When the pain got fused

It's been quite a long time since I wrote an request. Kinda had to take a break and write some that I had in my head.

Hope you enjoy!

Requested: tryme17

Angst, little bit of fluff
TW: mention of trauma, yelling,


Tommy woke up with an massive headache, as he slowly sat up on the grass. Wait, grass? Right, he was on a walk with Ranboo, since they both were bored and there was nothing else to do. When they were about to go back, Tommy felt weird and funny feeling in his stomach before everything went black.
He was confused, what the hell happened? And where was Ranboo? He looked around, yet he couldn't spot the two coloured hybrid anywhere. Concerned, he stood up and held his head as terrible nausea made their way through his whole body. With shaky sigh, he looked down on his hands. Much to his confusion and surprise, his skin was black with some white parts. Panic rushed over to his head, forcing him to check his body. Luckily, there was an lake nearby. Without hesitation, he walked to the water and leaned above it. His eyes widened.
His whole skin was black, but half was white. However, his blue eyes and his dirty blond hairs stayed along with small red horns.
Then it hit him. His body got fused with Ranboo. But could Ranboo talk?

"Ranboo?" Tommy asked, getting an tired groan as an answer. "Ranboo!'

"What?" Ranboo's voice asked, before his or, rather their head Turned around and looked at their surrounding. "What happened? Tommy where are you?!"

"Ranboo, we got fused"

Tommy seemed quite calm about this, rolling his eyes at Ranboo who panicked a little. He looked at the water, examining their appearance. Much to his happiness, their had Tommy's horns.

"They look so cool" Rabboo said, looking at the water for five minutes.

Tommy groaned, standing up and walking towards his home. He was trying to come up with an idea what could possibly happen that fused them, but Ranboo was far from helping. He   talked about how cool they looked and all the things they could do. After some time he came up with an idea to blow something.

"No" Tommy said.

"But why? You love blowing things uppppp" Ranboo whined.

He was right, Tommy loved blowing things up and creating chaos. But not after what happened in exile. It was far from being fun and nice. Everything that Dream did to him whenever he misbehaved, every single explosion that was set off right in front of him. It was horrible. The amount of nightmares he had every single night after that was uncountable. The loud sound of explosions still replied in his head, hunting him every single day and night. He didn't have an break, it replied all the time, causing pain and fear rise inside his body.
Dream would threaten him, scare him, hurt him if he didn't obey or listen. He grew scared of any loud noises, especially the unexpected ones. He was afraid of them to the point where he stopped making TNT, he never approached one, he stayed as far as possible. Even creepers could trigger his memory, bringing the old days in exile like they happened a second ago.
And no matter how much he tried, he couldn't overcome this fear. He couldn't live a normal life. He couldn't feel safe. Did anyone knew? No.

"Tommy.." Ranboo said quietly, catching his attention.

"What?" Tommy asked, continuing his way towards his house.

"Do you think others will be able to help us?" He asked.

Tommy froze in one place, looking for an good answer to this question. Could they? Of yes, would they do it? Everyone hated Tommy, why would they want to have him back? If they did helped them, then they would probably do it because of Ranboo. Everyone loved him, even Techno.
Tommy spend years trying to gain Technoblade's trust and attention. But Techno never cared about him. And then one day, Ranboo came and everyone fell in love with him. They helped him, adored and even spend time with him. Something Tommy could only dream of. Love.

"I hope so" Tommy said, before changing his directions.

Ranboo stayed close, feeling the way Tommy's emotions suddenly changed. It seemed like he wanted to get rid of Ranbo as fast as possible, but he didn't know why. He could partially feel that sadness and pain from Tommy's soul. It only made Ranboo think. What happened to Tommy? What did he went through, that made his souls and mind look so miserable? Ranboo coul see his soul and the emotions he felt were too strong to not notice or feel.

"Are you okay..?" Ranboo asked suddenly.

Tommy groaned but never answered, focusing on his way. Ranboo sighed upset, before an idea came to his head. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to do and he should respect Tommy's privacy, but he was desperate to know.
He could enter Tommy's memory and look for something that would explain his behavior. It seemed rude and not really nice but he had no choice. With one move, many scenes from Tommy's past appeared in front of him, floating slowly and playing. There was many of them, sad and happy, scary and dark, beautiful and peaceful. Unfortunately, the dark and sad ones dominated over the other ones, the shadow covering the good parts of his life. Ranboo only saddened, watching as everything passed him and went further into the void. The hybrid choose the first one and second later, he was surrounded by forest. His eyes scanned the place, only to find small tent and hear two familiar voices. Slowly and carefully, he made his way towards the tent and where the voices were coming from.

"Don't make me wait"

"Fuck off!"

Ranboo could see Tommy and unfortunately, Dream. They stood in front of each other, none of them moving. Dream was holding his sword, netherite armor shielding his body. Meanwhile Tommy was wearing his ripped clothes, without any armor or a weapon. It looked like they were arguing, small hole between them. Even if Tommy looked exhausted and in pain, he stood still and not once looked away from Dream.

"Tommy, give me your things. Now" Dream's voice was impatient, threatening to snap any second.

"I already told you. Fuck off" Tommy said.

Ranboo was confused on why would Dream want Tommy's things. They were his, he had his rights to keep them.
Meanwhile, Dream was slowly getting more impatient and angrier. He clunged his hand in fist, growling and taking a step closer to Tommy.

"Listen here Tommy, you aren't in control. You never were" Dream said, standing inches from Tommy. His hands gripped Tommy's shirt and pulled him even closer to his mask. "I can kill you when I want and no one will know. No one will help you, so if you want to save your little useless life, you better behave."

Ranboo's eyes widened, as he walked closer to them. It already happened, which meant they couldn't see him. It also meant that Ranbio couldn't do anything, but watch and listen.

"You can't do that!" Tommy yelled, trying to push Dream away.

"Oh, I can and I will if you won't leave me another choice" Dream said, pushing Tommy harshly to the ground.

Ranboo felt his heart shatter as he watched, praying for Tommy to stand up and fight. Before he could, Dream stood above him and pushed him in the ground with his foot.

"I'm a god Tommy, I can do everything I want" Dream said, smiling under his white mask.

"We both know that you won't kill me, you are too much a coward. You need me" Tommy said, smirking and chuckling dryly.

Dream raised his eyebrows, before lifting his mask a little so both male could see his smile. He leaned closer to Tommy, his sword pushed in the grass right next to Tommy. Ranboo could feel his fear yet he was smiling so Dream wouldn't feel satisfaction.

"You are right, I can't kill you" Ranboo sighed in relief. "But I can beat you half to death"

Ranboo's eyes widened as he heard Tommy's scream. He saw Dream literally crushing Tommy's bones, pushing him harder in the ground with no mercy. Ranboo yelled something, trying to stop Dream. He didn't care that it was impossible, he tried. His throat was sore from the yelling, his whole body hurting from the tears that escaped his eyes.
Dream harshly pulled Tommy and forced him to stand, only to kick him in the stomach moment later and force him on his knees. Tommy coughed and gagged, choking on his own blood. Dream held his chin and forced him to look at him.

"You are too stupid and weak to stand against me Tommy, why can't you understand? I'm your only friend, no one cares expect for me" before he could continue, his head titled to the side as his mask fell to the ground.

Tommy managed to puch him with his fist in the face, now facing Dream without his mask but with anger in his eyes.
Dream's head snapped to look at Tommy once again, before he slowly stood up from his knees and laughed.

"Maybe you are not that weak, we will train on this later. For now, have a nice dreams" with that, his knee made contact with Tommy's head.

His body fell to the ground yet he was still conscious as he watched as Dream took his things which was mainly some materials and food, before throwing them inside the hole and placing TNT above it.

"Oh yeah, watch out. The explosion may reach you" with that, Dream lighted the TNT and walked away.

"Get up Tommy! Please, move!" Ranboo begged, watching as Tommy tried his best to crawl away.

Seconds passed and the TNT blow up, sending Tommy's body in the air and few feet away from the place where he laid a second earlier. This time, he didn't move. His body layed there lifeless, torn apart and massacred. Ranboo knew he was alive, but the state he was in was almost impossible to survive for long.

Ranboo felt pain. It all was too much. He knew that exile was hard for Tommy, but not that much. With shaking hands, he turned around and went back.

"..nboo! Ranboo!" He heard Tommy yelling.

"Yes?" Ranboo asked, quickly whipping his tears and titling their head to the side.

"Finally, they asked a question"

Only now, Ranboo realized that in front of them stood a few people they knew. They hold some potions and looked completely puzzled.

"Well, what now?" Ranboo asked.

"We have some ideas that might possible work but if they fail, we will have to call someone" Philza said.

"Alright, go straight to the point, I don't have time" Tommy said.


I will see you in second part!
