The break out

Part two of 'After 6 years'

Lil bit of angst, fluff
TW: escaping, blood, mention of abuse and death

Hope you enjoy!


He couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. He couldn't tell if it was reality or he was stuck in his dreams. The only thing that told him where he was, was the pain. That strong pain in his eyes, it felt like they were burning or something. He wanted to do something to numb the pain, but nothing seemed to work. Long time ago he would probably take his eyes out, but that would leave him unable to see and to escape. So he waited, and waited, and waited.

After a week, he got used to the pain and seemed to ignore it all the way. Doctors didn't do anything about that, they simply gave him another shot and the pain became stronger and more annoying. Ever since he got here, he was locked from the outside world. He wished to see the sun again, the clouds and feel the rain on his skin. To see his friends. It was all he asked for. It wasn't much but it was enough for him. He wanted to feel love and happiness, like he used to years ago. Now, he wasn't even sure if he knew what love and happiness was. His emotions mixed up and got lost in his head, expect pain and fear that he felt everyday. It wasn't a good place and he knew that.

There was one thing he feared the most. Death. Year ago, there was other kid, Alex. Around his age, maybe year older. They became friends quiet fast, Tommy spend there more time that him and he knew what they were capable off. But Alex didn't know and he didn't listen to Tommy. Tommy tried to tell him to be careful and not try anything, but he never listened. Months later, Alex was caught by one of the men while trying to escape. It didn't end with some hits. They beat him, kicking all over his body and unfortunately, hitting his head. Tommy sat in the corner, covering his ears and crying his eyes out. He was Terrified by what they were doing to his only friend. And After 10 minutes of the deadly beating, his screams full of pain stopped. Tommy opened his eyes and looked up, in hope that they stopped and Alex was alright, but what he saw shaked him even more. Alex layed on the floor, blood all around him, his whole body was bruised and covered in blood. And the worst thing was that he never get up again. He layed there for months, looking at Tommy with his dull brown eyes. Doctors took his body after could of months, leaving Tommy traumatized with only one imagine of his old friend. Alex was his best friend, he had deer ears and horns. He didn't deserve that, he was so kind and lovely boy. He protected Tommy from others, even if Tommy begged him to stop. And now, he was gone. And Tommy was alone again.

At first there was only physical pain but after that, he felt mental pain too. The picture of Alex still appeared in front of his eyes every time hen he closed them. He stopped trying to escape, fearing that one day they might kill him too.

Eventually, he seemed to go insane a little. He sat in the corner, pacing around. He never talked, he never slept, he never moved. He just sat there, eyes piercing holes in the floor. His wings wre often played on his sides, since they grew bigger and stronger for the past time. His tail was always wrapped around his arm, probably paralyzed from no movements at all. Tommy tortured himself like that, not caring about himself. He promised that he will either die or kill. But for now, he was too weak to move nor fight. So first option had big chances to happen.

But when he was about to fall asleep into deep sleep, he heard footsteps. Loud and clear. His ears twitched, his head titling to the side. Doctors weren't supposed to coma today, so who was that? Maybe he was only imagining, he probably lost his mind a long time ago. His eyes focused on the doors, trying to think of who could that be. And his questions was answered shortly.


Did he know him? No, he didn't know this man. But something about him made Tommy feel safe and fill with hope again. He seemed streng at first, red eyes, pink hairs and pig feathers. Tommy was curious about the new face, but he didn't dare to show that. He stayed in the dark corner, his wings twitching and curling on his back. The person noticed him and imidiatelly walked closer. Tommy let out a low growl, telling him to stay away.

"Calm down kid, I won't hurt you" the person said, sitting on the cold floor in front or him.

Tommy huffed, crunching his nose. Again, he was showing his animal sighs.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Tommy simply looked around and back at the man.

"Living" was his out answer.

The man's eyes widened, shocked about what he heard. That boy lived in this place? Why?

"Can you tell me what happened? Why are you here?"

" 'was coming home from the walk, they took me away and clocked her years ago. Never left." He explained.

"Oh god. What's your name? Mine is Technoblade" Technoblade said, looking down at the boy.

"Experiment 072" he answered.

Techno sighed.

"No, I mean your real name."

Tommy's face fell down, as he looked down at his hands.

"If I remember correctly, it was Tommy" Tommy said, looking up at Techno.

Techno seemed like he was frozen, like he saw or heard a ghost. He reached out his hand towards Tommy, looking all over his face. Tommy gulped, backing closer to the wall.

"Tommy, do you remember me? It's me, Techno, your brother!" He said, weir happiness in his voice.

Tommy sat for a moment, not really knowing what he was talking about. But all of sudden it hit him like a wave of cold wind.

He was running from someone, as he screamed happily. Behind him was running older boy with pink hairs. It didn't took long for the older to catch up on the younger, since seconds later he was crushing the younger to the ground. Both of them giggled, sitting on the grass. Younger boy looked at the older smiling, as the older offered him a loving smile.

"Love you Techie"

"Love you too, Tom's"

Tommy shake his head, eyes widened in surprise. He reached doubt his hand and touched Techno's hand, bring it closer to his heart.

"T-techie?" He asked, tears coming to his eyes.

"Yeah Tommy, it's me. Big brother Techie." Techno pulled Tommy to his chest, crushing him in hug.

Tommy hide his face in Techno's chest, crying again like never. Techno, his brother came to save him. They were finally together like years ago.

"I missed you.." Techno whispered.

"I missed you too and I'm sorry I left you! I should've been more careful!" Tommy yelled.

"It's nor your fault Tommy, if it's someone's fault then it's mine. I should've go with you that day, maybe nothing would even happen. They wouldn't take you and hurt you, it was my fault."

Techno couldn't let go of Tommy, not when he found him again. It was day when he could take him back to everyone and say that he is fine. That police was wrong and he isn't dead.

"Let's go home Tommy, to Phil, Wilbur and Tubbo"

"Yes please.." Tommy whispered.

Techno didn't let go of him as he stood up with Tommy in his arms. He could clearly see that the boy was exhausted. Tommy fell asleep after a moment, and Techno could fully look at his preference. He changed. He looked completely different, his second ears, eyes, wings and the tail around his arm. It all looked so terrible And painful. He could only imagine what they did to him and how bad he must feel. But he promised to himself that he will take care of Tommy and will help him heal, even if it would take years to do.
As for the people that hurt him, he made sure that they wouldn't wake up again. Their body's were torn apart in million pieces. And they deserved that, the pain and death.


"Tommy!" Philza cried out when he was hugging his baby.

His long time lost baby, the kid he lost and thought he was dead. He never expected Techno to come back home with Tommy. The happiness he felt was something not from this world.

"Dad!" Tommy cried out too, imidiatelly hugging his dad back.

He was finally home, where he belonged with his friends and family.

Ranboo and Tubbo were crying, internally breaking Tommy's bones when they got here. All his friends were a crying mess, happy to see his friend. How good that police was wrong, that they didn't believe them in any minute.

"I missed you" Tommy said to them, finally sitting on the warm and comfortable couch.

He was changed into different and new clothes, his wings and body washed and he felt fresh. They gave him food, water and everything he needed, even bandaged his wound and scars.

"Tell us, what happened in there?" Philza said.

Tommy wasn't so sure if it was good to tell them now but eventually he did. Ha, he even told them about Alex and what happens to him. It didn't last long till he was crushed in a group hug again.

"We won't let anyone hurt you again Tommy, you will be safe." Techno said.

Tommy smiled, enjoying all the love and attention he got. But he had one important question.

"Alright now, can you teach me hot to fly?" Tommy asked looking at Philza.

He smiled warmly, pushing Tommy to his room so he could rest.

"Later Tommy, now you need to rest."

"I will help you fall asleep" Tubbo took Tommy to the room and closed the doors.

They knew Tommy isn't in a good shape, so they decided to give him all the love, affection, time and attention he needed. The trauma he went though should never happen to him. And so they decided to help him and look after him every day and every second just to make sure he will be okay.

"Now, you will be safe"
