Partners in crime

Just don't ask, okay? I won't update on Friday, since I will spend more time with my family, but I will write Christmas special  so make sure to check it out tomorrow! Also, merry Christmas!

TW: blood, murder, mention of shooting, killing


Mellohi, a name feared by many men. Name that gained popularity in less than two days. Name that no one dared to say out loud, it send shivers down their spines. Police was far from knowing who that is and what he wants. They could do only one thing, pray for him to leave everyone alone. The fear and panic shook the whole city,  paralyzing everything. No one left the town and no one could get in.  And if someone did, they would be found and killed in matter of second. Body's of the victims would be found weeks later after being killed and massacred. It was terrifying for everyone, traumatizing for families, shocking for government.
Purple death was another one, his partner. The one who was more likely to think of an escaping plan rather than killing. However, both loved Robbing.
They were nowhere close to knowing who stood behind such a brutal things and they knew, that it wouldn't happen quickly. He never worked alone, he never showed himself. He never stayed for too long, preferring to do his job quick and quiet. Many knives hung on his wall on his base, every single one clean and ready for another kill.
He observed everything on the huge TV above the small bar, examining every small move or informations that the police had on him. It was never enough to let them find him or his base, but it was funny to watch them struggle and shake in fear. God, it was his favourite thing to do. His partner also killed, but not on this scale. His masked face was everywhere, on posters, news and television. There wasn't a single person that wouldn't know him or his name. Even other killers and criminals feared him. Some of them even turned themselves in, after what happened in one of the casinos.

It was a beautiful night, sky full with start and many people inside the casino. However, the blue eyes searched for one specific person. One of the biggest criminal boss. Not like he was on his level, no, Mellohi was above everyone with no doubt.
His eyes scanned the room around, sometimes stopping on random people to look at their face. The glass under him was thin enough to let bullet go through. Smile creeped onto his face when he finally saw the person he was looking for. Black and expensive suit, armed people around him. They were his guard, but none of them was ready for what was about to happen.

"Clear" a voice from his headphones rang, giving him the place for show.

He relaxed his shoulder, looking through the viewfinder and aiming it right at the men's head. One shit it took to get him down. When the bullet hit it's target, not minute lasted for panic to overtake the crowd. People started screaming, crying and running to the closest exit. Many of them runner over others, trying to escape the rising hell. Mellohi shot another tree bullets just for fun, before backing away in the shadows and taking out his phone. With a huge and proud smile, he marked another person and left.

After that incident, no one dared to get in his way. Criminals in fear of being next, preferred to turn themselves in so they could be safe inside the prisons. How bizarre they weren't right. Mellohi's next victim was in fact in the prison, but what problem was that for him? He had many ideas and plans about how to get in and kill him without any problems. If everyone will go good, maybe they won't even notice the dead man till he leaves. It was his routine now, get in somewhere, kill and sneak out. And his really name is Tommy.


Tommy passed cops, guards and some visitors who were visiting other prisoners. He rushed towards the exit, pulling the black mask on his face and throwing the small thing behind him. Second later, loud explosion was heard and smoke filled the corridor and rooms. Loud alarm eoched through the halls, setting panic in everyone and forcing them to run towards the doors. However, the doors were closed from outside. Sick laugh could be heard from behind the doors, as people inside coughed and slowly loose consciousness. With his mask pulled over his face and deep hood over his head, he laughed maniacally and runned towards the old alley. Not long after, police sirens filled the air and he was blue and red lights in the corner of his eyes.

You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, friends and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

When the police finally found him standing in front of five steep wall, the main one smiled and cocked his head to the side.

"What, you though we would never get you?" He mocked the criminal, smirking.

"Well, I'm quite surprised that you managed to catch me, bitch" He said, laughing and shaking his head.

"When I get you in my hands, you will pay for everything. Boys, catch him!"

The group of cops slowly made their way towards him, but his smile never disappeared. He looked up, even if they couldn't see his face and chuckled.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I have other places to be. Cya!" With that, he put his hands in the air.

They were confused for a moment but they were quickly brought back to the reality when someone grabbed Tommy and pulled him up. It was his partner, other known as Purple death. They started shooting, bit the two were already on the rooftops and running away.

"Fuck. Go after them! Call the helicopter!" The cop yelled, rushing to his car.

This, the tale of, reckless love
Living a life of crime on the run
I brush to a gun to paint these states
Green and red

Tommy runned next to his friend, jumping from one roof to another.

"I was wondering if you will be on time" Tommy się, looking over at his friend.

"I'm always on time" Purple death said, focusing on the way in front of them.

"Yeah yeah, now, where is the shop?" He asked.

His partner looked on the small watch on his wrist and clicked something. Small map appeared on the screen.

"Close. This building" he pointed at small shop with grey walls.

Tommy smiled, excitement rushing over his whole body.


The shop with guns. God, not only weapons but also money! Something they both loved, just robbing shops and escaping police.
Within a minute, they were above the shop with guns and jumped down, imidiatelly barging inside the shop. The cashier looked confused but once he saw who walked in, he imidiatelly threw his hands in the air and begged for the to leave him.

"Shut up!" Purple death yelled, pushing him on his knees.

The lady who stood next to him, look scared. Not to say anything, but Tommy loved woman and he wasn't willing to kill one. Not now at least. Maybe he was a killer, but he still had a good heart. At least what was left from it.

"Everybody freeze
Nobody move!"

"Put the money in the bag
Or we will shoot!" Tommy threw the bag on the table and pointed at the woman.

She began to fill the bag with money, looking at the robbers from time to time. The man on the ground suddenly stood up and reached out, trying to snatch Tommy's gun. Unfortunately for him, Purple death also had a gun and aimed it. One single bullet flew through the men's skull. Blood splattered everywhere, staining Tommy's black mask. He didn't care, he watched the woman packing the money in the bag. She was crying, which wasn't new for Tommy at all.

Empty out the vault
And me and my partner will be on our way
Our paper faces flood the streets
And if the heat comes close enough to burn
Then we'll play with fire 'cause

The police sirens were closer, alarming everyone that the rescue was here. Purple death still pointed his gun at the people on the ground, making sure everyone were on the ground and no one tried to call for help. Meanwhile Tommy took the bag and threw it on his shoulder, telling the woman to lay on the ground next to rest people. He looked around for a moment before snatching one of the guns and putting as many bullets as he could. He threw it to Purple death, who packed the other two gins to his bag and pulled out the new one. Tommy took another one and took it for himself, getting ready to leave.

You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, friends and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

He smiled, turning around to face Purple death. He walked closer and put his arm on his shoulder.

"It's time for fun, Purpled"

Purpled smiled too, making his was towards the doors and walking outside.

"No one mover or I will blow this up!" Tommy yelled, before following his partner.

The suj blinded them for a moment, before they stood next to each other in front of the shop and got ready. It didn't took long for the police helicopter to spot them and give everyone else a signal. The fun begin.

Here we find our omnipotent outlaws
Fall behind the grind tonight
Left unaware that the lone store owner

Tommy pointed his gun at the first police officer, imidiatelly killing him along with Purpled. Bullets were send in their direction too. But since the store was ful of people, the police couldn't do anything that would risk their life. 

"Won't go down without a fight!" Tommy yelled, still aiming and shooting.

"Where we gonna go?" Purpled asked, as more cops showed up. "They've got us pinned"

Tommy gave Purpled a small smile, hiding behind a wall.

"Tommy I'm a little scared" they heard dog's barking not so far away and even more police coming their way.

"Now, don't you quit!" Tommy yelled, trying to reach Purpled but the wall of bullets was too thick.

"We've sounded the alarm!" One of the cops yelled, raising his hand in the air.

"I hear the sirens closing in" Purpled whispered to himself, looking over at Tommy who was still shooting.

Our paper faces flood the streets
And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we're burning this place to the ground cause

After realizing that his gun was empty, Tommy quickly threw it to the side and pulled out another one, bigger this time. With not hesitation he loaded it and played on his stomach on the ground, shooting once more.
It was one of many reasons why Tommy adored him. He never backed away from a fight, he fought till the very end, till he didn't die.

"You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime!" Both Tommy and Purpled yelled, their voice fuzing in one.

They were strong and unstoppable. Police wasn't strong or scary enough to stop them, even if they had the best weapons and people. Tommy and Purpled had nothing to loose, expect themselves. And if one dies, the other will take the revenge and make sure to make the other one proud so his death wouldn't go to loose.
Police slowly started walking closer, hiding behind their shields and hiring at the duo. Tommy laughed loudly and pulled out another small object, but he held it in his hand.

Partners in crime

"*Police department*
Come out with your hands up
We have the place surrounded"

One of the cops said, the rest of them stopped shooting. Tommy came up with an idea as he stood up slowly and walked in the light, his head hung low. Purpled looked at his partner confused, before realizing what he was carrying in his hand and smiled also. He stood up and followed close behind, trying to hide his smile under his mask. They both stood in front of the police, Purpled put his hands on his head, while Tommy got the grenade ready and  pulled out his gun.

"Put your weapons down" the same man said, but Tommy ignored him. "Put your weapons down!"

Again, no reaction. Tommy only put his hand in the air, getting ready to throw the bomb at the police.


Deep breath in.


Tommy threw the grenade, quickly aiming and letting go of the plug. He turned around and tucked Purpled to the ground, covering him with his body.


Then, the loud explosion set off. Tommy heard the same and annoying ringing noise in his ears, as he felt like he was high or something. He fell to the ground, someone wrapping his arms around him and pulling him up. They started walking, the other one saying something to him. He blinked his eyes for couple of times, before looking behind his back. Smoke was everywhere, single screams filling the air, random and chaotic moves happening in the smoke. When Tommy finally got back to his mind, he shook his head and looked at Purpled. He seemed to be okay, not including the small cut on his cheek. They smile at themselves, making their way towards the sewers. One of the safest way to their base. Bo one was brave enough to go inside, since it was cold, dirty and scary. For them it was a safe and peaceful place.

The skies are black with lead-filled rain
A morbid painting on display
This is the night the young love died
Buried at each others side

When they reached their base, they were welcomed with pair of eyes staring at them. Purpled chuckled awkwardly and waved, already Knowing that he was in trouble.

"Hey Crowza" he said, sitting Tommy on the couch next to sleeping boy.

Crowza, who's name was Philza, was one of the people that lived with Tommy and Purpled. He wasn't killing or robbing. He was simply helping them with wounds and healed them when needed. The boy on the couch was Techno, he was also killing but he preferred to stay inside and didn't do it that much. As he explained, he was too old for that. So, he left the fun for the young ones.

"I'm glad you came back alive" he said, carefully cleaning Purpled's cheek.

"Yup, Tommy came up with good idea to get us out" Purpled said.

"Like always" Philza said, laughing a little. "I saw in the news that the prison exploded and many died. As I'm expecting, it's your work, isn't it?"

"Tommy did it, to get the attention off of him" Purpled explained.

Philza hummed, letting him go. He went to sit next to Tommy, who put his head on his shoulder.

"You were great" he whispered.

"You too" Tommy said back.

"Shut up or I will shot you" Techno grumped, rolling his eyes.

"You wouldn't" Tommy said, smiling a bit.

"Want to check it out?"

"Hey!" Philza yelled, making them laugh.

Even if they were killers, they still treated each other like a family. Even tho Purpled was Tommy's close friend.

Their popularity a criminals only grew bigger and bigger, more people around the world knew about them and thanked god they weren't in their towns ot villages. Unfortunately for this people, they weren't planning on moving out any time.

You never took us alive
We swore that death would do us part
So now we haunt you in the dark
You never took us alive
We live as ghosts among these streets
Lovers and partners in crime
Partners in crime
Partners in crime
