It's not home where you have to fight

Part two of 'Creepy family'

Fluff, lil bit of angst
TW: blood, death, insanity,

As I promised, here's part two! Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this!


After what seemed like a year, he started noticing some things. How they spoiled him with respect, love and affection. How they made him feel like he was finally home. How they were overprotective over single small thing.

Everyone could say it's ridiculous and stupid, they could say that they are heartless killers with no point to live. But for Tommy, that was family. They were people that took care of him, they showed him what happinesses really is and they let him leave without wars or orders. It was live where he didn't had to fight, obey or get hurt. He could whatever he wanted, as long as he told someone about that so they wouldn't get worried. There wasn't something like must or can't. There was only your own decisions and fun. If you felt like it, you could go on a killing spare, if you wanted, you could go to town. He could do everything that he dreamt about till this day and no one would get mad at him.

Of course, leaving with killers had some rules. You couldn't hurt one another, you couldn't take someone's weapons nor things without their permission. Sometimes they would get a mission, but it usually was fast one and they were back five hours later. He didn't mind mission at all, he could kill while one of his olders friends had an eye on him.  He adored them all and they warmed up to him rather quickly, which for some of them was new. Jeff, Eyeless Jack or Smiley usually didn't trust that much at first, but with time you could earn their trust and love. But with Tommy it was different. Tommy quickly realized that Jeff has some weird obsession with knives so he gave him one. They became friends in second, as they talked about knives. As for Jack, Tommy didn't had to do something hard. He simply brought him some kidneys, fresh and covered in blood. Smiley was the easiest one. He gave him space while talking and one day, he started petting him. Smiley, being a dog, loves affection and didn't mind this at all. They quickly accepted the kid in their family.

But even if Tommy was happy and had new family, he still missed some of his friends. Even if he wanted to move on and forgot about them, it wasn't easy. So, he started spending as much time as possible with people he adored the most. Jack, Toby, Masky and Hoodie. Sometimes they took with with them on missions. Since they were proxies, they had more and harder missions. So Tommy being the energetic and crazy kid he is, decided to stick with them. As for Jack, he often gives him kidneys and in return, Jack teaches him things about medicine.

Unfortunately, even if he got all the love and attention he wanted since being young, there was still trauma and nightmares. Waking up in the middle of the night to a nightmare wasn't something anyone liked. Tommy saw that white face Everytime when he closed his eyes. This scary smiling face. When he had it didn't time, he woke up with a scream which alarmed everyone in the mansion. After he explained everything, they decided to do something. Every night, different person would be in his room, making sure that if he dreams about something, they would comfort him and make sure he is okay. At first it was hard, but after two weeks it worked. He has nightmares still, but with the comfort of other person, he felt stronger and safer, which allowed him to get right of the traumatizing dream.

Even they knew, that if something bad happens to Tommy, they would make sure that whoever
did that would pay and apologize, before dying of course. Even if Tommy was a killer now, he was still a kid. So they became his older sibling and protectors, bringing the urge to protect him as their main goal. Did Tommy knew? Yeah, he could see the death glare they send everyone when they walked through the town. How did he felt about that? He felt happy, happy that someone was there to care about him and his needs. But as much as loved that, he tried not to show it. He kept yelling that he isn't a kid, that he can protect himself but deep down even he knew that if it weren't for them, he would be dead by now.

As for his training, he getting better and better every day. His daily routine mostly focused on training throwing knives, shooting and fighting with a swords. Who knew what would happen if he even again met Techno or Dream? He had big chances to win, but Dream never fought fair. There was always one thing in his sleeve so he wouldn't lose. But Tommy's care for people in L'manburg totally disappeared, especially one day...


It was normally day for everyone, well, mostly everyone. Tommy and Toby were fighting, for training of course. Jeff with Smiley were sitting under a tree, watching closely. Slender was in his office, while Masky and Hoodie were on another small mission. It was week when Toby was training with Tommy so he has to stay, but he didn't mind at all. After all, Tommy was his favourite. Their past was familiar, Tommy's a little more tragic but still familiar.

Tommy swung his sword at Toby, who blocked the attack with axe. Three months ago, Tommy made some weapons from netherite. Toby's axe's, EJ's scalpel some knives and many more. He was able to make a bow for Masky in case they needed someone to fight from distance.
Toby took a step forward Tommy, swunging his axe at him. Tommy took a step back while lifting his sword in the air, blocking the attack. He quickly jumped to the side, kicking Toby in the knee. Toby groaned in annoyance as he was knocked to the ground, śród inches from his throat. He lost again. To Tommy.

Jeff laughed while holding his stomach and pointing his finger at Toby. Smiley looked to the side, growling lightly in process to act like he wasn't making fun of the poor brown haired boy.

"S-Smiley, I thought at l-least you were on m-my side!" Toby yelled, glaring at the dog.

"Nah, he was always on my side" Tommy said.

Smiley runned up to Tommy, licking his hand. Tommy smiled and petted the dog's head. After Tommy won with Toby for the first time, everyone knew that now, Tommy will be winning. He lost maybe three times, but he mostly won. As for Smiley's action, Tommy became his second owner if you can say that. When Jeff was out, Tommy was taking care of the smiling dog, giving his love and affection. Smiley could look scary and dangerous, but in reality he was really sweet dog, who loved ears scratching.

"And you thought he won't be good at fighting" Jeff said, mocking Toby.

"H-hey! You were t-the one who s-said that!" Toby said, his voice twitching a little.

Tommy only laughed, sitting down where Jeff was sitting a moment ago. He was too focused on fighting Toby to notice Tommy on his place. Smiley played his head on Tommy's lap, closing his eyes. Tommy automatically put his hand on Smiley's head, petting it gently.

They sat like that for about an hour and when Tommy was finally about to fel asleep, they heard screaming. He perked up, pulling out his sword in defensive position. Smiley started growing while Toby and Jeff weren't there anymore.

"Toby? Jeff?" No answer.

Tommy gulped when he started walking deeper in the forest, in the place where he heard the screaming from. He pulled his hood over his head, sword in his hand. Smiley was walking next to his leg, his body touching his head protectively as they walked further. Tommy was thinking about what possible happened and where did Toby and Jeff disappeared, but nothing can to his mind at all. The only thing he was hoping for was that nothing bad happened to any of them while he was resting. How could he not votive that they were gone? Did he fell asleep or something? No, he felt all the time Smiley's warm fur under his hands. But if not, then what happened?

They were walking still, Smiley growling louder with another step. Tommy felt that every inch of his body tensed up, that hairs on his neck perked up. Now he was sure that something happened. After a minute they reached small opened field, full of flowers and people.

"Oh god.." Tommy whispered when he recognized this people.

There were his friends, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Jeff, Jack, Jack, Slender, Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Jason, Puppeteer and many more. Ben probably stayed home with Sally. But that's not what scared him. The second group of people were people he knew very well, he spend most of his life with them. Tubbo, Ranboo, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, Dream, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Bad, Niki, Jack, Sam, Puffy, Ant, Purpled, Punz, Ponk and some more. They were standing on different sides of the field, literally killing each other with glares. Dream was standing in front of Slender, did he wanted to fight him? Good luck.

As much as Tommy wanted to see that fight and see how his manipulators dies, he couldn't let that happen. He was too worried about his new family and he couldn't let that happen. Maybe they would win, but that still wasn't good. He won't let them sacrifice themselves only because they wanted to kill people that hurt him. That was his work to do. His thoughts were cut off when they lunged at each other, staring deadly fight. Smiley looked up at Tommy and whimpered in fear to catch him attention. But Tommy was looking at something, too focused to react.

"We have to stop them, now." He said, before pulling out his bow.

Smiley jumped behind his legs, hiding from the war. He was ready to fight, he just needed to hear the order. Order to go and attack, but he never heard that. Instead, Tommy aimed his bow and shot. The single arrow flew past everyone and hit the person he wanted to shot. Dream got in the arm. He yelped in pain a d looked around, spotting a single person on the edge of the forest. He couldn't recognize who that was so he stared at the figure. That was until he was send flying, of course. He landed on the ground, cursing at himself. Slender stood still, facing the man on the ground. One of his tentacles holding Ant by neck. Untill someone yelled .

"Stop!" The voice was followed not long after bark.

Everyone's eyes shifted to the side, looking at the small figure with weird dog. He stopped in one place, between two sides.

"Don't you dare fight" he said, reaching out his sword and pointing at Dream and others.

Slender threw Ant to his friends, backing away. Creepypasta's did the same, smiling lightly at Tommy. Tommy pulled down his hood and pointed his sword at Dream.

"Leave. Now." He said.

That left everyone shocked, especially Techno.  That was Tommy. After the year, he finally showed up.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled, running towards his old friend.

But before he could anything, someone stepped in front of Tommy, blocking his way to him. Tubbo looked up and saw tall boy with chocolate brown hairs and eyes. He had an axe on his shoulder.

"S-stay away" the boy said, glaring at Tubbo.

Tubbo took five steps back, hands in the air. Meanwhile Dream yanked the arrow out of his arm, standing up next to Techno. They thought that Tommy was long time ago death in the forest from losing blood. How was he still alive?

"Leave or we will force you" Tommy said.

He sounded so mature and looked older that he was now. People took couple steps back, carefully watching Tommy and his friend. But Dream had other plans, he stood still with hard face.

"Tommy, long time no see. I see you've got quiet interesting friends with you" he said, smile splashing on his face.

"Yeah, they are nice and deadly if you noticed by now" Tommy said, walking a little closer. "What a shame that I didn't die like you wanted, huh?"

Dream's eyes widened. He wasn't supposed to say that, especially when so many people were there.

"What?" Tubbo asked after a second of processing.

"Oh, I see Dream didn't tell you. Well, I will have to explain" Tommy said.

Dream was about to attack him when one black tentacle squeezed around his stomach, lifting him in the air.

"You see, Dream send Technoblade after me so he could kill me. After fighting for a while, Techno won and decided to leave all alone to bleed out to death. Sadly, that was a big mistake. They took me in and Slender decided to help me. And now, we are family of killers, known as Creepypasta" he explained.

Evil smile appeared on his face, seeing all the shocked face he got in response. They turned their heads to face Techno, who was standing there tensed up. He held his axe in two hands, ready to protect himself.

"Now, leave before things will get ugly. We are killers for a reason" Tommy said, before turning around.

But before anyone could do anything, ace flew past his head, missing an inches. When he turned around, knives flew next to him and hit perfectly where heart was. Poor Ant though he could have get away with it, as his body slam to the floor.

"Well, some of you choose the harder way. Now, scram before rest of you will die" Toby said, putting his arm around Tommy's shoulder.

Jeff came up to them, he was the one who threw the knives in the first place. He put his hand around Tommy's shoulder too, smiling even more.

"Can we kill someone?" He asked, looking at Tommy with big eyes.

Tommy looked at his old friends and smiled.

"I mean, if we all are here, then why not have some fun?" laughing Jack said.

Techno at first wanted to fight, but when he realized that Smiley was looking at him, he decided it will be the best to run. When he started running away, everyone though of the same, following him close behind. Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jason, Jeff, Smiley and Puppeteer were first to run after them.

"Let's have some fun Tommy." Toby said, before running after everyone else. "Leave me the guy in beanie!"

Tommy sighed as he looked at Slender. He looked at him too, before pushing him towards where everyone runned.

"Go and take your revenge"  Slender said.

Tommy smiled and took off running, yelling for his friends. Slender's Forest soon was full of screams as he teleported away.

"At least this kids will lose some energy and they won't cause trouble at the mansion"
