Villain in hero disguise

I would gladly see Villaininnit arc, just imagine Tommy going dark :). It's not the best one shot, because I didn't had much time but I hope you will enjoy.

Requested: Xyri_Zera
TW: blood, death,


Everyone was going according to his plan, no one suspected anything. People believed him and felt bad for him, he went through so much shit. It was painful and bad in their opinion, but in his eyes everything was perfect act. He was winning, slowly but truly. He was great at acting, especially if if comes to being traumatized or just simply sad and manipulated. At first, he thought that they have him wrapped around their fingers but the truth was different. He was the one who had everyone wrapped around his finger and he was the one who was playing with puppets.

They didn't saw that, they didn't know. He could do anything, like trying to kill himself and they would freak out and try to save him, when in reality he always had plan for saving himself. It was beautiful how they wanted him to join their side but he knew they only wanted him to take care of hard work while they would rest. So he took advantage and roles were switched. He was the one observing and complaining while everyone else were working. How stupid they were to not notice? Maybe because he was the poor Tommy, who was manipulated, betrayed and hurt many times. Maybe because he wouldn't betray his friends or his country. Who knew? One thing for sure, they won't even think that Tommy may be the villain, the real villain.

He betrayed Techno to make him mad and spawn Withers so they destroyed L'manburg, he made Dream kill him and then revive him so he could see and talk with Wilbur. Ah yes, Wilbur. Poor soul that just wanted have his own country, house and loving father. Tommy promised him to take him home and help him get his own country. He gave Sam reason to yell at him and hate him, then feel quilt. Quackity, man who wanted him to join his side, sad that it won't survive for too long. He knew exactly what to do and to who, he knew what they wanted and what they feared. They were so focused on their wishes they never noticed Tommy and his actions. The way he smiled, the way he talked. Everything. He was covered in dangerous aura.
His home, L'manburg was destroyed long time ago, so why not make it living hell? Why not make everyone see what he is capable of doing? He was the one, the weakest on the server, the easiest to manipulate. Why not show them what he became?


"Are you sure it's gonna work?" Wilbur asked, following Tommy like a lost sheep.

Tommy looked at him through his shoulder and smiled widely.

"Wilby, I told you already. It's gonna work and you will get your own country, your own place to stay" he said, still walking.


First part of his plan was going smooth. Wilbur believed him that he can have his own country and rule it by himself. The only thing he didn't know about was TNT under ground. Just like years ago, when Wilbur destroyed L'manburg and Philza killed him. It's all gonna blow up, killing Wilbur in process but he didn't need to know that. The second part of the plan was get right of some people that may be a trouble and then escape.

Tommy stood outside white house, which was almost in the middle of country. There was golden wall and stone button. It looked normally, like mystery door that could took to different place.

"This button will take care of everything, it will make your wishes come true. All you need to do is just press it, now" Tommy said, smiling behind Wilbur's back.

Wilbur was focused on stone button, it happened before, but where? After being revived he forgot the day when he died, so it was much more easier to get him to do it. Tommy took a step back, holding totem of undying in both of his hands, netherite armor covering his body. He was ready but he didn't plan to escape, he would stay here and watch everything get blown up. He was staying here with his brother, who will probably die. Wilbur reached out his hand, placing it on button. Tommy knew he was still insane and trapped inside his mind. It was so easy to manipulate him just like he did years ago. Wilbur took a deep breath in and pushed grey button. Hissing sound filled the room as Wilbur's eyes widened. He turned around to look at Tommy. He noticed that Tommy had armor and totems of undying. It was a trap.

"Tommy? What did you do?!" He asked, looking around.

"I did the same thing you did years ago, Will. You gonna go to better place and your own home, while I will take care of everything and everyone. Goodbye" he said as everything started shaking.

TNT blew everywhere, explosion sounds eoched along walls and buildings. People screamed in confusion, fear and anger. Everything slowly started disappearing, dust made everything blurry. Couple of TNT blow up under Wilbur, sending his flying towards one of the walls. Tommy stood there, one totem activated in his left hand. More TNT was hers far away while he stood there, looking fawn away. Wilbur coughed, his ribs were broken and he couldn't move at all. He was bleeding severally and his bones broken. He felt like dying right now.

"Why did you do that?" He whispered towards his younger brother, who now looked like villain.

"You know, I always thought everyone had me wrapped around their fingers, but quests what? The truth was different, I had everyone wrapped my finger. They thought I was weak and easy to manipulate, boy, how wrong they were." He laughed loudly. "I'm such an good actor, don't you think Will?"

Tommy stood over Wilbur's laying body and placed his sword to his neck. He gave Wilbur last eye closed smile and stabbed him in the stomach. Wilbur gasped, coughed and then his eyes closed. Blood was everywhere as Tommy slowly made his way outside. Many people were running around, trying to help others. Even Tubbo, Ranboo and Philza were there, what a surprise. Tommy made his way towards them, their eyes were focused on empty space where a moment ago were homes. Philza noticed him in the corner of his eye and turned around to face him.

"Where is Wilbur?" He asked.

"I saw him there" he pointed his finger towards what left from white house. "he was talking to himself and then pressed a button" he said, sadness in his voice.

"Again?! What the hell is wrong with him.." Philza said walking away, probably to find Sam or Techno.

Tommy smiled to himself, proud of his masterpiece. Philza believed him again, what a surprise. He looked at Ranboo and Tubbo, sending them look of sadness. They walked aways with a sigh, probably to help someone. He saw Fundy and Foolish running around with panick, Niki crying while holding someone's body, as Tommy realized it was Jack. He made his way to her, holding his hand on his sword. She heard his footsteps as she stood up and faced him.

"What do-" her words were cuted off when something sharp stabbed her in the chest.

She looked down only to see netherite sword piercing her chest, blood on Tommy's hands.

"You know, It's nice to finally get back at people who hurt me" he said, their eyes locking together.

"You are a-"

"A villain, I know. Now, be that kind and go to sleep" she fell to the ground next to Jack.

Tommy put his sword back where it was and walked destroyed country. Puffy was talking with Sam, slightly panicked. George was helping Sapnap and Karl who had some wounds on their hands and legs. Skeppy was walking around, probably looking for Bad. His eyes stoped on Techno and Philza who were walking towards him. Techno looked pissed while Philza tried to calm him down. Ohh, did Techno realized who did that?

"Tommy!" He yelled catching attention.from five other people.

"Yes?" He asked innocently.

"Don't act innocent, it's your fault! I saw you walking with Wilbur to that white house and then walking out without him, after everything was destroyed." He said, standing couple feet's from Tommy.

Puffy gasped, Tubbo stoped in his movements, looking shocked at Tommy. Quackity somehow managed to stood up and walked closer to him. Tommy locked his blue eyes with his.

"Why did you do that? It was your home and friends!" He yelled angrily, struggling to stay still.

"Quackity, my dear friend. All of that was my plan, I had everything ready." He explained a little, chuckling at his friends faces.

"What?" Tubbo asked, not understanding a single thing.

"I won! I tricked everyone! Starting with you" he pointed at Tubbo "Wilbur, Sam, Puffy and everyone else. I won!" He yelled.

"Your crazy Tommy! We trusted you!" Quackity said.

"I may be crazy but I'm the one who has control! Everyone though they could control and manipulate me, while reality was different. I was able to manipulate you all into thinking that I'm weak and easy to manipulate. You though I need pity and love, while I just acted" he explained.

"So it all was just acting..?" Tubbo asked, shocked yet sad.

"How stupid can you be? Of course! People hurt me too much to be still hero in this story. Fortunately, you were so easy to trick. Even Wilbur, who just wanted to have his own country and place to rule. How sad it wasn't meant for him" Tommy turned around.

Techno wanted to go after him, kill him. But he was hold by Philza who seemed like he was on edge of crying.

"Oh one more thing. I would look out, who know what may happen" he said before throwing ender pearl and teleporting.

When he disappeared, ground started shaking again. It was another trap! He wanted to have them all in one place and them set off another wave of TNT. Screams filled server once again, running for their lives people tried to hide but it didn't work. Everything was ruined. Grass covered in dust and blood. Tommy on the other hand stood on big cliff, observing everything that was happening under him. Big smiled on his lips.

"It was always meant to be, my friends" he said before turning around and walking towards black horse. "Come on Shroud, let's go to our new home."

Small black spider crawled to his leg and sat on his back, holding onto his shoulder.

"Now I can be sure that nothing bad will happened to you" with that, he disappeared with sun.
