiatelly attacking him with it's beak and pushing him to the ground.

"Watch out!" Dream yelled, when the siren bot suddenly stopped screeching only to attack the now lying bot.

Prim attacked one of the robots with his leg, pushing it say before he left an sharp beak collide with his side. He groaned in pain, throwing his arms around to free himself. That However wasn't the best thing to do, since he was almost imidiatelly pinned to the ground. The feeling of his arm being ripped off was overwhelming and terrible. His vision blurred a little, watching as the wolf bot took his arm and decided to rip it into million pieces.
Prim yelled in pain, behind ripped into pieces by his own friends who now acted more like wild animals.
He titled his head to the side, searching for the group of humans he helped. Once he saw them, he used the rest of his energy and yelled.

"Run! Get out of there and don't you dare to turn around!"

Dream hesitantly pulled Punz with him, closely followed by Quackity and Sapnap who stumbled on their way. Wilbur stood there for a moment, watching how the eyes of the blue bot slowly stopped shining, the familiar glow and color slowly disappearing and fading into black.


Wilbur turned around to run to the exit, before he stopped once again with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you.." he said.

The robot nodded softly, before his eyes completely turned black and his head hit the floor. The three bots still continued to tear him apart, making him look like a wreck and a piece of metal.

Before he reached the doors, he turner around for the last time. Much to his terror, he was the coffee bots appear in the scene and making their way towards the bots. They jumped in action, attacking the three bots and hitting them with knives they found in the kitchen.
It didn't help looking, since moments later the wolf bot turned around and slashed with it's claws at the closest robot, destroying it in less than minute. The other robots didn't care, continuing to fight.
It was their creator who was ripped into shreds and they couldn't do anything. And if their creator was going to die, they were going to die the same way. Protecting the humans.

Wilbur cried out in pain, finally turning around and pushing the doors open. There, he was met with sunlight and a lot of people. Almost imidiatelly, he was surrounded by people and police who wanted to make sure he was okay. Much to his relief, he saw all his friend were okay, maybe expect for small scratch on Sapnap's shoulder.

"I'm never going to any of this hotels again. Never" Dream said, lookinh over at Wilbur and noticing his painful look. ".. he's destroyed, isn't he?"

Wilbur tried to say something, but his voice cracked a little. He took a breath in, sipping the water in his cuo before speaking.

"Not only Prim the Puppeteer, but also the coffee bots. They came out there to fight for their creator, but they were too weak to do anything"

Sapnap hugged his knees, Quackity patting his back in comfort.

"I will miss him, to be honest. We knew him for a short time but he was really nice and caring" Dream said, smiling a little.

"Yeah.." the rest agreed.

Who know that a simple trip to the most famous hotels would turn into a Night where they would make a new friend, be face to face with dead and then lose the new friend? For sure, it wasn't something they would forgot about any time soon. And they wouldn't forgot about him.
