Why so sudden?

Part three of "To be like him"

Sorry for no updates for the past two days, I had a lot of work and my eye was swallowed and it hurt so I decided to let it rest for some time.

The last part of this one shot and probably one of the last ones. Make sure to take a break, take care of yourself and remember that I love you! Remember to eat and drink something, also, don't overwork yourself.

As for now, I hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!


Tommy stared at them all, glimpses of anger flashing in his eyes. His wings faltered a little, folding on his back. He felt someone's hand rest on his shoulder, which belonged to Jack without doubt. Tommy's shoulders relaxed, feeling the hand go through his feathers as he still glared at the people in front of him with hatred and disgust. The rest shifted uncomfortably, knowing very well that they weren't welcomed there. Not in the server, not in the town and more importantly, not in front of Tommy's house. The awkwardness in the air was so thick that it was easy to be cut with a knife, the silence not helping at all. Someone had to say something.

Before anyone could come up with a question or ask anything, Tommy sighed loudly and turned his attention to the oldest one of them. Philza shrugged under the glare, visibly shaking and curling around himself. His own black wings folded on his back, smaller than the ones that Tommy had. And for sure, Tommy's were more effective and attention catching.

"So? What the hell could you possibly need from me or my house?" Tommy finally asked, the question sounding more like orders.

Ranboo smiled awkwardly, rubbing his neck with a shaking hand. He opened his mouth couple of times, before finally deciding to shut up. He felt the sharp look he was receiving from the admin and his eyes casually went to look at the ground. Fortunately for him, the awkwardness and pain was cut short when Niki spoke out loud.

"Why? Why did you left the DreamSMP and started your own server? Was it too hard for you to bare?" She asked, mean look directed towards Tommy.

He stood still, wings puffing out as he titled his head to the side. Jack seeing this only started whistling and turned around on his heel. He asked Tommy the same question when Tommy took his there. He remembers what happened there too good to go through this again. The lecture, the story was so long, painful and filled with so many plow twists it was hard to listen. So, taking the opportunity, he decided to go and check up on the snow fox he got Tommy as a gift some time ago. Yeah, that was a good idea. They will be fine as long as they don't do something stupid.

"What do you mean, why? Out of all people you should know the best!" Tommy said raising his voice before he calmed down.

"We all went trough some big shit, you're not special, Tommy. Admit it, you were scared and decided to run away, not giving a single fuck about others. That's how you are, a selfish kid with nothing in  life to live for" Niki said, earning some loud gasps.

Tommy looked calm, but deep inside he was trying to hold himself back from killing any of them.

"And what makes you think that, huh? Who the fuck do you think you are to say that? Do you even know what happened? What I did?" He asked, not letting shocked Niki speak. "Did you even care what would happen to me? Did you care when I left?"He snapped.

"We didn't have time to look for you-" She tried but he cut her off again.

"Exactly, you never did anything good for me. Even after I left, you still didn't care and didn't even tried to find me" He said, scoffing quietly. "No wonder why everyone left"

Niki's eyes widened from the sudden words, people around them shocked at what Tommy said. How dare he say something like that to poor Niki who did nothing wrong.

"How dare you speak to her like that?! You have no rights to say so!" Technoblade said, glaring at the teen admin who only scoffed in annoyance.

"Why not? You didn't mind when she talked shit about me, why do you only care when I alk bad about someone? It was nothing but truth" Tommy said.

Jack came back moments  later, noticing that the situation was going out of hand, He stood next to Tommy, a little further away from the group. Ranboo looked sad, probably feeling bad for Tommy. At least one person actually had feelings.

"We had a very hard life" Phil said, arms crossed over his chest as he glared at Tommy in disappointment.

Tommy looked angry, before clenching his fists and finally snapping. He let it all out.

"Not harder than my life!" He shouted, eyes widened in anger and wings stretched out in their full length.

"I was ignored for being a girl" Niki said.

"I was neglected by my family!" Tommy yelled.

"I was betrayed by everyone" Technoblade said.

"I was betrayed by my friends!" Tommy yelled.

"I was murdered with cold blood" Tubbo said, the scar on his face visible as an old mark.

"I was murdered by Dream many times!" Tommy yelled.

"I suffered in the void and then was revived!" Wilbur said.

"I was killed for fun and then revived!" Tommy shouted, tears threatening to spill.

"I had to kill my son!" Philza said.

"I almost killed myself!" Tommy said.

"They threatened to kill my son!" Tubbo yelled, breathing heavily.

"They did kill my son!" Tommy yelled, closing his eyes as his breath quickened.

The silence continued for more than any of they would like to. They couldn't think of anything to say, before finally Philza managed to choke out some words.

"W-What?" He asked, hands clenching on his chest.

Tommy's breath came out as a trembling sigh, hands clenching  on Jack's arms as he held him close to his chest.

"We all had a messed up backstory and no one will change it. I know I did many terrible things and I hurt you all, but you can't come in here and then attack me." Tommy said, tears at the verge of falling down.

"Tommy.." Tubbo started, trying to reach towards the youngest.

His hand was however slapped away by the white wings, leaving him sad and with pain in his eyes.

"You act like everything bad that ever happened to you was because of me. You keep forgetting that I also had a bad past and no one was there for me. And when I finally find a place to call my own and have a possible safe place, you dare to come in here and attack me." Tommy said. "Especially after they killed my son. While I was struggling and trying to keep myself away from committing suicide, no one was there. I was left alone on my own and no one seemed to have a problem with it."

Tommy, we are really sorry, We didn't know.." Ranboo said.

Tommy shook his head, hiding his face in the croak of Jack's neck as the older held him protectively. With a soft wave of his hand, the same portal from before appeared in between them.

"Just- go and never come back" He said, the portal lighting on fire.

They stayed there for a moment, before Tommy was annoyed and send a strong wave of wind to push them out. Some of them protested, but they couldn't fight against the strong wind. Soon, they were gone and the portal disappeared.

Tommy held onto Jack, cursing the picture he saw in his head. The picture of his son's body ripped into pieces with blood and guts spread everywhere. He could only hope for it to disappear.

"Let's go Tommy, it's soon to be night. I think it's the best if we go home and rest" Jack said.

With that, he lead Tommy towards his base and soon, they were inside and resting  on the couch surrounded by the warmth of the fire that never dies.

"Everything will be alright"
