Underground life

TW: —

Just an idea I got before sleep. Don't know what it is but seems fine enough to post. I found it quiet cute and interesting, so I hope you will too. Maybe there will be part two.

Btw, I didn't even notice that it's 101 one shot. Time flies by really fast.


He had family, many friends and home. As everyone described it, he had everything that every kid could dream of. But, in reality he didn't had one thing. He was free, at least, as much as you can call it being free. He was loved, as much as being manipulated meant love. His heart was broken so many times, but he never thought about it to much. He simply get addicted to new things too fast, which was the main reason why he was always hurt and easy to manipulate. His discs, friends, family, Henry. Everything he had, he also lost.

Manipulation and pain was a part of his life, always making impact on his mental state. He seemed like a strong person, proud and determined when it comes to his home country. But the truth was, that he was weak. He was only a 17 years old kid, who was lost in the big and brutal world without anyone to get him out. So, he stayed there, looking himself in the walls of pain and fear. He stayed away from potential danger, like mobs and monsters. But even if he wanted, he couldn't get away from them. The people in L'manburg, they wouldn't let his leave nor let him be free. So, he stayed in L'manburg, avoiding people as much as he could.

Maybe it seemed selfish, but it was everything he wanted from the life. Just some time alone, away from the reality and pain, away from people and problems. Just a small break to rest,that was everything. Was that too much to want? Life wasn't fair towards him but he taught himself that it won't be fair ever. It simply wasn't meant for him. He was supposed to work, to farm, fight and die. And as much as he hated that, he couldn't do anything with that. He was stuck in this worlds, as a boy who was someone everyone could blame and let out  their emotions. He had feelings too, but did anyone noticed? No, it was like they treated him like a punching bag. He had to accept it and move forward, facing all the pain and unfair things that life would bring to him.

He spend days on farming food, collecting cobblestone and iron. But not for himself, his 'friends' gave him tasks like that. Why? Cause they thought he didn't had anything to do. But he had his own things to do. Like rebuild his home, collect food for winter and find some emeralds to trade with villagers. Everyday meant more work to do, sometimes it took him even all day just to collect 5 stack's of iron for one of his friends. Everyone mined almost all the ore's and yet, they expected him to find any. It was hard but somehow he managed. There were days where he wouldn't even have time to eat or rest, cause of his friendly and royalty character. He did everything for them, what did he get in return? Some gold, which wasn't worth all his work. At some point, he got addicted to working so much, that he started building random things all over the familiar place, leaving no clear field or forest. In short time, he build one village with villagers, huge farm of watermelons, skeleton spawner and some small houses in the forest. It became his small new hobby, that he enjoyed and couldn't leave.


In Over three months, he didn't had place to build anymore. Everything was covered with farms, towers to protect the town, villages, caves and even ruined made by him. So, when he had no place to build, he decided to think where to build now. It took him two days, before an idea pop inside his head. If the outside world is all covered in buildings, then why not start with underground? He had so much place there and it didn't matter where he build, it was no one's so he could do anything he wants.

With that, he went underground and looked around. He stopped an bug cave, but it was too small for his liking. So, after setting off some TNT, it was bigger. But still too small in his opinion. He killed over 200 creepers and collected sand. He got around 100 TNT. With satisfaction, he set it off, hiding behind a big wall in full netherite armor and with a totem of undying, if the explosion was too big. Luckily for him, everything went just as he wanted. Everything underground blew up, leaving whole big cave, ready to be filled up with buildings. When he saw his masterpiece, inspiration and creativity filled his mind, excited to use every small idea he had.

At first he collected sand, sandstone, leaf's, Clay, Red sand and many more. Ha filled over 20chests of materials, getting ready to build. He took one last single look at the L'manburg, before jumping down the hike and covering the enter. He fell down, straight to small river. When he got out of water, bug smile appeared on his face, as he stood proudly in the huge cave. With that, he pulled out blocks and started placing first blocks. He knew it may take him months or even years to finish his plan, but excitement took the best of him.
With every minute and hour, it slowly turned into first towers, around 50 blocks tall but he wasn't done. It was just a small procent of everything he wanted to do.
The happiness, excitement and all emotions he never felt over the past years, now hit him in the same time. Ideas, inspirations and everything he could think off started forming in his head, creating a beautiful place to stay for him. He was ready to sacrifice everything for this place to start existing and he wouldn't hesitate to do anything. It was that moment when he found himself in home, after many years. He felt like it was his own place forever.

After three weeks, he ended building the walls around the town he wanted to build and move to another step, the main part of it. The Manor.

In his head, it was beautiful place with flowers, shops, fountain and look at the main building. Of course, everything was made of sand as he planned and visioned it. Not waisting time, he began to work, replacing and filling every small hole with sand and Red sand. Not once taking a break, he worked and worked till the midnight. He didn't felt exhausted, in fact, he felt strong and full of energy like never.

His kingdom, as he decided to call it, started raising and shining, as it slowly grew ad grew more. It's aura was bright, claiming it with peace, freedom and love. Soon, many fountain, shops, decorations and special trees started appearing, making the place look even more beautiful. But he never stopped, he kept going and going, till he satisfied his mind. He went outside once, only to get more supplies, as he was running low. When he get them, he came back to building. He didn't visit his old house anymore. He stayed there, in the dark, the only light he had was fire that was living in the small torches. But he didn't mind, after spending so much time underground, he get used to the dark and colors. He saw everything perfectly after living like that for so long.

Before he could end his masterpiece, he found some people. But not normal people, they were living in the underground. He found them while he was in a cave, mining some red sand. One of them walked up to him, so Tommy threw him some blocks. Ever since then they follow him everywhere. At first, there were only five. But with every next day, more and more appeared, following him. They were helpful, as they did everything he asked them too. They carried his things for no reason, giving him them when he asked, they would even carry his block and put them where he wanted too. With their help, his work went faster and he could do more thing at one time.

Within the next month, he was done with main Manor. Next thing he wanted to do was the main building, but when he was about to start, his friend interrupted him. They never did that. One of them stood in front of him, blocking his path. He tried to walk past him, buy another one stopped him. They continued this for five minutes, before he gave up. They took him to one of the buildings that was done. It was currently their own building, when they lived.

"What's up?" He asked.

They didn't talk, that's what he discovered when he met them. They weren't people, more like a spirits that decided to stuck with him. Even if they were quiet, he still enjoyed their appearance. They were good at keeping happy mood and cheering him up. They could do tricks with sand, maybe it wasn't much but it still was interesting.

They took him in front of the mirror, two of them leaving and three of them still standing behind him.

"Okay, what's that about? I have to start building" he said.

They only looked at him, titling their heads to the side and spinning in one place. It was something they did every time when he asked them something. It showed that they were happy and ready to help.
The two came back, holding something. It was a piece of cloth, that they showed him and spinned around. The rest three did the same, looking at Tommy.

"Do yiu want me to wear it?" He asked and when he received a nod in answer, he sighed but raised his hand sin the air.

They weren't walking, they were more like floating inches above the sand. They were also shorter that him, they reached his chest. So without any problems, they jumped and put it over his head. He looked in the mirror, seeing his reflection.

"Wow.." he whispered, doing one spin to look at his reflection. "Hey, I look like you!"

They spinned in circle, floating away. He took the last glance at his reflection and followed them.

And again, he started building in his new look. He was grateful that they were with him, especially now when the building was about to end. It was the moment he waited for months and finally, he could see the results. But for now, he had to build the manor.

It took him more time than the other buildings, cause it was bigger and took more space. But the looked of proudness never left his face, especially when his friends started helping him clean that place. After 2 hours, it was time to go and see how it looks. So, he went to the highest hill that he made and looked down at his masterpiece. It was stunning and beautiful. It looked strong and incredible. Tears appeared in his eyes as he tried to whip them away. His friends circled around him, doing tricks to cheer him.

"Don't worry guys, they are tears of happiness" he said.

(Entrance of the main building)

(Kingdom outside)

(Temple of the spirits)

(Hallways of the main building)

(Ruins of the wall)

(Path to the kingdom)


He was proud of how it turned out to look and after so long, he knew he was home and he could finally rest. He send his spirit friends away, as they floated away to their temple or houses. He stood there for a moment before coming back to his kingdom. He went to a place he made for the safety, a room with the Tree of life and death. It was specially enchanted tree, so if anyone in the kingdom died, one of it's leaf's would turn black and disappear after two days and if someone was born, new green one would appear.

It was beautiful place for soul and eyes. Everyone could just sit here and observe as the tree slowly moves and how the sun shines at it's leaf's. Week ago Tommy made a small hole covered with specially sand so people from outside wouldn't see it, but the sun could go through it. Still, the main light was torched and fire. Tommy also had two room, one with throne that was his and the second one was the room of the solar system. He wanted to show how it looks to his friends, since they can't be somewhere else than desert, that's why they stayed here with him.

He walked out and went to his room, sometimes passing some of the spirits. They spinned around to greet him, him doing the same.

They became his family, new family. He was one of them, one of the spirits that lived in the great and strong temple made by Tommyinnit.

He was the king and he was the Tommyinnit everyone used and he used his skills to build something so strong and incredible.
