When the truth is out

Part two of 'Met my family'

TW: —

Second chapter of my Golden duo book should be out tomorrow!


Tommy didn't mind the fact that Ranboo knew about his family, he trusted him enough to know that the secret is safe in his hands. But it short time, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. They had to know, obviously. Otherwise he would feel bad that all his life he was lying to them and never told them the actually truth. But he didn't want to rush things, he gave it all time and waited till they found out by themselves. He was surprised as how blind people were to not notice all the familiar thing about them. Hairs, eyes, wings. Tommy even stopped bleaching out his hairs, so now, they were light brown that dirty blond. Only stupid wouldn't be able to notice it now. He showed his wings more often, along with his brothers. Now, they looked like twins. The only difference about them were colors of their wings, character and height.
Really, how could they not notice by now? Tommy specially passed people more often, every moment he ruffled his hairs. And yet, no one noticed. Slowly, he got annoyed which meant he would mostly tell them before they managed to find out.

When he was sitting with his brothers on the field full of flowers, time seemed like it slowed down. He was picking out flowers while Eret was making flower crowns and Karl was humming songs. It was on of their favourite things to do, just chill around and epend some time together like they used to do years ago.

"Did they found out?" Eret suddenly asked.

Karl stopped humming for a moment, looking down at Tommy who was picking blue flowers not so far away. He looked toward them and shaked his head, picking flowers again.

"Really? How stupid are they?" Karl asked himself, humming the song again.

Eter laughed softly, slowly ending his flowers Crown. It was mostly made of purple and blue flowers, specially for Tommy's liking. Eter had already one on his head, his was made of white and pink flowers. Tommy was picking flowers to Karl's crown, trying to find his favorite colors. Pink and red ones. Their love for flowers was something different, each of them meant something different for them. Tommy's favourite was the Allium one, Eret's was the Blue orchid and Karl's was Lilly of the Valley.  Mayne it seemed childish to other people but for them it was good binding time and way of showing affection towards the other one.

"Tommy!" Someone's voice reached out to them, eoching from the trees.

Their attention switched back to the forest,where 4 people can from. Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur and Niki. Two friends, two neutrals. Tommy liked Ranboo and Tubbo, while he accepted the other two. But Eret and Karl didn't took much liking towards Wilbur and Niki. After what they heard about the two, they wouldn't even let them walk close to Tommy. One glare was everything Niki and Wilbur needed to know to stay away and they didn't protest. They knew what Eret was capable of but didn't know much about Karl, which made it worse.

"Hey boss man and Ranboo!" He yelled, giving Eret the flowers he collected.

It was good amount of red and pink flowers to make one crown for Karl, since it was always the same size. Tommy walked closer to his two friend and greeted them by hugging them, while waving at the rest two.

"What do you need?" Tommy asked, waking back to Eret and Karl.

"Is it true?" Tubbo asked curiously, while looking at Tommy.

Tommy's face lighted up, as smile appeared on his face.

"What?" He asked, acting like he had no idea what his friend was talking about.

"That you, Eret and Karl are brothers you dummy!" Tubbo said.

"How did you know?" Eter asked, placing one flower crown on Tommy's head.

Tommy showed him a happy smile, turning around and facing his friends.

"Well, Philza told me that Ranboo told him that you told him you guys are brothers" Wilbur said, making no sense at first.

It took Tommy a hot second before he finally realized what Wilbur had said. He galanced at Ranboo, who scratched his neck a little nervous.

"Sorry Tommy, it's just slipped one day" he said.

Tommy chuckled softly, offering him a large smile. He placed one hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"Don't worry big man, it's not your fault. It happens sometimes and we can't do anything about that" Tommy said.

"So it is true" Niki said behind Wilbur.

Eret imidiatelly looked at her, not taking his esys off her for a moment. Karl's eyes were focused on Wilbur's figure, almost piercing a hole in his body.

"Yeah, got a problem?" Efekt asked, smiling.

"No" she said simply, looking everywhere but at Eret.

"Good, now let's go. It's getting dark" Karl said, pulling his younger brother with him towards their house.

"Hey, but I wanted to hear your story first!" Tubbo yelled, running after them.

Wtedy stayed behind for a moment, looking after his brothers and two friends. When they disappeared between the buildings, he titled his head to the siee and looked at the two people next to him.

"Just so you know, I won't hesitate to kill anyone or blow something up again. Bye~" With that, he walked away.

Niki and Wilbur stood there, scared and frozen in place. Not that again. Everything but Eret wanting to kill someone.

While they stood therd like that, the two friends and three brothers reached the wooden house that the brothers shared some time ago. It wasn't a big house but very comfy and nice. It had everything important in it, including small library and 4 bedrooms. One for quests.
Eret was gone to make some tea, while Tommy cuddled to Karl on the couch, his wings wrapped around the older. Tubbo and Ranboo sat on the couch opposite them, looking at the photos on the walls and in the frames. They had many photos all together, some alone and some only with Tommy and Eret, Tommy and Karl or Eret with Karl. They for sure made a good family. Considering the fact that Karl and Eret took care of Tommy his whole life when tjeir father wasn't here with them. It was probably hard but worth it, looking at how Tommy grew. He was strong, he could fly, fight and think of a strategy. Their attention was brought back to the three brothers when Eret placed the tea and some snacks on the table.

"So, what do you want to hear first?" Tommy asked, biting into his cookie.

"How did you managed to survive on your own? No offense, but how did you took care of Tommy and got supplies?" Ranboo asked.

"Usually, I would go get some food and supplies while Karl was taking care of Tommy. It wasn't hard since he slept most of the time, he was such a calm kid. Still wonder where he got his attitude from" Eret said, whispering the last part.

"What was that?" Tommy asked, Pershing his head up.

"Nothing Tommy, drink you tea while it's warm and not cold" Eret said, pointing at his cup of tea.

Tommy mumbled something along the line that he isn't a kid but took his cup of tea either way. Tubbo laughed as he asked another question.

"How did it go, without parents and all alone in the world? Without anyone to trust" Tubbo asked.

"At first maybe it was hard but with years of practice, it was our daily routine. While Tommy was getting older, he was getting more smart and he understood more. When he reached the age of 10, he was surprisingly helpful especially when it came to shopping" Karl explained, patting Tommy's head.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad!" Tommy yelled, punching Karl's shoulder playfully.

"Yeah right, you weren't that bad" Karl said.

He ruffled Tommy's now brown hairs and kissed his forehead. Ranboo and Tubbo continued on with the questions that Eret answered, while Karl and Tommy were whispering with each other. It didn't took long Tim before everyone decided it was good time to go to sleep and they did it. Ranboo and Tubbo went to the quest room, while the boys went to their rooms. Well, maybe expect Tommy who crawled in Karl's bed, refusing to leave. Karl not having another option, layed next to him, cuddling into his back.
With feeling of love and warmth, they both drifted into sweet dreams with smiles on their faces.
