Summoned, not expected

Techno went to visit Dream in prison, but It didn't end like he expected that. Now, he was sitting on Dream's bed, thinking how to escape or how to call Sam. Dream was sitting on the floor, eating his potatoes in silence. He wasn't sure what idea Techno had, but he knew, that he will be free.
While thinking about the plan how to escape, Techno get an idea. Years ago, when Tommy was still with him, he gave him a Specific book. As Tommy said, it could summon a demon but he didn't believe it. Tommy left him for Tubbo, but he didn't had a heart to throw it out so he kept it untill this day. He wasn't sure if he wants to try it, but if it's actually works, he will be free.

He put his hand into his pocket that was deep down hidden under his cape, that no one knew about. He took out a book, very old one but still in one piece. It was beautiful and light book, glowing a little when Techno touched it. It had a little scary skeleton skull.

(Without a pen). He never used it before, because he never needed too. But now, that would help a lot. He opened it, catching Dreams attention too. His eyes widened when he saw what happened next. Page of his book roled themselves a little, small glowing dust flew around the room, disappearing after some seconds.

Techno was amazed by this, for sure, he didn't expected that. He thought Tommy was joking and making fun of him. He yelled at him for that..

"What book is that?" Dream's voice reached his ears.

"Tommy gave me it" he said back, not even looking at him.

When the book stoped rolling it's pages, Techno read the headline. 'Demon of escape and death' it's said. Techno's eyes shined a little, making him excited even more. He started reading loud.

"Summon a demon of escape and death,
One wrong decision and it's humanity end.
Powerful and stronger you may became,
If only the demon show that he cares.
Hope for the good one,
And stay here alone.
You can choose once,
Hope for the peace
Demon's has calm side
But it can bite.
Please for his help
So you can be safe."

Dream looked at him, wondering what's it is about. Techno was looking at the picture of the demon, not blinking. He started humming some melody, that confused Dream even more. Techno was humming and from nowhere Dream heard other humming of women and men. It became creepy. Obsidian surrender them, it wasn't a place where you could go and humm. Techno stopped humming, but the other humming didn't stop. He looked around, confused and then looked at Dream.

"What happened?" He asked, hearing the same humming.

"I don't know?! You kept looking at this book and then started humming. Other voices joined you and now it doesn't stop!" Dream said, backing to the prison wall.

He looked back at Techno, but his eyes stoped somewhere further in the cell, looking at the floor.

"T-Techno, what did you summoned?" He asked.

Techno only turned around. There was something on the floor that looked like portal.

It looked beautiful, yet scary. The humming didn't stop. There was a moment and nothing happened, the were staring at the weird portal and nothing change. When Dream wanted to come closer, it glowed more and they had to cover their eyes. Techno heard some groaning so he looked down at it and saw something, that he didn't expect to see in his whole life. First was horns, then head, then wings, arms and the rest of body. It was something huge and scary, it had red eyes that were looking down at them, not blinking or smiling.

Dream gulped and backed away even more, fear in his eyes. He tried not to look at that. Techno only stood there, looking at it, he didn't spoke. When he started slowly walking away, back to Dream, it spoke to them.

"Who summoned me?" His deep and serious voice filled the whole cell.

They didn't said anything.

"I asked who the hell summoned me?!" He yelled.

"I-it was Techno!" Dream yelled, pointing his finger at the pink haired man.

"You?" The demon asked.

"Y-yeah" it was the first time, when Techno was scared.

"What can I do, for you little human?" He asked calmly, looking deep into Techno's eyes.

What they didn't know, is that the demon knew exactly who they are and what they want.

"I would like to get out of here, if it's not a problem" He said.

"Mhm, so you want me to take you out? Only this?" Demon asked.

"Yeah, why?" Techno asked, looking away from his red eyes.

"Don't you want to see someone? Talk to him?" His voice sounded somehow familiar.

There was a moment of silence. Techno wanted to see and talk to someone, but he betrayed him. But it's his brother.

"I need talk to Tommy, I wanted to apologized for what I said and how I treated him. I blow up his home many times, I hurted him even more. I was a bad older brother..." He said, looking on the ground and closing his eyes.

"Then come with me" he said, disappearing in the air.

The portal was still here, waiting for Techno to jump in. He wasn't sure if it's good idea at first, but after a minute he jumped in. It closed right behind him, so Dream couldn't follow him.
When Techno opened his eyes, he was standing in the field of flowers. He looked around, slightly confused and then he saw someone. It was Tommy, standing there and smiling at him. Techno smiled a little and walked up to him.



Techno couldn't resist so he just hugged Tommy close to his body. Tommy chuckled a little, hugging him back.

"I wanted-" Techno started.

"I know, I heard it already" Tommy said, letting go of his brother.

"Wha?- how?" Techno asked surprised.

Tommy only laughed a little and closed his eyes. Blue light appeared around him and soon, the same demon was standing there. It had a small smile

"Tommy?" Techno asked.

"Yup" he said, kneeling down and hugging Techno.

Techno laughed and smiled back. It was something, that both of them wanted. Tommy missed the warm feeling of his brother, for sure, Techno always gave him the best hugs.


There won't be part 2, I have too many ideas for one shots.

Have a good day/night!
I love you, take care of yourself!
