Alive again

Part 2 of "Grave of Angel". In this, you will be able to choose, how situation will look like. I know it's bad, it's a little hard to write one shot like this. Enjoy!


It was a year, year after the tragic accident. People missed him, but they eventually moved on and started living again. The poor boy's life couldn't last forever. He didn't had an chance to spend more time with his friends. He had happy life with them, but after all, Gods wanted to take him away. As much as it hurts, it was the truth and no one could change it.

Again, he was sitting on the bench, talking to his brother grave. Hope, that he heard him was good enough to not break down. Even after that long time, he still couldn't stop blaming himself. Maybe it wasn't only his fault, he didn't shot him, but he didn't do anything. He just kept arguing with Dream, not even caring about anyone else. Maybe it was the best scenario. The youngest would probably still be traumatized, feared of everything and everyone. Maybe it was supposed to end like that? No, of course it wasn't good.

"Why did you leave me... You promised me" he whispered, barely keeping his tears from falling down.

He closed his eyes in process to calm himself down. Then, from nowhere, right in front of him appeared white light. It wasn't normal light, not torch or fireplace. It glowed a little, spinning slowly. Then how quickly it appeared, that quickly it disappeared. In the same place on the ground, was sitting a toddler. His ocean blue eyes were looking around curiously, while wind hit his face, making him giggle.

Wilbur's ears heard it and he quickly opened his eyes. What he saw, completely shocked him. Small kid, looking at him with big smile. He knew that kid from somewhere, then it clicked. Baby Tommy. With widened eyes, he kneeled down and took the child in his hands. Tears started falling down his cheeks. The toddler giggled even more, waving his little hands vigorously. Wilbur smiled softly at this sight. But how is it possible? It didn't matter right now.

"How old are you?" Wilbur asked as the toddler showed him 3 fingers.

"Alright little diamond, let's take you to your dad" he said, hugging the toddler and walking straight to Philza's home.

It wasn't cold, but Wilbur put his beanie on the kids head. Young Tommy never took his eyes off Wilbur's face, he giggled from time to time, whenever Wilbur made funny face. It wasn't long journey for them. Wilbur knocked on wooden doors and waited for Phil to open them.

"Who's- Oh, it's you Wilbur! How may I help you?"

"It's kinda weird and may sound stupid, but I found Tommy as toddler at his grave" he said, looking into Philza eyes.

"Wha..?" And now, Philza saw Tommy as a kid in Wilbur's hands. "Oh god..."

He opened his doors and let them in. Wilbur took off his sweater and sat down on the coach. Philza gave him some tea and sat in front of him, looking at the young boy who was trying to get away from Wilbur's  hands.

"So, how did this happen?" He asked, looking at Wilbur.

"I was at his grave again, talking to him like always. I closed my eyes just for a second and then I heard giggles. I saw him sitting on the grass next to his grave, looking like this." He said.

"Hmmm, interesting" Phil said.

"Interesting? Is this you reaction? Your son just come back to life, and that's it?!" He yelled.

"Wilbur! Don't raise your voice at me, I'm happy he is back!" Philza said.

"Well, you don't show it!" They argued.

While they didn't look, Tommy crawled down the coach and made his way outside. Somehow, he managed to open the doors and walk away from the safe house. He kept walking slowly, sometimes tripping over his own feet's. But it didn't stop him, he just kept walking. After 1p minutes, he reached some building and saw one person. With a small smile he walked to them, yelling happily.

(Choose, who young Tommy met and how it will end!)

^^^^1.Choose sister figure Niki!^^^^

"Pwetty lady!" Someone yelled, confusing and scaring Niki a little.

She turned around and didn't saw anyone, well, that was untill she felt someone pull her sleeve. She looked down surprised and saw a toddler.

"Awwww, your so cute!" She said, holding the baby.

It giggled louder and touched her hairs, pulling it a little.

"Where are you from?" She asked.

"Homw!" It didn't help.

"Okay, what's your name?" She asked

"Tommy!" Her eyes widened, is it possible?

"Tommy?" Toddler Tommy only squealed happily and toucher her nose.

She laughed, and kissed his forehead. Whatever you say, Tommy as a baby was to cute to even resist.

"Let's get you to Wilbur, hm?"

"Otay!" Her heart melted a little.

^^^^2.Choose home with loving  family!^^^^

Techno was walking around the Dream smp, when he saw a small child running to him. For sure, it was an orphan. He took out his axe and waited for the child to get closer. But when it's did, it just hugged his leg which surprised him a little bit.


There was only one person that called him that nickname, Tommy. But he was dead, right? He took a closer look at the toddler and yet, it looked exactly like Tommy.

"Tommy?" The baby only giggled and did grabby hands at him.

He held Tommy close to his chest, while walking to Philza's house. When he knocked, he heard some cursing and footsteps. And finally, he saw Wilbur at the doors.

"Oh my god, you found him! Thank you Techno, I was so worried!" He took Tommy from him and looked deep in his eyes. "And you, never run away like that again!" He said, hugging him.

"Can you explain?" Techno asked.

"Of course"

And now, they were sitting in the living room where Wilbur was explaining everything to them.

"So now, we need to take care of young Tommy again" Techno wined.

The rest only laughed.

^^^^3.Huh, never trust bad and strange man^^^^

"Friend!" Someone yelled behind him.

Slowly he turned around and saw a baby. To his surprise, it looked exactly like Tommy. Dream as Dream, never liked kids, especially if they looked exactly like Tommy. He really wanted to kill him even if he was a child.

"Hello Tommy, where are you going alone?" He asked with manipulative smile.

"I'm running from Wilby!" He said.

"How about I help you hide?"

"Otay!" Dreams smile only grew bigger.

"Then let's go!"

Dream could take advantage of it and take a revenge on Tommy. He was wondering what to do, kill him, torture him or close him somewhere where it's cold and dark. He decided to close him alone, under his house. No one knew where it was.

"What about you stay here quiet, while I will go check where is Wilbur?" He said.

"Mhm!" Tommy sat down in the corner and hugger his knees.

He was quiet while Dream locked the doors and with a smile, left his house.

End A).
Hours after hours and Dream didn't come back. Young Tommy was still sitting in the same position, but now, he was crying. Everything was dark and cold. Tommy didn't like that at all. His throat hurts him, because he screamed for half the hour now and no one came. He wished Wilbur was here, with him. He missed hugs and warm touch from his Family. Why did he went with this strange man? It was cold and quiet, too quiet...

End B).
After three hours, Tommy heard footsteps. He smiled and stood up. The footsteps were louder and louder and eventually, the doors opened. But it wasn't Dream, it was Wilbur.

"Tommy?! Oh my god, there you are!" He yelled, picking younger boy.

"Hi Wilby!" He said, happily.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" Wilbur asked concerned.

"I was hiding from you and that man took me here. But you found me!" Proud Tommy said, not understanding the situation.

"Tommy, what did I said about trusting strange people? You were supposed to say 'No thank you' and come to me." He said.

Little boy knew he made a mistake, he was supposed to stay with Wilbur.

"I know, sorry Wilby.."

Wilbur wasn't angry at Tommy for too long. I meant how can you be mad at him.

^^^^4.Well, you chose being accidentally hurt^^^^

Well, the person he thought he saw, was just a shadow. But who cares, he can still play alone! His smart and blue eyes landed on the forest. He got up and started crawling towards it, unware of the danger. Leafs were making sounds under his foots, tickling him a little. It was getting darker and darker. But Tommy, being the determined and brave kid, kept going deeper and deeper. When it was completely dark, monsters started coming out of theirs hideouts.

Many of them saw Tommy, but normally didn't care. Why would they even waste their time on such a little person. Young Tommy bumped in one of the skeletons. Welp, it wasn't friendly.

It hissed at him and took it's bow with one arrow. Tommy realizing it's nothing good and fun, just runner away. But when the arrow flew past his head, inches away from hitting him, he get scared. He yelled in fear and runned, slowly but still. Unfortunately, while looking behind his back, he fell into the crater. Pain went through his body. He hit his head on the ground at his arm.  As he looked at the damage, he saw blood and tears appeared in his eyes. He started crying.

Sobs continued to fill the cave for minutes and even hours. He didn't know how to get out of here, especially, how to get back home.

"Tommy?! Tommy!" He heard some yells.

"Tommy please come out!" Another voice.

He yelled something, just to help them find him. Good that he did it, because they could look for him much longer. Philza jumped down into the cave and quickly took Tommy in his hands.

"Tommy, why did you ran off?!" Wilbur asked concerned.

"Yelling..." He only said.

"We are sorry Tommy, it won't happen again. Let's go back and fix you up, okay?"

Tommy only noded and they went home. Lucky for Tommy, his wounds weren't deep and after short nap he was full of energy again. But this time, they kept an eye on him.
