Flower field

Part two of 'The blossoming life'. I didn't plan on writing second part, but some of you wanted it so here! To be honest, I was lazy and somehow I motivated myself to write it. It may be boring and lazy, but you have to stick with it. Hope enjoy this lazy one shot!

Basically Fluff
TW: blood


People watched in awe, as the grass gained the fresh and beautiful green color back. It was amazing and incredible to watch, how everything started blossoming and living again. Moment ago, everything turned black and now it turned back. Fear overtook their body's and minds, having no idea what was happening and what they should expect. Fortunately, it was normal now, or at least they hoped it was.
One thing of course, didn't pass their ears without noticing. Dream escaped the prison, or rather Philza and Technoblade helped to break him free. And all of them knew, what relationship Dream and Tommy had. Of course, some of them began to worry about the kid and even went to check to make sure he was safe. Unfortunately and surprisingly, he was nowhere to be found. Just like Quackity.

Some of them checked everywhere, looking for the teen but with no luck. On the other hand, Wilbur went to look for Quackity. He knew that if he was able to find Quackity, he wiuld also find Tommy. Why? Cause they were inseparable. Over the past few months, or even years, they became close and decided to stuck with one another. Tommy was supporting mentally Quackity when he and his finances fell out, while Quackity was there to help Tommy with his trauma. They both needed each other and when one was without another,you could clearly see the discomfort and panic setting in. And that was the main reason why Wilbur coukd never talk to Tommy alone, nor could anyone else. Not even Tubbo or Ranboo. Everytime when he would talk with Tommy, Quackity would stand behind Tommy and hold on to him, throwing glares at Wilbur. He was terrifying when it came to Tommy. Especially when he knew that Wilbur was trying to manipulate him once again, just like years ago. Don't get him wrong, he was just protective over Tommy and was willing to give him as much space and time as he needs. The thing is that Tommy wasn't willing to leave his side even for a second. Whenever Quackity went, Tommy was right behind him. Whenever Tommy went, Quackity was right behind him. And that's how it worked.

So, Wilbur was nowhere close to being shocked, when he saw Tommy leaning against Quackity while the older one braided his hairs. To be honest, Tommy looked good in hairs over his shoulders. Some said that he let his hairs grow, just to look more like Quackity.
They both were sitting on the flower field, (I don't why, but I really like places like that) Tommy with his eyes closed while Quackity hummed softly.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried"

His soft voice flew with the wind, words spoken straight to Tommy. Tommy had a smile on his face, flowers in his hands. They weren't any flowers, but allium ones. His favorite. They seemed like they were enjoying their time together, focusing only on each other like the rest of the world didn't exist.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

Quackity seemed like he was thinking about a memory with someone. Every single moment spend with Tommy flew in front of his eyes, as he opened them and look far forward. He was smiling, as peace overtook his whole body. He was somewhere where he felt like at home. He had everything he loved right next to him and he couldn't dream about anything more. His whole world was in his hands, he whished for nothing more or less.
Tge youbger boy also started humming, singing the next part of the song.

"I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me and love another
You'll regret it all some day"

His voice matched Quackity's, mixing well with the words of the song. They both were filled with happiness, peace and passion. It was a lovely sight to see, especially now in times like this. Wilbur would adore this moment, if it weren't for his future plans about Tommy. He still has to get him back on his side and finally manipulate him. Till now, Quackity was the main and biggest problem. How was he supposed to get close to Tommy, if Quackity wouldn't leave his side? Even if he tried anything, he would be more likely dead in a second. It happened once, when he tried to actually hurt Tommy. Oh boy, how lucky he was that Tommy was tgere this time. If it weren't for him, Quackity would much likely crush his skull with his axe. No doubt.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

Tommy sang again, wind blowing against his skin. Quackity put his hand around his shoulder, pulling him even close to his body. Wilbur tightened his teeth, angrier flashing in his eyes.

"You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all of my dreams"

Quackity and Tommy's voices synchronized, creating a harmonic melody that Wilbur never heard before. It was beautiful, more than anything he ever heard. He caught himself listening to their voice for a second, before he shook his head and went towards the boys.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

What he didn't notice, was that with every next step he took, the song was becoming slower and slower. Like they knew he was coming, which they did. But he wasn't aware of that, which was a really big mistake. Why? Cause when you interrupt a God, you have to be ready for an consequences that weren't small. And the God of Nature was a little busy, to say at least.

"In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame"

He thought that they didn't notice him, according to the fact that they were looking in the different direction. Little did he know, that the trees and flowers also had eyes and ears. He was far from being safe at that moment.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

When the last words left the boy's mouths, it became silent. Too silent to Wilbur's liking. He was two feet away from the Teen and man, when suddenly he felt something wrap around his ankle. How surprised he was when he looked down only to be met with an red veins. He opened his mouth but before he could say anything, he was pulled up in the air. He was hanging upside down, being hold by red veins with small spikes. It hurt, but nothing he wouldn't manage.

"What the fuck do you want?" Quackity asked, still not looking from the view in front of him.

"What the heck?! Let me go!" Wilbur yelled.

Tommy chuckled, looking at him with pity in his eyes.

"Better for you if it's something important" Tommy said, before leaning on Quackity one again for the warm feeling.

Quackity galanced at Wilbur, before shaking his head with a smile.

"I came to talk to you, nothing more" Wilbur replied.

Tommy and Quackity looked their eyes together, nodding slightly. The grip around Wilbur's ankle only tightened, blood dripping down the veins. Wilbur could only bit his lip trying to ignore the burning sensation in his upper leg.

"You don't know what happens when you interrupt a God, do you?" Tommy asked, looking Wilbur in eyes.

It was difficult for Wilbur to lock his eye with Tommy's, since he was still hanging upside down. Yet, the look he gave him send shivers down his spine.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Tommy mocked him, holding back his laugh.

Meanwhile Quackity wasn't even trying to hold back his laughs. He was laughing off his ass, taking his hand from Tommy to hold his stomach.

"What?" Wilbur asked, still processing the fact what his brother said a moment ago.

When it finally hit him, with widened eyes he looked at Tommy once again.

"Wait, you are-" he cut himself again.

"A God? Fuck yeah" Tommy said for him, proud smile flashing.

Wilbur couldn't think straight. There was no way, that this child was a god. He wasn't going ti believe that.

"You are lying" he said.

"If I'm lying, then why are you corrupted by a plant?" Tommy has got a point.

Wilbur only tried to think of something different again.

"I'm just dreaming, this is not real" he quickly added.

"Damn, that must be a painful dream you are having, amigo" Quackity said.

The pain only worsened, as Wilbur noticed Tommy tightening his fist. Only this time, am poisonous veins creeped down his leg and straight to his face. It was inches away from him and the specific smell it had already made his head hurt.

"Ya still sure it's just a dream?" They both laughed, watching as Wilbur tried to turn his head away from the flower.

Finally, when Tommy was getting bored and wanted cuddles, he decided to end it. Well, it was fun while it lasted. With an finger snap, the veins wrapped around Wilbur's neck and not only chocked him, but also pierced his skin. Damn, the poor veins. It all got so dirty because of a mere mortal.

"Remember to say hello to Dream for me, please. I'm pretty sure you will meet him in hell" Tommy said one last time.

Second later after he said that, the veins unwrapped itself from Wilbur and slowly came back to Tommy. They wrapped around his arm before dissapearing in his body, leaving nothing but clean skin.

"I love this" Quackity said.

Tommy could only agree. After all this year's, his God nature had this urge to taste blood. Why shouldn't he obey his instincts? As long as he didn't hurt Quackity, it was fine.

"So, who's next? Techno?"

They both laughed, continuing what they stopped. In different words, cuddling and singing random songs till midnight.
