
Part two of "Exile insanity".

Fluff😌 (I feel proud of myself)

TW: nightmares, voices,

I'm not gonna write part 3 cause I have requests to write. Anyways, sorry it's short :/


Everything around was black and fuzzy. As much as he tried, he couldn't see anything normal. His breath was stuck in his lungs, his whole body was hurting. He couldn't do anything, he was stuck in his own mind.

Kill him

They said.

Murderer him like he did years ago.

With every word, they were louder.

Make him suffer.

Again, he started running. It didn't matter where, the only thing he wanted was to get as far as possible. He wanted to run away, so they would stay behind him. They only thing he wanted was to Espace, escape from them, escape from the reality and everything that happened.

He tripped over his his feet's many times but he never stopped. He wasn't ready to face everything that was waiting for him in reality. He wanted to stay here, in the dark, alone and safe. It was the only place where he couldn't hurt anyone. His sanity was disappearing more and more, when he caught himself laughing more and more.

Reality for him was dark and dangerous. The voices that kept yelling in his head didn't make it easier at all. All the things seemed bigger and scarier. The noises that reached his ears were louder. Now, it reached the moment that he couldn't hear anything. He was stuck. Stuck in between the reality and his mind. And there was no one to pull him out, to heal his sanity and take care of him.

Wake up..

He heard it again, the same voice.

Wake up.

It was more calm and nicer than the rest.

Wake up!

He perked up, sitting on the grass that surrounded him. His eyes trailed up and stopped on the tall figure. At first, he couldn't quests who was that, but after two minutes he recognized Dream. His green friend. That one person who wanted to help him and his mind. His nice of him.

He only pities you

Tommy shook his head and rubbed hie eye with his hands.

"Finally, I thought you decided to sleep here forever" Dream chuckled.

Tommy only mumbled something that even he couldn't understand and soon stand up next to Dream. They were traveling for around a week now, not really knowing where they want to go. They had food, weapons, armors and some blocks they could use. Tommy didn't plan to run away, it was Dream's idea. He came one day and told Tommy to take his things, before he pulled him into the forest. Moment later, some people cane and looked around his exile place before burning everything down. Tommy's heart broke in that moment, but before he could do anything, Dream pulled him far away from the exile place. That's when their journey started.

Dream knew it was spontaneous decision, but he did for Tommy's safety. Tommy didn't really cared, he let Dream take him where he wanted. He was quiet the whole time, sometimes answering his questions. But his heart and mind were far from them, still locked in the exile insanity.

Younger boy started changing and Dream saw that everyday. Whenever it was his behavior or the way he talked. Dream knew it wasn't good but he he'd no idea what he could do. And before he could do something to stop it, Tommy changed completely. His beautiful ocean blue eyes turned more greyish, his skin was more pale. Even his hairs were long enough for him to put it in ponytail. But, his body was more muscular. He grew taller, almost reaching Dream's heigh. His strength was slowly too much for Dream and sparing with Tommy was a challenge. He not only changed mentally but also physically.

Dream couldn't look anymore at the boy, who couple of months ago was cheerful and happy kid. Now, there was only dull teenager, that didn't enjoyed life.
Maybe it would continue till now, if Dream hadn't thought of something.


Dream was packing some food inside his small bag, before swinging sword on his back. He galanced at Tommy's sleeping form for the last time before walking away into the darkness. His footsteps eoched through the forest, scaring away some smaller animals. But he didn't care, he kept walking further and further into the forest, looking for something.

"Come on where can you be?" He asked himself, after an hour of searching around.

He sighed and turned left, looking in the every hole he could find and every cave he saw. But as much as he hoped, he couldn't find that one thing. And when he was about to turn to the right, he heard squeaking. He stopped in his tracks, listening to the surrounding. Everything seemed like it stopped for him, he heard only one thing. Quiet squeaking on his left.

Carefully, he turned around and pulled out some berries, reaching out his hand forward. He waited for a moment before he saw little ginger snout. Then, the snout turned into ginger body, four paws and long tail with some white fur. Dream smiled to himself, giving the small creature more berries.

"There you are.." he said, patting gently foxes head.

He put his hand under the belly of the fox before lifting him in the air, slowly standing up. That was the moment when the fox realized what's happening. It stared squeaking and wiggling around in Dream's grip, bitting him once in the finger. He didn't care, he decided to come back to Tommy. He had what he went for. Tommy's new small friend to love and take care. Why he never thought of this before?

With a proud smile, he walked back to where he left Tommy. The ginger fox still squeaking loudly in his arms, trying to escape.


Meanwhile, Tommy had no idea what happened to Dream and where he went, but he didn't screech for him. He knew that the older one will be alright,  it's Dream we are talking about. He was always alright.

He sat under the tree, back pressed against it, looking at something. He was lost in his thoughts that he couldn't thing straight.

Why are we still here?

We should've escape

You're sooooooo boring

Let's go kill


Shut up




Murderer someone

Tommy switched his position when he heard someone walking in his direction. His hand automatically went to his sword, but when he saw the green figure he calmed down and sat up again. He galanced at what his friend was holding and realized it was something orange, or more like ginger. He send Dream asking look, not really contacting with the world.

"I'm back Tommy, and I brought you company!" He said proud of himself.

Dream walked up to him and leaning closer, he put something fluffy on his lap.

"Hold it so it won't escape." Tommy held the fluffy ginger thing. "Here's some berries, feed it to him"

Tommy looked at the berries that Dream placed beside him before looking at the weird fluffy and warm thing. It was moving. Maybe jumping and trying to escape. Tommy could feel it was panicked and scared.

When he looked down, he saw young fox. It had beautiful and shiny fur. He slowly patted it's head, trying to calm it down. At first, it didn't work but after next 10 minute it was fully calm. Tommy reached doubt his hand and took some berries, letting go of the fox. He thought it would run away, but to his surprise it stayed on his lap, cuddling to his leg. He offered the fox a berry.

Ginger fox smelled it and looked up in Tommy's eyes. Tommy eyes widened, the fox also had blue eyes. They looked like his a month ago. It made him smile, while feeding his fox who squeaked from time to time in happiness.

"I will name you Squeak" Tommy said, patting the head of his new friend.

His fox friend was fast to feel asleep, cuddling to him on his lap after eating.

(You can't tell me this isn't cute! My heart is melting)

Moment later, Tommy also had fallen asleep with the fluffy ball in his lap. His hand was laying protectively on Berry's side, keeping him warmer in night. Dream on the other hand, was enjoying the view under the other tree, smiling like never. That was the Tommy he wanted to see again and never lose. That's the Tommy he saw before everything happened.
