The admin of the server

Part two of "To be like him".

Tommy and Jack fluff? Anyone knows what their duo name is? Since I have no idea :(.

Anywho, I have no idea how watt pad works. I can't update or edit this book on my phone, but I can edit the other book? So I have to write on my laptop, which isn't very comfortable for mu but eh. Watt pad is confusing me more than it should. One day I'm gonna throw my phone out the window and then cry in frustration-

Hope you have a good day/night and remember to take care of yourself!

Fluff, bit of angst                                                                                                                                                                 TW: yelling, arguing


When the sun finally woke up, they were already getting ready to meet the admin, or either known as Tommy. Their old friend, who everyone thought was dead. Meanwhile the youngest created his own server, whitelisted some people and then lived like nothing ever happened. And yet seeing Jack there? Owning a hotel and declaring that he no longer held any hatred towards Tommy because he saved him? Now that was confusing more than it should. There was no way, that Tommy, the Tommy they knew saved someone and Jack out of all people. But apparently, this wasn't the Tommy they knew because he changed. But to what point? The people they met in the hotel said that the admin was confident, cold but caring and always helped them out. And the appearance? Everyone said that the admin looked like literal angel with white and grey wings. Hairs reaching his shoulder blades, eye's blue that were burning with passion and determination, tall and intimidating.                                                                                                                      But if Tommy was the admin, then who were this people talking about? Tommy was nowhere close to the description. He didn't have any wings, he was far from being intimidating, his hairs were short and he wasn't that confident. Have he changed that much? Was there a reason for this or did it happened while creating the server? That was a question without the answers. But the would know, he would surely tell them. Right?

Apparently, as they found out, no one knew much about the admin. Expect for small things, his look, character and abilities. His past? Unknown, without questions and answers. As the rules said, they couldn't ask anyone about their past, unless the person told them themselves. But they knew Tommy wasn't going to do that. No now, not in the next week, not in the next couple years.

So when they walked outside the hotel and straight towards the small tavern where the admin was supposed to be at this time.  The tavern was called "The Three horns" and was run by an elder man who was a rhino hybrid, which caused him to have two horns on his head, small tail and ears like rhino. The third horn was added after his youngest grandson died, before he could have grown the second horn. He was a kind man, blind in one eye but that didn't stop him from doing anything. Some said that the admin visits the tavern mostly to listen to the man's stories and tell him some of his own. So if they wanted to know something more, they should ask him.

Jack lead them inside, which looked very welcoming and comfortable. Warm air from the fireplace welcomed them, sweet and strong smell filling their nostrils the second they walked in. Tubbo scrunched his nose, not really liking the strong smell of lavender and some drinks he couldn't recognize. They stopped in front of the lad, looking around at the people. It was hard to find anyone who wasn't a hybrid of some sort. Some had more visible feathers of animals but some had less visible, like small antennae on their heads or upper body like sheep and many more. Jack called over one of the workers, asking for a drink that none of them heard about before. After they declined the offer to order something, Jack turned around, his back facing the lad as he looked at them.

"You can talk to anyone you want here, listen to some stories and maybe someone will tell you about their past. You can as well tall something about yourself. There's no judging or anything, really. Tommy took a good care of the last dude who offended one of the girls. Should have seen Tommy's face, looked like he was about to murder the guy. Tho I'm pretty sure he did murder him, after all" Jack said casually, small but proud grin visible on his face.

"Speaking of him, where is  Tommy?" Niki asked, titling her head to the side.

"Oh, he will be there any moment. He usually comes here around 8 am, just to do regular check up and then goes back to his own house" Jack said, before perking up. "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to visit his home today and catch up a little, gotta remember that."

Loud but grumpy voice reached them from one of the tables.

"Visiting Tommy's base again, ey Jack? Lucky mate" The man laughed, before walking towards them and leaning on the lab to order another drink.

"Oh shut up, we all know you were there to. But I've gotta agree, I'm quite lucky" Jack smiled, mocking the man.

"I'm CaptainSparklez, but you can call me Sparklez. Nice to you meet all."

Tubbo greeted the man, introducing everyone and then himself. They talked for a moment, before Jack interrupted.

"You know where Tommy is? He's supposes to be here 10 minutes ago" Jack said, glancing at the cloak.

"He won't be here today, got caught into building his base again. You know, the entrance and water elevator" Sparklez said, Jack's smile fading away.

"Fuck, guess we have to go there. Thanks mate and see you later!"

Jack groaned, leaving the tavern and walking towards the end of the town. The rest followed him, whispering between themselves and ignoring the weird look Jack was giving them. After walking for 15 minutes, they found an portal. This one however was a normal one, meaning they would have to to the nether. Not saying anything, they teleported one after another.                          The familiar heat surrounded them but instead of appearing in nether, they were inside of an tall building made of the quartz, ghasts and blazes heard walking around but not inside. Jack walked to the left, where another five portals stood. They were signed, each with different details and marks on the blocks.                                                                                                                                    Jack walked inside the third one, which was covered in scratches and small white particles flying around. It seemed like the portal was old, standing there for a year at least.

When they excited the portal, white particles sitting on their clothes as they got rid if them.  As Philza and the others looked forward, shock was the only thing visible on their faces.

"What the fuck is that?!" Tubbo asked, gaping at the building.

"That's Tommy's house, nice isn't it? Too small in his opinion tho.." Jack said, observing the house with amusement.

They looked at him with eyes and mouth opened widely.

"Too small?! That's a fucking mansion, a castle!" Niki said, her neck hurting from looking so high up.

"That's what we were talking about with Sparklez. He has the biggest and the best house. Admin has pretty useful skills." Jack said, ignoring their questions.

They followed after Jack, still gaping at the castle. Tommy built that. No way in hell. It looked too good and nice for his skills. The only thing he would even built were freaking towers, ugly at that too. How the hell could he built something so cool? Now that was awesome.                                Techno glanced around, looking for entrance. The base was high up in the air, but there was no stairs of anything. How were they supposed to enter?

"Uhm, Jack?" Ranboo started but was cut off when Jack raised his voice.

"TOMMY! It's me, Jack! I came here since you weren't in the tavern and I wanted to talk to you! Hope you don't mind if I am interrupting something!" He yelled, hands falling to his side as he waited and waited.

They looked at him like he was insane, before looking at each other with confused yet questioning looks. But before any of them could say anything, another voice reached them.

"You don't have to yell, I'm not deaf or anything. You know you can just enter, it's not like you ever asked" the voice asked, but the owner of the voice wasn't anywhere close.

Jack huffed, arms crossed over his chest like a kid.

"I know but I'm not alone and this people wanted to talk to you" Jack said, not getting an answer. "You may not be too happy about this.." He mumbled that part.

There was no answer, silence filling the area. Moment later, they heard the voice again. This time clearer and closer.

"Alright, stay where you are. I'm still not done with the entrance." The voice said.

Moments later, a figure was visible as it approached the group.  Jack smiled, waving his hand in the air, the other however didn't wave back so he put his hand down with annoyed huff.              As they expected, they saw Tommy. He had long hairs, however there was no sight of any wings. He looked at them, eyes widening a little before his face changed into one without any emotions.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy asked, hands folded behind his back as he said calmly.

"We wanted to see you and possibly talk, if we can of course. We understand that you are probably busy and all-"

"Yeah, I am busy. If you know that, what are you here? And how the hell did you get in here in the first place?" Tommy asked, hand twitching a little.

"We are here by accident. And we don't really want to interrupt you, but it's important." Phil said.

Tommy looked at him, head titled to the side.

"I can send you home if that's what you want, but you can also stay here. It's not like I'm going to kick you out or anything, just don't cause any troubles."

Oh wow. That probably hurt. Jack laughed at them,  standing behind Tommy and looking at the group.

"Yeah but-"

"Where are your wings?" Niki interrupted, looking at Tommy with something in her eyes.

Tommy smiled mockingly, before a pair of white wings spread out of his back. Phi stared in awe, while everyone else looked at him in disbelief and shock.  Tommy groaned, flapping his wings once before folding them on his back. Phil wanted to see them in their full glory and lenght, but he didn't say anything. He had no rights to, did he?

"Anything else?" Tommy asked, looking at them as he was waiting.



Gonna write another part since this one is already long and I'm pretty tired.

