
Requested by: 1-800-GLOXINIA (sorry if I spelled wrong)

Angst to fluff?
TW:yelling, hunting, blood, witches

So, I changed it a little bit cause I had an great idea, hope you like it!

Witches  were described as something bad, dead and as demon's helper. They could do any potion they wanted in short time that even pro players couldn't do. They could heal themselves and everyone they wanted and talk with some animals. People say that they could use dark magic, that they are possessed by demon itself. The only way they saw to deal with them, was simply hanging them, one by one till no one was left.
The thing that they didn't know, was they only attack when people come too close or kill one of their family members. Long story short, it's people's fault that they attack and kill. They wanted to life in peace with each other, as a friends, but people couldn't understand that. They were selfish with evil heart. They wanted power and magic for themselves.

Witches kids were hidden in their small town deep inside forest, invisible barrier around them, protecting them. Many witches were there, teaching their kids how to use magic, how to make potions and heal. They were safe, for now at least. There were many thinks they had to know about life, how to take care of each other and how to hide from hunters. They usually killed young witches, cause they were weaker and easier to kill, especially if they were scared. Many of them lost their parents, sibling and friends, but it wasn't something they could focus on. They needed to live, to survive.
And that was something, that he tried to do. To survive.


"C'mon faster! You don't want to be late!" Teenager yelled, pulling his younger friend.

"I don't want too, but I don't want broken leg either!" His friend yelled, trying to free his wrist from olders grip.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby, Tommy. We have to be there, it's big day"

"Fine, just let me go Mike" Tommy said, finally freeing his hand.

Mike only laughed at him and after a minutes they reached the oldest witch house. Today was special day, cause she would choose which one of them is ready to become which and finally leave the village. Everyone sat in circle, young witches at the front, getting ready to hear their future. Tommy was third, right after two twin girls. When it was his turn, he gave older lade his right hand, looking in her eye as she held his hand.

"I see, strong, smart and brave heart. You're ready to do everything to help your friends and family, you have strong power. Your ready to go" she said letting go of his hand. "Just stay away from people, especially the adults, they may try something"

He nodded as he stood up, walking away. He send a smile to his friend, who was waiting for his turn and walked to his house. He was living with his parents in small house next to barrier, it wasn't very nice place but safe, at least that what everyone says and think.

When he was about to open his doors, he heard screaming. He turned around and tried to focus on his surrounding. He saw trees, houses, witches running around in panick and people. People?! He sprinted towards where he felt them and what he saw scared him. There were so many hunters, every single one with bow and sword. Adult witches were fighting, throwing potions and healing each other's, trying to fight them off. He saw his parents running towards him and the scene, his father didn't stop and just rubbed to help. Tommy's mother stoped next to him, tears on her eyes.

"Run Tommy, save yourself" she said, pushing him in the shadow.

"What?! No, I can't leave all of you here!" He said, holding his mother's hands.

"Tommy, it's not safe replace anymore. There's no chance we will win, please. Do it for me and your father, run and don't turn away. Don't stop!" She pushed him outside of the barrier as he started running deeper into forest.

He heard screaming, as he turned around one last time, someone appeared outside the barrier too, it was Mike. He had hopes that his friend was running away with him, but after a second his body fell limp to the ground. Blood was everywhere, on the ground, on trees and on the barrier. He quickly turned his head back around and tried not to panick. He needed to run away, to save himself. But as much as he wanted, he couldn't stop tears that were forming in his eyes, sobs that escaped his lips. It was supposed to be safe place, away from people and death. His footsteps echoed in dark forest, running as fast as never. It was raining, he was wet and weak. He passed trees, bushes, many types of animals and everything you could see in forest, even small lake. He knew this place very well, his teacher took him here one day to show him plants that could heal some smaller wounds and plants he could use to potions. It was beautiful place, calm and safe. But now, nowhere was safe. He couldn't stop even for a moment, they could follow him all the way here and then kill him. He had to watch out and make sure that his surrounding is safe. But the sadness couldn't disappear from him. It was overwhelming. He slowed down, trying to calm down what was hard especially now. He tripped over something, probably rock. He couldn't get up so he sat down, back pressed against tree that was right behind him. He took deep breath in and focused on his body. He needed to calm down, otherwise he won't do anything useful. He could make fire, yeah, to let hunters know where he is. He sat there, zoned out, looking at the path that was not so far from him. He didn't care if someone will see him. May as well die.

"And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was running in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore"


Tubbo was slowly walking down the path, finally reaching forest. His father send him to get some sticks. He liked flowers and the Plus was, that he could always eat some since he was part a goat like his father. He was many times in this place, everytime alone but he wasn't scared or anything. He had sword if something would attack him, like zombie or skeleton.
He was deep in thoughts.

He knew some people that hunted down witches, killing them or hanging them. He didn't know why. His father and his friends said that hunters are heartless, killing them. His father told him that witches attacks only when you kill or hurt one of them, so he never thought about hurting one. He was young and smart. Since he was a young goat, he wanted to meet one, to became friends and show people that they aren't agrresive or something. Till now he didn't get a chance to meet one. His father kept saying that he will find one and when he will, he has to take them to the which.

He hummed a melody, probably one of many other that Wilbur played while him, Techno and Philza were vising them. When he was half way where he was walking, he heard something. He froze in him movements. In the corner of his eyes he saw figure sitting down under one of trees. He turned his head slowly and looked at the figure. They had blond hair, almost golden, closed eye as he probably slept. As he figured out it was boy, he was wearing purple shirt and pants with some golden elements. He had long cap that looked like galaxy and gloves.

(Like this).

For sure, he was a witch. Tubbo smiling widely come closer and sat Infront of him, eyeing his figure. He was young, maybe 16-17 years old. Maybe he can be his friend! He moved a little closer, fascinated by his look but then, he groaned and opened his eyes. They looked a little red and puffy. Before he could say something, the boy screamed and stood up, throwing something at him. As he realized, it was potion and now, he was feeling dizzy  a little.

"Oh boy, I wasn't ready for that" he said, holding his head.

"Who are you?!" The witch boy yelled, looking scared a little.

"Oh sorry, I'm Tubbo and I'm part goat! I'm sorry I scared you, I was just fascinated by how you look!"

"Wha..?" He asked, still holding distance between him and that weird kid.

"I don't want to hurt you or anything, I just want to be friends!" He said happily, smiling widely at him even if he was feeling even more dizzy and everything was becoming black. "But can you please do something about this potion? I feel like I'm going to faint"

Tommy looked at him and his eyes glowed a little, healing Tubbo.

"I'm Tommy.." he said, sitting back again.

And then, Tubbo started talkingand talking without a break. Tommy sat there, not knowing what to do anymore. He listened as his new.friend started talking about people can trust and that they never hurts someone like him. He was intrigued, to say at least. It was first time when he met someone who didn't want to kill him or harm him. He even forgot about everything that happened.


It was a week now, since Tommy met Tubbo and they become close. Tommy told him more what happened and that he was on runaway. Tubbo felt that bad since he hugged Tommy. He did something that Tommy needed, he gave him love and warm.

Tubbo kept saying that Tommy needs to meet his father and friends, while Tommy wasn't sure but finally agreed. Now, he was waiting under the same tree for Tubbo and his friends to come back. It was nice and warm day, birds were singing at the trees, nice warm air hit his body from time to time. That was untill stock snapped in halt, Tommy thinking it was Tubbo didn't move nor opened his eyes. He waited as footsteps were louder.

"Hey-" he couldn't end when he was pulled up.

He yelped in surprise at sudden movement and opened his eyes. What he saw scared him that his soul almost left his body. He was held by a man, he was wearing mask and he was all green, behind him stood two more men. One of them had white forehead bandana and the second one had glasses. They had netherite armors and netherite axes. Tommy felt like his life was about to end and it probably will end. He was looking at the small eyes on the man mask, he couldn't even move. They were hunters.

The one who was holding him, threw him to the ground. But when Tommy stood up, he was surrounded by them. The one in glasses kicked him in the knee, making him fall to the ground. He whispered in pain, bitting his bottom lip. He looked up only to be hit with masked man shoe. He stumbled back and fell on his back. That hurt even more.

"Stupid witch, can't even say yourself." Said the one in white hood with bandana.

"F-fuck off" Tommy said, gasping for air when someone's shoe made contact with his stomach.

He clunged onto his shirt, closing his eyes in pain. And then, something sharp touched his face. He looked up as his chin was lifted by the masked one. He was probably the boss.

"How pathetic, can't use his power"

Tommy's eyes widened, right! He could burn him. Tommy focused on his arms as they glowed with red colour. He caught leg of the guy in mask and whispered something. Flames covered his hands and covered armor of the guy. Ge jumped in pain and killed the fire with water, leaving only smoke. He looked with evil look at Tommy and attacked him with his axe. Tommy seeing this, quickly moved to the side, avoiding being hit with netherite axe. He somehow managed to stand up and his hands covered in flames.

"Come at me!" He yelled, sending flames at guy with glasses.

And like that, the fight started. Tommy hit them many times, but they quickly killed the fire. He tried to keep distance between him and the men but they were attacking quickly every time and deadly. One wrong move and he may lose his arm or leg. He was sanding flames at them, wind hitting them once at time and backing away from their attack. He was doing good until he tripped. That's when two of them jumped at him and forced him to stand up. He  wiggled in their grip but couldn't escape. They were holding his arms behind his back, making sure he won't attack again.

"Your gonna pay for that, witch" boy with mask said as he lifted his axe to hit him.

Tommy closed his eyes, ready for hit but it never came. Instead, he heard gasps and metal hitting metal. He opened his eyes and saw that someone was holding sword to masked guy's neck. It was a tall man with cap and lig mask. And then someone attacked the people who were holding him. He stumbled a little when someone hold him. It was Tubbo. So if Tubbo's here, that meant they are his friends. Guy with bandana was hold by blond guy with grey wings, the one in glasses was trapped by man with goat horns, that was probably Tubbo's father. Brunet boy walked up to them and focused on Tommy.

"Are you okay? Where are you hurt?" He asked in ice tone.

"Stomach, knee and arms" Tommy said, looking down.

Too many people at one time.

"Okay we will take care of you, don't worry. We are Tubbo's friends and this guy over there is his father. We will help you"

Tommy muttered something. He could heal himself but was too tired. He layed his head on Tubbo's shoulder as he patted his head gently.

As he later knew, there names were Wilbur, Techno, Philza and Schlatt. When they cleaned him up and gave him food, they decided it will be better if he will stay with Phil. As Tubbo told him, they were his family. Family. Tommy lost his family a week ago in hunters attack. He knew he could trust them and he was safe. They killed the three hunters in the forest, taking him home and taking care of him. They tried to bandage his wound but he healed himself after a break.

And again, he could fell safe and loved. He could show people that witches aren't bad. They just need someone to love and care for.
