Declaration of a war

Part two of 'In the name of a king'.

I'm not good at writing about fighting or war in general, so bare with me. It won't be probably the best but hope you will enjoy it anyways! Make sure to take care of yourself and if you didn't read the first part, make sure to do now.


TW: blood, war, death


Strong wind flew through the lands, pulling and messing everything on it's way. It looked like a normal afternoon, silence outside and not even a single dog barking or wolf howling.
For people inside the walls, it was great time to relax and drink some tea with friends. But outside the walls everything knew what was going to happen. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the forest, slowly getting closer and closer to the end of the line of trees. They walked in a straight line, every single one of them standing next to each other or behind. Swords in hands, axes behind a belt, bows on shoulders. Their armors shined in the light of the night, making almost no sound expect for some quiet clicking.
Faces drained out of emotions, anger and excitement shining in their eyes as they waited for their orders.

The king rode in the first line, his figure easy to be noticed since he was the tallest. His right hand man rode next to him, eyes quickly scanning the front line before once again stopping on his king. Deep frown could be seen on his face, along with a single scar and no fear.

"No one is in your way, my king. The horizon is clear" Schlatt said, bowing his head a little.

The king looked up at the sky, before rising his hands in the air.

"May be king be with us!" He yelled, before slashing his sword in the air. "Get ready!"

Everyone bend down a little, their horse legs Kicking the ground in excitement and nervousness at the same time. It was the time ether would get their revenge. A moment everyone awaited.

"On your places!" Some of them backed away, raising their bows and lighting their arrows on fire. "In the name of the king!"

"IN THE NAME OF THE KING" in that moment, everyone jumped forward and stared running towards the walls.

Tommy stood in place for a moment, before swinging his sword down as the arrows flew above his head and went straight towards the buildings inside of the wall, almost imidiatelly setting them on fire. The war began.

Tommy stood on his hind legs, before pulling out his axe and also running towards the village. He easily passed some of his army, reaching the walls seconds later. Much to his joy, some people came out to see what was happening. Wrong choice. He was the first one to slash his sword down and kill the first victim, cutting off their head and alerting everyone else. Soon, his people also joined the battle and began attacking everyone that was on their way. Guards didn't wait long to use the siren, alarming everyone and calling them towards the magazine. Before anyone could even reach the magazine, it was already standing in flames as another wave of burning arrows covered the whole city.

Blood spread everywhere, single bodies laying here and there and screams filling the air. It was music to their ears, just hearing them scream in agony and fear. That only motivated them to go further.
Tommy found himself in the middle of the village, swinging his sword down on a man with black hairs, white hairband and white shirt. Well, it was used to be a white shirt, which was now covered in blood and dirt. He used his front legs to knock the man over, imidiatelly raising his sword in the air and lunging. However, the man under him was fast enough to roll to the side. Then, from nowhere another male attacked and swung his sword at Tommy. Using his left hind leg, Tommy knocked him right in his stomach sending him couple feet away. In meantime, the first one stood up and took the opportunity to attack the king. Unfortunately, he managed to land a hit on Tommy's side, catching attention of this vibrating blue eyes. It was hard to look away from them, when some weird vibrations appeared in his head and hypnotized him. He quickly realized his mistake, when he felt someone stab him from behind.

"Sapnap!" The second yelled, watching as his friend fell to the ground.

Behind him stood a young centaur with black hairs, who quickly looked at his king before nodding and going back to fight this who sneaked up on him.
He quickly stood up, once again trying his luck to hit the king but was blocked by the same sword.

"Good try, human" he pushed away, the force almost tripping him. "but not good enough to kill me"

"You will pay for that!"

Their words clashed together once again, echoing through the battle field. Tommy could see his people were winning, easily getting rid of their enemies. He found only one of his people dead, which angered him and made his moves more violent. Taking advantage of it, he tried to kick his opponent. Unfortunately, the man managed to jump away, before throwing a potion at Tommy. He coughed at little, taking a small step back but imidiatelly raising his sword up when he saw the glimpse of axe coming towards his head. The masked male smiled, before titling his head a little, which caught Tommy's attention. In the corner of his eye, he could see another figure sneaking up on him from behind. What an opportunity.
Mocking smirk creeped on his face, as he jumped to the side and used his front legs to push the masked male where he stood a second ago. The smile only grew bigger when he saw blood dripping to the ground and the sword piercing the male.

"Dream! I-I'm so sorry!" The male yelled, catching his friend and pressing his hands against the wound.

Tommy only smiled, taking a step forward and raising his sword in that air.

"Say hello to the king for me" He said, as his sword took another life.

Blood splashed on lower part of his body, messing up the beautiful and clean skin it had before. The black now only seemed darker, shining a little as the blood slowly dripped on the ground.
His side ached a little, but he would manage.
He saw as another wave of arrows flew above his head and killed more people, Setting their  clothes on fire as they screamed while bing burned alive. His people were massacrating their victims, with stabbing them, stepping on them and crushing their bones or cutting off their heads. It was a beautiful view, full of blood and death. Quackity fought on Schlatt's side, both smiling and swinging their swords like crazy. Punz was fighting against a man with axe, having some trouble at first but then easily knocking him in the head.
Wherever Tommy looked, he saw blood and death. He could heard screaming and begging for mercy, his people cheering and laughing. Flames slowly ate everything, turning it into ashes and pleasing smell that burnt Tommy's nose a little. But he smiled, satisfied that his revenge worked well.

However, his eyes widened when he saw one of his best people, Purpled fall to the ground. He kicked with his legs, trying his best to get up but he couldn't. Deep wound was visible on his hind leg, making it impossibly painful to experience and watch. Someone stood over him, red cape following their movements along with netherite axe in hand. They raised the blade in the air, holding it with two hands and getting ready to strike.
Tommy in less than a second was running towards the scene, killing some people on his way. He almost tripped, but quickly stood up again and ran towards his enemy. He saw the axe swing down and in the next second, a horrified scream filled the air. He froze in place, eyes widened with rage in them and teeth grinding.

"Purpled!" He screamed, watching as one of his best people and a friend at the same time laid on the ground unmoving.

The killer of his friend turned around, facing him with small smile and axe covered in blood.

"Too late~" he sang, before laughing.

Tommy pulled out his axe, putting his hand behind his back and throwing it. While the man was distracted with laughing, the axe flew like in slow motion, hitting the man perfectly in his head. His cold and unmoving body fell to the ground with loud thud, couple feet away from Purpled.
At that moment, king Tommy Idris III could be seen frozen in one place, as he watched his friend dead on the ground. That's when something in him broke, forcing him to snap.

"Kill everyone! Do not leave anyone alive!" He yelled in the crowd, his people imidiatelly killing even more people. "This is the declaration of a war! No one, and I repeat NO ONE! Will leave this place alive, not a children, not a women, not a men. I want to see their blood on your hands!"

And the slaughter has began.

This night, the same thing happened that years ago. The whole village was murdered, homes burnt to the ground and blood forever Cursing the ground. There was no soul alive the moment when they left, the fire dying down when there was nothing else to burn.

The king walked at the front, watching as the archers put their bows away and helped carry the dead or injured ones. Fortunately, only four of them was dead. Some of them carried wounds, including the king with a scar on his side. But he did not care.
The war ended with their victory, which brought some death. But they avenged their brothers and sisters and of course, their king.
Many of them will be missed, but they will be remembered as a Heroes they are.
With blood covering their body's and armors, they came back to their camp and took their time patching and healing all the wound and burying their friends.
After that, they celebrated their victory, along with writing it all down in one of the books.
It was an unfair fight which lead to unfair war.

And they didn't regret any of it.
