Tommy, come down

Some angst cause I felt like it :). Hope you enjoy and sorry if the chapter is a little crappy.

Since I had no idea who would fit the role of person who tried to help Tommy, you can choose yourself! Author was just lazy and too stupid to come up with someone who would satisfie their mind.

TW: suicidal thoughts, commiting suicide, mention of trauma


Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you
Tommy, it's not much but there's proof
You crazy-assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue
Redemption lies plainly in truth
Just humor us, Tommy, Tommy, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?

He stood on the tall building, wing hitting against his skin and rocking him softly left and right. The sun was slowly disappearing behind the mountains, last rays of  the sun gazing softly at his skin before completely fading away and leaving him in the shadows. His heart was pounding heavily, as his legs shook under his weight.
He was so close, yet so far. He always wanted to it, yet he hesitated. Why? Was he scared? Afraid that it may not work out? That maybe it's not what he wants? But if so, why did they tell him it was exactly what he wants? He promised himself he would do it now, but he stood there with hesitation. Nothing was stopping him, so why not to just do it?

Je vois que beaucoup de gens meurent
Parce qu'ils estiment que la vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue
J'en vois d'autres, qui se font paradoxalement tués pour des idées
Pour des illusions, qui leurs donnent une raison de vivre
Ce, qu'on appelle une raison de vivre est en même temps une excellente raison de mourir

All he had to do was to take one small spent and it would be done. All of it. He stood inched from his death, the fall counting more than two thousand feet down. It wouldn't hurt, right? It will be painful, just as he wanted. After all of this, a Peaceful death would be something nice. But who he was to wish that? He was lost. Not only in the world and reality but also his head. They were confusing. One told him to do it, while the other pleased him to now. Was it because they needed someone to live in? It confused him more than it probably should.
But he didn't bother to tell someone. Who would believe him anyway. They would say that he's imagining things and that he's doing it for attention. He learned it hard way.

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken
Remember the pact of our youth
Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping
Since there is no me without you
Soldier on, Tommy, Tommy, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?

Life wasn't fair. You either fight and survive, or give up and die. That's what he was taught. For his whole life, he had to fight nonstop of he wanted to survive. Even at the age of 5, when his parents left him out in the cold night, before disappearing only to never come back. He never felt loved, happy or safe. And if he did, it lasted for bare minutes before it all came crushing down. But now he felt happy, happy to end it all. It was exciting at some point, which would probably seem weird for others. The feeling of falling down only to land and never get up again. It seemed nice.
Opened arms waited for him at the bottom of the building, where soon would lay his body. Bruised, massacred, with blood covering the ground and his clothes. His skull would probably crush or explode, making a lot of mess. He felt bad for someone who would have to clean all the blood off. Oh well.

Loathe the way they light candles in Rome
But love the sweet air of the votives
Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone
Engage with the pain as a motive

He was ready, looking down not even once blinking. The lights of the town reflected in his eyes, blinding him for a moment before he looked up once again. The sun was long gone, dark blue night sky observing him and his movements. Only if there was someone to save him. To come and try to get him away from the edge. Only if someone cared enough to notice.
He was alone, surrounded by pain and darkness every day. He wanted to feel again, but he wasn't capable of it. Maybe after that, he will feel something.

It was the main reason why he appeared here in the first place. He thought that maybe if he stands here, he will feel fear and he will back off. But he didn't feel anything like that. Maybe if he jumps and seconds before his body touched the ground, he will feel pain. Not mental but psychical. Mental pain was something he got used to after experiencing it the whole time. Physical was also there, but not that much. Only a little bit.
So he thought.

Today, of all days, see
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above

He never tried to love anyone, nor anyone tried to love him. Or, that's what he thought. Sure, they were there and tried to talk to him. But the look in their eyes only showed pity and sometimes pain. Why? Why would they feel bad for him if they didn't know what he felt? They never asked, they never tried to feel the same things he felt. They just assumed that they can feel what he feels just by looking at him. No. That doesn't work.
They never experienced even a small part of the thing he experienced. Of course, they also had their ups and downs. But they weren't tortured in exile,.they weren't beaten to death on daily basis, they didn't see death of their loved ones, their parents never left them alone in the middle of the night.
He didn't know what happiness meant. Or kindness. Human love. Safety. He was alone most of his live and if he had someone, they wód leave some time later. That's why he preffered animals and things, like Henry or disks. They wouldn't leave him if they wanted. Henry was enjoying his life by Tommy's side, having nothing to worry about and just relaxing most of the days and eating fresh grass. That was his closest friend.

D'un gérant d'immeuble qui s'était tué on disait un jour
Qu'il avait perdu sa fille depuis cinq ans
Qu'il avait beaucoup changé depuis et que cette histoire l'avait

And he wasn't surprised when no one showed up. They probably didn't even realize that he was out there, trying to force himself to do it. Maybe now.
Pushing his thoughts aside, he raised his leg in the air and was ready to take the step forward.

"Tommy!" Familiar voice reached his ears, but he did nothing to turn around or look at that person.
"Don't do it!"

Tommy placed his foot back on the edge, shaking a little and almost slipping. He titled his head to the side, but didn't look away.

"Why?" He asked, his voice quiet and calm. "Why should I?"

"It's not an good way to escape your problems and life!" The person said, carefully taking their steps to approach the boy.

"Why? I'm so close to doing it. I hesitated many times and now, when I'm finally ready to do it, you show up and try to be a hero" Tommy said, his eyes once again focusing on the lights under him.

"I'm sorry! I was busy-"

"Busy with your life, I know. You have family, friends and home. There's no reason why you should come here, especially at night like this" he said, cutting the person off.

The person sighed, stopping in their tracks. They feared that if they take one more step closer, he would do it. They had to get him away first. To the safety.

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, jump now
You are absent of cause or excuse
So self-indulgent and self-referential
No audience could ever want you
You crave the applause yet hate the attention
Then miss it, your act is a ruse
It is empty, Tommy, so end it all now
It's a pointless resistance for you

He would have done it by now. Thanks to the familiar voice, he hesitated once again and couldn't do it. And it was going so smoothly.

"Please, I promise you that everything will be better" they said.

"We both know that's not possible. There isn't a good end for me" Tommy said, swinging his arms playfully.

"Don't say that, there's still hope. Just- just come down and let me help" they said.

Ce qui déclenche la crise est presque toujours incontrôlable
Les journaux parlent souvent de chagrins intimes ou de maladie incurable
Ces explications sont valables
Mais il faudrait savoir si le jour même un ami
Du désespéré ne lui a pas parlé sur un ton indifférent
Celui-là est le

It was too late for him to have good ending. He lost his chance a long time ago, when he still tried to have a good life. But now? Now he did not care. He would die anyway, there's no need for him to have a good life. He could with to have a peaceful afterlife, where he would finally rest from everyone and everything. It wasn't too much to ask for, but as he thought before, life isn't fair. It was it's favorites and unfortunately, he wasn't one of them. He was far from being one of them. He was death's favorite one and he didn't mind. He visited it many times and it always welcome him with wide open arms and warmth feeling. He didn't fear it. Why would he? It's just an old friend that he will pay a visit an possibly never come back home. But he wouldn't mind. There was nothing he wouldn't like about that though.

Tommy, Tommy, just put down the bottle
Don't listen to what you've consumed
It's chaos, confusion and wholly unworthy
Of feeding and it's wholly untrue
You may feel no purpose nor a point for existing
It's all just conjecture and gloom
And there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it
Do not waste yourself on this roof

"Hear those bells ring deep in the soul
Chiming away for a moment
Feel your breath course frankly below
And see life as a worthy opponent" they said, trying to get his attention to themselves and away from what's under him.

Were they trying to get him away? Or just try to help so they wouldn't feel guilty after he does? Who knows.
All they could want was his belongings after he died. Disks, gold, diamonds, armors and all of that. They would probably burn down his house along with it.

He would care less, after being dead he wouldn't have to built anything or collect items. He would be free and have more time for himself. They had a free hand and they could do whatever they wanted. He would just look from the void and drown in his own thoughts.

Today, of all days, see
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Crowned by an overture bold and beyond
Ah, it's more courageous to overcome

"Please! Don't do this to me! To us." They said, trying their best. "There are people who love you"

"Do you love me?" Tommy asked, raising his eyebrow.

The person only stood silently, hanging their head low.

"That's what I thought. There are no people that love or care about me" Tommy said, balancing on his left leg as he put the other one in the air.

The person feared even more, taking a step forward.

"Don't force yourself to feel bad, it has no use" Tommy said softly, slowly turning around and facing the person in front of him. "I don't want anyone to feel pity, I don't need it anymore"

They locked their eyes together, one thinking of what to say to save their friend and the other thinking of the death. It was so close. He could hear it calling his name. Or maybe it was the voice in his head, trying to convince him to do it.

Les souvenirs d'une patrie perdue, l'espoir d'une terre promise
Ce divorce entre l'homme de sa vie


ommy smiled, shaking his head a little a d turning around once again. His eyes watched as the people who looked like ants minded their business, none of them looking up at the feral boy who was about to end his life just like that.

"Think about the future!"

"I stopped caring about the future long time ago, you know? I don't care what would happen in the future, if I don't kill myself. There's no point in this anyway, I would die sooner or later. If not by myself, then I'm pretty sure some people would help me with it" Tommy explained.

"You can't say that, no one wants you dead. There's a reason why you are alive right now" they reasoned.

"That's the question I've been asking myself for some time now. Why am I alive in the first place? It would be easier if I wasn't here. For me and everyone around me. L'manburg would be better, the whole world would be!"

He leaned forward, almost falling off. The gasp behind his back stopped him for a moment. Did they actually cared? His bare feet were millimeters from slipping off and falling in the endless darkness. He focused on the voices in his head, looking for advice. He wasn't disappointed.

You want the acclaim, the mother of mothers
it's not worth it, Tommy

More poignant than fame or the taste of another don't listen, Tommy

But be real and just jump, you dense motherfucker
you're worth more, Tommy

You will not be more than a rat in the gutter
so much more than a rat

You want my opinion, my opinion you've got
no one asked your opinion

You asked for my counsel, I gave you my thoughts
no one asked for your thoughts

Be done with this now and jump off the roof
be done with this now and get off the roof

Can you hear me, Tommy? I'm talking to you

I'm talking to you

I'm talking to you

"I'm talking to you
Tommy, come down!" They yelled.

Tommy, come down

They were right, he was like a rat. A parasite. Something that lives and causes nothing but troubles.

Celle du oui et celle du non
Ce serait trop beau
Mais il faut faire la part de ceux qui, sans conclure, interrogent toujours
Ici, j'ironise à peine, il s'agit de la majorité
Je vois également que ceux qui répondent non agissent comme s'ils pensaient oui
De fait

That was it. The end.

Throw yourself into the unknown
With pace and a fury defiant
Clothe yourself in beauty untold
And see life as a means to a triumph

He leaned forward, his body meeting with nothing as he slowly started falling down. He heard the last scream of his name, before everything went quiet.
Everything was spinning, the wind crushing against his falling body and small tears appearing in his eyes. He was falling fast, but felt like it was eternity before the ground was visible and he saw people pointing at him and screaming. He closed his eyes and gave in the darkness, smiling softly as single tears flew in the air like rain.

Today, of all days, see
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Crowned by an overture bold and beyond
Ah, it's more courageous to overcome

And then darkness.

That was the last words of Tommy. The last before he took his own life, too impatient to wait for the god to do it himself. The death was waiting for him and he gladly fell in it's arms.
