Family embrace

So, as I said earlier this is probably one of the last few one shots since my motivation and ideas are dying. But, the other book about golden duo won't be ending soon :)

I had this idea while going to sleep and I'm pretty sure I read one shot with the same concept in other book, however I'm not 100% sure.

Anyway, I hope you are okay and remember to take care if yourself!

TW: mention of abusive family
It's an au!

Hope you enjoy~


It was said that Tommy didn't have any sibling, living with his parents. Young 16 years old teen, who's famous for streaming on twitch and making videos on YouTube. He had a lot of friends, most of them he met when he joined DreamSMP.
Tommy was a part of SBI, which was considered as his family in the server. Even in the real life, his fans would often say that both him and Wilbur are acting like brothers. They had a great friendship, spending a lot of time just talking on discord and often meeting up to blog or just hang out. You could say that they were brothers, which Wilbur accepted and simply didn't mind. Tommy often joked about it, not really taking it seriously as they were great friends.
He considered many people as his friends, mostly Wilbur, Techno, Philza, Ranboo, Dream and Tubbo. They all had fun, streaming or not, it was always enjoyable. They could trust each other, being there and supporting another one. Maybe like a one big family. But online.

Tubbo was his best friend, probably the one closest to him who know almost everything about his friend and his life. Key word: almost. They told each other everything, yet there was one thing that Tubbo had no idea about. A thing that wasn't that important, yet probably interesting. Maybe even a secret that would be trending without a second. So, what was the thing? Something that no one expected to see or hear, something so shocking yet so funny?

What if I told you, that what Tommy said wasn't truth? What if he wasn't living with his parents, but in fact, with his sibling? An older brother that is. Away from abusive father, mother who was never there and away from that hellhole. For Tommy, moving in with his brother was something he waited for a long time. Ever since he was a kid, his brother was the one who raised and took care of him. Yet, no one knew expect for this four. Why bother anyone? It's not their business anyways.

Living with his older brother wasn't bad and in fact it was really enjoyable and nice. He couldn't care less about anything. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted, as long as it was safe and he wouldn't get in trouble. He could go out wherever and whenever he wanted but the one rule was that he always had to have his phone on him. If not, well, there would be a worried, panicked and overreacting brother at home waiting for him. So, he obeyed and took his phone wherever he went. Even to the park, that wasn't far away. But he loved his bother and couldn't complain. At leats he cared for him and didn't make him pay the rent or whatever else.
However, he forgot to tell his other friends, since he was too busy annoying his brother. And when they found it, it was oddly funny for him.

And the only person who knew was Dream.


Tommy was walking with his brother, armed touching each other as they made their way through the crowd. They tried to ignore the chaos around, quickly but carefully making their way towards their friend who was surrounded by many people as they took pictures and autographs.
Tommy felt the grip on his hand tighten when the crowd suddenly overwhelmed him. They were pushing, crushing and pulling. And soon there was no place for him to breath easily. He was this close to just staring to help so people would move. However, before he could open his mouth he was already cut off.

"Dream! Come on!" His brother yelled in the crowd.

Tommy's eyes snapped open as he looked over people's shoulders and looked for the familiar figure. And there was, in fact, one of the most famous people he knew. Successful streamer and YouTuber, a great partner to work with and also an awesome friend. This was someone that Tommy looked up often and admired with all his heart. But don't tell his brother, he would act hurt and jealous in front ot everyone.

"Jeez, thank God you are here. I thought this people were going to kidnap me or something" Dream said pulling the mask further on his face.

Tommy laughed in his hand, as they made their way out of the crowd and in the empty space. Dream glared at him, punching his arm playfully.

"Hello to you too, Tommy"

"Why hello, dickhead" Tommy replied.

"Hey, what did I tell you About your language?" His brother pushed him a little, throwing glares at him.

Tommy only rolled his eyes in annoyance as Dream dropped his ark around his shoulder and ruffled his hairs.

"Don't be so strict, Sapnap! He's still young, he will learn everything in the future" Dream teased.

"Yeah, you heard him, Snapmap" Tommy ducked under Dream's arm to avoid being flicked in his forehead.

Dream only snickered, shaking his head as he threw the bag back on his shoulder and pulled both brothers after him.

"Let's go others should be there any moment now"

With that, they follower the blond while they talked about their plans for the next whole week. They decided to meet on vacation, inviting the whole SMP. Unfortunately, not everyone could make it so they had to be satisfied with the amount of people that had time to meet up with them.
Tommy was mostly excited to meet with Tubbo and Technoblade, who he didn't see for long time now.

"Excited?" Sapnap asked, noticing how Tommy was bouncing on his feet for the whole time.

They were currently on their way to their hotel, where they would all spend the next week. The hotel staff were kind enough to let them have the whole third floor along with the common room which was big enough to keep over 35 people inside it. And Tommy was looking forward to explore the whole floor where was the kitchen, few bathrooms, small arcade and even a pool which was outside. Lucky Dream and his famousness.

"I want to see the arcade" Tommy said, throwing his bag on one of the beds in his sharing room with Tubbo and Ranboo.

Sapnap was in the room opposite of Tommy's, which he shared with Dream and George, who should be there this afternoon. The doors were open so they could easily hear themselves.

"You should rest, it was a long travel and the first one for you. I don't want to see you exhausted for the rest of the week." Sapnsp said, crossing his hands on his chest as he pressed his back to the Doors frame.

Tommy groaned, before looking up at Sapnsp with puppy eyes.

"But arcade~" he whined, at which Sapnap almost gave in.

"Do you really want to welcome Tubbo with dark circles under your eyes?"

Tommy sighed, before hugging Sapnap by his waist and pushing his face in his chest.

"Carry me" Tommy said, before laughing.

He was joking, but when he was about to let go of Sapnap, he was suddenly lifted in the air. He yelped in shock, as Sapnap went towards the common room and jumped on one of the couches. It was oddly comfortable and warm, so when Sapnsp laid down on it, he was sure he would fall asleep right away if it wasn't for Tommy who was wiggling in his hold.

"Let me go" Tommy said.

Sapnsp did what he was asked for, laying Tommy on his chest and wrapping his arms around his smaller body so he wouldn't fall.

"Now, go to sleep" Sapnsp said, looking at Tommy with straight face.

Tommy obeyed, putting his face on Sapnap's chest. He listened to his heartbeat, that was pounding rhythmically like a lullaby. He didn't even notice when, but his eyes slowly fell closed as he relaxed and all the tension in his body disappeared.

"Sweet dreams, Tom's"


Imagine the shook they all felt when they entered the common room only to see two of their friends cuddling and sleeping Peacefully on the couch. Arms around each other, legs tangled as Sapnap had his arms wrapped protectively around Tommy, pulling him to his chest and mumbling something in his sleep. Tommy's hairs were covering his face, tickling his nose from time to time. Meanwhile Tommy's hand was almost grouching the floor as he snored quietly in his sleep.

When Dream walked in the common room where they all were supposed to come after unpacking to decide what to do, he wasn't surprised even slightly to see the two cuddling.
He patted Wilbur's back, who looked at Dream with questions in his eyes before he looked back at his two friends.

"Don't mind them, they have a long travel behind them and Sapnap didn't want to see Tommy tired. He gets quite protective when it comes to Tommy, so better don't wake him up" Dream explained, sitting at the chair in front of the table.

People still confused took their seats and stared at the two intensely. Dream only shook his head when they ignored his words. Philza, who smiled softly walked up to them and took one of the blanket's he found on the other couch. Carefully, he dropped the balked on the two, unfortunately startling Tommy who opened his eyes and looked at Philza with confusion before his eyes widened.

"Wha-? You are already here?" He was about to stand up, bit the strong grip around him only tightened, trapping him in his sleepy form.

"You don't need to wake up, just go back to sleep. We will take later, rest for now" Philza said, offering Tommy a gentle but loving smile.

Tommy smiled back, before once again burying his head In Sapnap's neck and falling back to sleep.

Then, everyone's heads snapped towards Dream. He was looking at his friends, before his head shot up, eyes widening when he noticed everyone looking at him.

"W-what?! I didn't do anything!" He put his hand din the air, defending himself from the looks.

"Since when they are that close?" Wilbur asked, something weird in his tone.

Techno snickered, being punched in the chest as Wilbur glared at him.

"Why? Are you, perhaps.. jealous?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't wish that you were the one who would be cuddling Tommy now"

They continued to Argue with each other, Dream looking between them before Philza looked at him and asked.

"Well, they are brothers so it's nothing weird-"  Dream bit his tongue, realizing what he just said.

The silence fell in the room, everyone processing what he said.

"You know what? Nevermind-"

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

Sapnap woke up from the sudden noice, sitting up imidiatelly which cause his head to hit Tommy in his face. Tommy yelped, falling to the ground and landing on his but, hand holding his nose in pain.

"What-?!" Sapnsp yelled, before realizing that Tommy wasn't near him as he looked at the ground. "Tommy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you!"

Tommy groaned in pain, as his head spinned a little before he put his hand in the air and told Sapnap it was okay. However, he was still tired and in pain since he was hit in the nose pretty hard. Luckily it didn't bleed.

"The fuck is wrong with you people?!" Tommy yelled, sitting back on the couch where Sapnap took a look in his nose.

"You didn't tell us you were sibling?" Tubbo interrupted.

"Yeah and what about it?" Tommy asked, titling his head to the side. "It's not an excuse to cut my nap short!"

Dream laughed, watching as Sapnap fell back on the couch, hand covering his eyes.

"Go back to sleep, I'm cold" he said.

Tommy shot an middle finger towards his friends, before flopping back on the couch and into Sapnap's warm embrace.
The rest could only laugh, deciding to ask questions later when the two isn't sleepy. As for now, they let them sleep peacefully in each other's arms. They deserve it anyway.
