Defensive boys

Part 2 of 'Let's go home, Tommy'

Fluff, lil bit of angst

TW: threatening, manipulating, idk what

Guess who got sick and didn't slept all night because of that🙂 I'm ded. Sorry for mistakes, I'm to tired to look for them.

Is someone else sick or just me?


After Tommy came back to the EarthSmp, everything was normal like years ago. Business bay came back to protecting their server, which included killing admins and God's, that only wanted power. After two days, everyone knew that boss of the Business Bay is back and they are out of their hideout. That information made everyone happy, knowing that the boy is back safe.

When Tommy told them more about Foolish, they started thanking him, giving him many things and yet, they offered to build him a home in the village. He agreed and in the next week his house was done, it was close to the main part of the village. Tommy suggested him many times joining Business bay, but he thanked and disagreed. Why? He thought it's Tommy's home and it's his group. He decided to help villagers with their building and farming. It was something Tommy did for years and he was happy to see him doing something he was born for.

Of course, like every villager, he got his own wolf. After first week of him living in there, Tommy found him beautiful and strong brown wolf. Foolish fell in love in his wolf imidiatelly and named him Lucky. Everything was going smooth, no wars or anything. It was a lot better than his old server.

After two weeks, Tommy was back living with Deo Bitzel and Luke. They got Tommy brand new netherite and enchanted sword and armor, equipping him in food and important things. Foolish didn't had to do anything, Deo came to his house one day and gave him some things.

"It's from Tommy, he wanted to thank you for coming with him" Deo said, walking back to the doors.

Foolish had weird feeling that Deo doesn't trust him that much as everyone else. He wasn't surprised, he lost Tommy for many years and when he finally came back, he brought someone with him. Deo was scared that he may lose Tommy again and it was obvious that he loved Tommy with his whole heart. But he didn't want to push it further while it wasn't necessary.

"Thanks" was his only answer.

Deo walked out, leaving Foolish alone. He wanted to ask Deo what exactly happened when Tommy was taken away, but did he really wanted to bring it up? He knew it must hurt them, but he was also curious what they did after. Maybe he should ask later. Yeah, that was a good idea.


Another day was calm and normal for everyone. It was warm day, full of animals running around and kids messing with each others. It was another daily routine for villagers. Wake up, get ready yourself and kids, make breakfast and then go outside to help in work. It wasn't weird, everyone helped each other whenever they had free time, so other people could take a rest too. That was something Tommy really loved about his village. Everyone were nice, helpful and kind to each other. Not like DreamSmp. It was hard to find someone bulling someone else, or someone that was being mean. People knew each other very well and it wasn't surprising when they spend most of their lives talking and hanging out. That's exactly what Tommy was doing with Deo, Bitzel and Luke.

They were sitting under one of the big trees in the forest, talking and laughing from time to time. It was something they did every Sunday, just chilling and relaxing. No worries, no enemy's, no stress. Tommy was laying on Deo's lap, while Deo was playing with his hairs, his back pressed against the tree. Luke was right next to him, his head laying on Deo's shoulder while Bitzel was standing in front of them, reaching out his hands for no reason. They always do that, no one really knows why.

"I love this place" Tommy said, yawning.

"You always says that" Deo said.

Luke chuckled and stood up, waking to Bitzel. He jumped on his back, imidiatelly pulling him to the ground.

"Luke!" He yelled before his body hut the ground, imidiatelly getting covered by the grass.

Luke laughed, still sitting on Bitzel's back. Bitzel looked at him, laughing as well. Luke eventually got off his back and sit down next to him, pulling out the grass. Bitzel was looking far in the forest, enjoying the nature.

"What do you think of Foolish?" Tommy asked after a moment.

Deo rised his eyebrow before signing. He patted Tommy's head and looked down at him.

"I know he's your friend, but I don't trust him that much" Deo said. "Don't get mad at me, I just- I'm scared I may lose you again."

Tommy sat up and turned to face Deo.


"I was scared back then, I thought I will lose you forever. I couldn't forgive myself for that. I couldn't save you in time, I let him drag you away, leaving me here useless." Deo continued. "I was disappointed in myself that I stopped talking to Bitzel and Luke. I ignored them for about 6 month, before they reached doubt to me. I..- I couldn't think what he did to you. All the wars, trauma and wounds. It's my fault that even happen" he said.

Tommy tried not to cry, but that was hard. That day, when Dream dragged him away he lost his family and home. He couldn't do anything, no one could. It happened too fast for them to realize what was happening.

Deo was fighting with one of the admins, trying to get his way through the crowd. Next to him was Luke and Bitzel. Tommy was somewhere in the crowd, fighting different admin. They were under attack, everyone were right there, fighting to protect their village.
After an hour or so, the managed to kill four gods, when the rest disappeared, leaving them alone. They were wounded, bleeding yet standing straight. Villagers started taking care of the wounds, healing them and giving food to everyone who needed it. Deo on the other hand, was standing and looking around when Luke runned up to him.

"Have you seen Tommy? I can't find him" he said, desperately looking around.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's helping villager over there" Deo said, walking towards the healing spot.

But, Tommy wasn't here. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, which made everyone scared. That's when the three started running around the village, looking for their friend. But as much as they tried, they couldn't find him anywhere. Deo was panicking inside, he blamed himself. He left Tommy to fight a god while he went to fight someone else. They left him all alone.

"I'm sure he is okay" Bitzel said, trying to cheer them up.

But nothing worked. Deo couldn't stop panicking not running around. He had to find Tommy, it was his fault he was nowhere to be seen now.
Finally, they saw Tommy's blond hair in the distance. Deo started running towards him, when he realized Tommy wasn't alone. There, someone was dragging Tommy by his shirt towards the forest. Tommy was wiggling around, trying to get free. But nothing worked.

"Hey, leave Tommy alone!" Deo yelled, running towards the two.

Maybe that was a mistake. The person started running, still pulling Tommy with him. How fast this dude was? They couldn't catch up.



They were screaming each other's name, threatening the person to let him go. But their hope disappeared when the person and Tommy reached out the portals. Then, they went through one. But unfortunately for the Business Bay, the portal closed right behind the two.

They were left behind, screaming and crying. Frame that day, Deo isolated from the rest, ignoring them and blaming himself.

(That was stupid and probably didn't make sense but who cares😐)

Tommy hugged Deo closer to his chest, feeling that the other hugged him too. He sighed.

"It wasn't your fault, it was mine for letting my quard down and thinking I could take him down all alone." Tommy said, patting his back.

Deo didn't said anything, he was too focused on Tommy. He won't let it happen again, never. Even if it meant that he had to kill someone. No one will take Tommy away from him, not even Foolish.

"Hey, I want group hug too!" Bitzel yelled, before jumping on the two and pinning them to the ground.

Tommy groaned when he was pushed to the ground. Bitzel wasn't the lightest person.

"Bitz, get off!" Deo yelled, whipping his tears away.

Before anyone could say anything, Luke simply fell on tip of them, laying like nothing happened.
Tommy laughed, hugging all of them and closing his eyes. It was something he missed.

"How cute, little Business Bay is having fun" someone's voice said behind them.

Luke was first to jump on his feet's and pull out his sword. After him stood Bitzel and them Deo with Tommy. They all pulled out their weapons, but without their armors. Green figure walked out of the shadow, standing in front of them. Tommy recognized that person right away.

"What do you want?!" Luke asked angrily.

"I'm here for two people, if you don't mind" he said.

"Who are you?" Deo asked.

"Tom's knows me very well. Now, let's go for Foolish and let's go home" the mysterious voice said.

Deo titled his head to the side, so he could her Tommy whispering.

"It's Dream, the one who took me away that day" Tommy whispered.

Deo's eye widened as his grip on his sword tightened. He looked back at Dream, ignoring his insane smile from under his mask.

"We won't let you take Tommy nor Foolish" Bitzel said, glaring at Dream.

Dream laughed under his nose before shaking his head.

"It wasn't a question, it was an order" Dream said deadly serious.

The three boys didn't move at all, they weren't scared of his voice. Tommy shivered a little. Dream was here. He came to take him away again. To exile, to the manipulation. His hand started shaking while he tried to stop it and calm down. But then he got flashback from the exile, wars, prison. Everything can right at him, crushing him. He believed Dream many times, he let him manipulate him. That was something he never forgive myself for. For trusting Dream that he was his friend.

"Tommy" Dream said.

When Tommy was about to say something, he heard quit crack behind him. He looked from the corner of his eye and tried to find whatever it was. He almost yelled in happiness when he saw four familiar snouts. First one was black, second was white, third was brown and the last one was black too. Their wolf's. Tommy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before looking towards Dream.

"Hey Dream" he said.

Strength appeared in his body and voice, which shocked even him.

"What?" Dream asked.

"You know why this server is stronger that yours?" He asked, smiling smugly. 

"Pfft, why?" Dream said mocking him.

"Because we don't ride horses, we ride wolf's. Shadow!" Tommy yelled.

Behind them jumped out four wolves, standing right behind their owners. Shadow stood proudly behind Tommy, touching his back. Second black one stood behind Deo, the white one stood behind Bitzel and the brown one behind Luke. They smiled widely, seeing the shock on Dream's face. Wolf in their server were a lot smaller. They were like dogs but this wolves were taller then people. They were great for riding, hunting and transporting something. Not saying about fighting. Dream groaned but didn't do anything. He kept his sword in air, threatening to attack.

"Tommy, you have to go back. It's for the best" Dream said.

"I'm not going back just because you want to manipulate me again. I'm not playing with you anymore" Tommy said.

"Tommy, it's not about me. It's about Tubbo and Ranboo. They are your friends, they miss you." Dream said, it was obvious he tried to manipulate Tommy.

"They don't care, they have each other" Tommy said, protecting himself.

"But what about Micheal? How must he feel without his uncle" Dream said, smirking.

Michael. Their son.

"He will miss you more than anyone else. I know you don't want me to tell him that you hate him and decided to leave" Dream said.

"Don't listen to him Tommy, he is trying to manipulate you." Deo said.

"We can visit them whenever you want." Luke said.

Tommy had to think. They were right, he can always visit Micheal, there is no problem with that. But what About Dream? He will hurt him right away.

"What about you shut up?" Someone asked Dream

Tommy looked up and saw Foolish. He was standing behind Dream with sword on his neck. Dream laughed maniacally before turning around and swinging his sword at Foolish. Foolish jumped back, his wolf jumping on Dream to attack him. It was like a signal for them. Their wolves jumped at Dream too, circling around him. They were growling, showing their fangs while eyeing Dream's figure. Deo pulled out his crossbow, aiming at Dream's leg. As always, the arrow reached it's victim and went in Dream's leg. He cursed under hie breath before swinging his sword at one of the wolves. It was a mistake cause he left space for the other four wolves to attack. Dream yelled when many of sharp fangs clunged ok his legs and arms. He tried to hurt them, but every time when his sword was about to hit one of the wolves, they jumped away and attacked from the other side.

After a while, Dream was laying on the ground. He was covered in many scars and blood. Deo smiled and walked towards him. He placed his foot on Dream's hand, crushing it in the ground. Dream hissed in pain.

"You know, when you took Tommy away tears ago, rage I felt to kill you was huge. But now, I think it's better to let you go so your friends can see what happens when you hurt Tommy." Deo said.

Luke laughed and stood next to Deo.

"What about we play in a game, hm? We will give you 2 minutes to escape and then the hunt will begin. You have chance to reach out to the portal and survive, but there's also chance that you might get caught and things won't be pretty." Luke said.

Everyone laughed, expect Dream who was somehow terrified. Deo leaned closer to Dreams face and looked him straight in the eyes.

"If you ever hurt anyone else, I promise I will find and kill you. Just so you know, I never break my promise" he said, letting go off Dream and walking away a little. "Alright, you have two minutes from now. Good luck!"

Dream stood up and started limping away from them towards the portals. They weren't that close but they weren't far away also. At least they pets would have some fun.

And when two minutes passed, five wolves went for haunting for their pray. All they could hear was howling, barking and crunching. With that, they started walking away like nothing happened. Deo had his arm around Tommy, Bitzel was jumping around Foolish while Luke was walking calmly next to them.

"You know what Foolish?" Deo said, catching Foolish's attention. "Maybe I was wrong that I didn't trust you. You're a nice guy, I like you"

Foolish sighed and smiled, his cheeks getting red from the attention. When he was about to say something, Tommy was first.

"Wait, you didn't like him before?!" He yelled, looking at Deo.

"Wha-? No!" Deo yelled, trying to calm Tommy down.

"I never told you to not like Foolish, he is nice!" Tommy said, before hitting Deo in the back of his head.

"Ow.." Deo whispered.

All of the laughed, walking back to the village happily. Eventually, their wolves came back covered in blood. No one really cared if Dream escaped or not, as long as he stays away, he will be okay.

Foolish could loudly say:

"You guys are really defensive and protective when it comes to Tommy"

"You want to check out what we can do?" Deo asked eyeing him.

"N-no, I saw enough." Foolish said, slightly panicked.

Tommy only chucked and went to their village. That was his family, no one else. He had everyone he needed with him, loving him and taking care of him.
