Two birds

Requested: CheezSOCKS

Angst to fluff (platonic!)
TW: being alone, mention of being abonded

Hope you enjoy!


Tommy sat upon the hill, gazing at the sky above him. It was middle in the night, good two hours after midnight. It was freezing cold and dark, but he didn't cared. He was swinging his legs, humming a soft tone to himself. But it wasn't the happy one like always, it was one filled with sadness and pain. That showed his soul, full of pain and everything that's sad.
He looked around, his eyes darting towards the other two. Tubbo was walking back to his house with Ranboo, both talking and smiling widely. Just a couple months ago, Tommy was in Ranboo's place. Some time ago, Ranboo's became his replacement and he was not having it. Of course, he pointed it out to Tubbo, but that only ended up with a heavy argument. Unfortunately, Tubbo decided to end this relationship and noved on as fast as anyone coukd expect. But for Tommy it was hard to move on and after such a long time, he often caught himself trying to talk to Tubbo.
He tried to move on, but like always, life wasn't going easy on him.
Tommy sughed tired and layed on the grass, closing his eyes before relaxing.

Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away
And the other watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar

He sat on the bench with Tubbo, both smiling and laughing happily. There was nothing that could separate them. They were just too close to each other, spending all days messing around.

"We need to make more friends, so when something happens you won't be alone" Tubbo said, playing Mellohi again.

"I don't need other friends" Tommy said, punching his arm playfully.

"Promise you will make other friends, if not I will do it for you" Tubbo glared at Tommy.

Tommy only groaned in annoyance befire laughing loudly.

"Okay okay. Just don't kill me, bee boy" Tommy mocked him, before running away with wide smile on his face.

I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand

Why did Tubbo believed Tommy? Cause he was too naive and stupid. Tommy never befriended anyone other than Tubbo, he was too independent to do that. He didn't need other people, he had Tubbo and himself. Other people were too clingy and annoying for him, so he kept them away from him.

I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand

He stayed with Tubbo all the time, not once leaving him side for longer than 10 minute's. Tubbo though it was funny, since he was the one who was clingy and not him. It surprised Tubbo, that Tommy didn't soend tine with his other friends. It wasn't bad, but confusing. Every time when he would ask Tommy about that, he would only say that his friend's are perfectly fine and are busy. How stupid he was to believe that.

Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired"
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
One more or one less
Nobody's worried

But one day everything changed. Tubbo started distancing himself from Tommy, spending less and less time with him. Every hang out proposition was cancelled by other plans. Every sleepover was ignored and every message forgotten. And when more time passed, Tommy was also forgotten. And all of that because of one person. Ranboo. A half Enderman hybrid that appeared one day from nowhere and took Tubbo away, making him fall in live in him. What was better about Ranboo? That he was tall, strong, special and rich. Nothing that Tommy could compare himself to. He was just an teenager with trauma and annoying personality. Complete opposite of Ranboo. He was loud, annoying, mean and too energetic.  Nothing like Ranboo. The hybrid was quiet, nice, kind and gentle.

I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand

And if that wasn't good enough, then the news that Tubbo and Ranboo got platonically married for sure was enough. Ha, they even adopted a kid! Now that was something that completely broke Tommy.
He should have listen to Tubbo and make some friends back then, cause now he was alone. Tubbo replaced him with better, started a great family and forgot about him. He just disappeared in the shadow of the incredibly special Hybrid.

I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand

"I will never leave you alone!" Tubbo said.

"Best friends forever?" Tommy asked, holding out his pinky.

"Forever!" Tubbo held his pinky out too and crossed it with Tommy's, smiling.

How could he fall for that. How could he believe that Tubbo will actually be his best friend forever. It was stupid and funny, how easy he was to break. It took one person to ruin his happiness and hope ij the world. He was left with nothing but broken promise.

Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire

"Come on Tommy! Ranboo is waiting for us!"

Tubbo let go of his hand and runned towards the other Boyd, leaving Tommy behind. He didn't look back to see if he is following, no, instead he just left with the other.

Meanwhile Tommy stood there, hoping for Tubbo to turn around and take him. But that never happened. Tubbo and Ranbo disappeared in the forest, going to the same field where him and Tubbo spend most of their time together.  Now that's where Tubbo and Ranboo spend most of their free time.

Tommy stared at the two young birds on the wire, carefully looking down. They were about to leave their home and go on their own. After a second, one of them spread out it's small wings and flew up in the air. Small and happy chirps filled the air, as the bird stayed in the air for a moment. It was looking at it's friend, waiting for him to go too. But the other one didn't seem like it wanted to leave. It chirped quietly, clapping it's wing but landing back on the wire. It didn't plan in going somewhere. But the other brid chirped again and simply flew away, Leaving the other one alone. It was left alone, just like Tommy. The bird looked a little hurt by the fact that it's friend just left him there alone. Tommy coukd feel the bird's pain and that was exactly how he felt.

Tubbo flew away like a bird from it's family nest, leaving it's parents to start it's own adventure and family. To live on it's own. Meanwhile Tommy was too scared to do so. He didn't want to leave his house. He stayed in the same place, watching Tubbo live his best life.

He says that he will
But he's just a liar

As much as he wanted, he wasn't able to move on. He didn't hang out with anyone, he didn't talk to anyone because he had no one to talk to. He was left alone to face the world. So he did, he never turned back. And with some time, hope blossomed in his heart, giving him another reason to live.

Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
Two birds on a wire

He watched carefully what other people did, missing the other's person touch and warmth. He often saw them together, playing with their son while he was just sitting there blankly with nothing left. The hope was slowly dying in him again. So he decided ti do something that he would never thought of. One day, he adopted a kid. Shroud was his name. A spider hybrid that kept him company for months and become his beloved and only son that he truly cared for. Now he wasn't alone, they had each other. And soon, another person appeared in their little family.

One tries to fly away and the other

"Tommy?" A familiar voice reache his ears.

He cracked his eyes open to look up and there stood his husband, leaning above him. He had his arns crossed on his chest, puffy jacket covering his top body.

"What are you doing here? It's freezing cold." He said.

"Sorry, I just- get lost in thoughts and lost the track of time like always" he smiled softly, standing up from the ground.

Purpled threw a black jacket over his shoulders, making sure he was comfortable and warm. Once he was done, he held his hand and took him back home. Tommy followed him, smiling softly at his platonic lover.

"You need to stop going out so late, it's not good for you" Purpled said, galancing at Tommy who chuckled quietly.

"I know, it's just that I like to see you worried about me" Tommy said, smirk appearing on his face.

"Oh shut it, I'm doing this only for Shroud" Purpled said.

"Only for Shroud you say, hm?" Tommy said, making a sad expression.

"Don't you dare make that face, it doesn't work anymore"

Tommy laughed, looking at Purpled again.

"Love you too, Purp" he said.

"I love you too, my bird"

Tommy looked up, small chirping filling the air. He saw the same bird from earlier, the one that was left alone by it's friend. Now, it was flying through the sky with another bird, similar to his.
It looks like not only Tommy found the happiness in his life.
