In the name of king

Do you guys remember the One shot about   "Last kingdom"? Well, this one is inspired by that one shot and if you didn't read it, make sure to do it! It was probably one of my favorites that I wrote and I was proud of it, so I hope this will be as good or even better.

Hope you enjoy!

TW: war, blood, death,


The beautiful light blue day sky was mixed with black smoke that hung in the air, burning smell reaching everyone's nose. The dark orange and red flames slowly overtook the whole forest, burning everything on it's path, animals leaving their hideouts to escape and leave the deadly trap. Everything was covered in the flames, vision blinded by the burning smoke and hearing weakened by the screams.
Deadly symphony created from many screams that were filled with agony, pain and at the same time rage and determination. They were fighting for their own home, loosing more and more people every second. Blood splattered on the ground, marking it forever with crimson red colour.
Many people laid on the ground, bleeding out with the stabbing wounds. Their screams continued till the last drop of blood left their body, dying in agony and tortures.

Somewhere in the forest many sword collided, arrows flew in two directions, successfully hitting it's target. Horses ran through the forest, colliding into trees as they were shot dead, crushing others and breaking their bones.

And to think it was the most Peaceful knindgom in the whole world. Their people never seeked for blood, never hunted anyone and always treated everyone kind. They never looked for revenge, even if lost something. They never threatened anyone and yet here they are, fighting for their own life while being brutally attacked by their supposed 'friends'. Even if they were on their own land, even if they knew the whole forest like their pockets, they had no chance to escape. If they wouldn't be shot dead by the arrows, if not stabbed in the back by soldiers, they would for sure be killed by dogs. There was no escape for them, the only chance to survive by killing. They had to break their promise to never kill, so they would survive. And even tho they had great armors and weapons, their army was smaller than the attacker's one. They had no chance.

By the end of the day, The forest was burn to ashes, animals left with no home or food.
Luckily, some soldiers managed to escape when they realized they were the only ones left with no chance of winning against the hundreds.

That night, the kingdom was announced a fallen kingdom, Suddenly attacked and massacred without any merch. This who escaped promised to one day avenge their northers and sister along with their king who fought till his last breath, sacrificing his own life for this small group of people to survive.

"One day, One Day! We will come back and take our revenge! IN THE NAME OF THE KING!"

So they hid away from people, planning and getting ready to finally get their revenge. And on the front stood a young prince, who watched his father die in the hands of the masked male. From that day, he promised to never show mercy. If they wanted a fight, he would give them a war.


Their camp wasn't big, only including tent's, small hospital, kitchen and the room with weapons and armors. There wasn't many of them, maybe around few hundreds or more. They grew stronger and stronger with every day, getting ready for the final day that everyone awaited. There was no turning back now. Revenge was the only option now. Only reasonable one.

They didn't need horses, they didn't need potions and no magic stuff. Their power was way beyond their imagination, the thought of revenge only motivating them to go further and keeping them strong. Their king watched as they trained every day, pushing them further and further till their limits. He got the plan ready, training in privacy when he needed and taking care of his people. He couldn't let some mortal humans do the same thing again. This time, they would be the ones who will attack and show no mercy. Even if the enemy begged, scream and pleased for mercy. There was nothing like that. Their hearts were filled with nothing else but hatred, rage and need of revenge.
The spy often was out of the camp, bringing back important informations and everything they would possibly need to win. As the king expected, they were unaware of the war that was about to happen. Their lands weren't prepared, being protected by nothing else but simply wall made of stone. And all the buildings were mostly made of wood or materials like that. It was declaration of war and total chaos.

No turning back.

"Our Majesty!"

An older man walked out of the biggest tent, netherite armor on his body and sword that was sharp and long. He stopped in front of the tent, looking at the four of the people. The rest gathered around, disgust and hatred visible on their faces as they glared at something between the soldiers.

"What is it, Quackity?" The man asked the leader of the army, his voice calm but loud and clear.

The soldiers took a step back, revealing two figures sitting on the ground with their hands corrupted behind their backs. Thier clothes torn a little, blood dripping down their neck. Black blindfold covering their eyes.

"We found them near the entrance of the camp, they were trying to get in" The soldier named Quackity said, his feet hitting the ground nervously.

"That's not true-" the man's words were cut of by the blade inches away from his neck.

"Take off the blindfolds" the man said, the people imidiatelly doing what he said.

The moment the blindfolds were taken off, the two man looked around scared and shocked.
They expected some sort of an army on horses but what they saw shocked them more then it should. In front of them stood a horse, or rather a man with an upper body of a horse. Light brown colour of bottom part of the body, along with brown hairs and tail.

The strong legs scared them the most. One kick and you are dead. But there was also that glare, full of hared and hunger for blood. They shivered, heads hanging low.

"Did you tried to attack us from surprise?" One of the soldiers asked, moving the blade even closer to the neck of the man.

"Don't kill them so soon, I would like to ask them a question and I'm sure the king also wouldn't mind asking them something" the man said, watching as one of the men moved the blade away. "Thank you"

Another set of footsteps was heard, when another figure exited the tent. Everyone imidiatelly kneeled down, bowing to their king and showing respect. The man also kneeled down, before the king told everyone to stand up and explain what was going on.
He was taller than most of his man, bottom part of his body black like night, golden hairs and piercing blue eyes. Golden crown on top of his head, long cape on his shoulders and beautiful and long sword on his side. He stood tall, looking over at everyone before his eyes set down on the two humans. His look hardened, hand twitching and almost reaching for his sword but he stopped himself.

"What are this two human doing here?" He asked, his tail swinging a little.

"We found them near the main gate, it seemed like they tried to get in" one of his best people said, pointing at the people.

The king nodded, before walking closer towards the two figures on the ground and taking a closer look. One in white hoodie, blob hairs and blue eyes. The second one had brown sweatshirt, brown hairs and eyes, along with glasses and beanie. To them, they looked funny and ridiculous to say at least.

"Did you tried to attack us?" The king asked, leaning towards the two 'guests'.

"N-no! We were just waling around. You see, we are from L'manburg and we-" many gasps were heard from every direction.

Tons of horseshoes hitting the ground and clicking, before everyone raised their swords in the air and stood on one place while waiting for orders. The king swung his tail once again, scoffing before a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"My king, shouldn't we just kill them?" The same man from before asked.

"Don't worry Schlatt, I have everything under control. I know you are worried but they won't try anything" the king responded.

"I know, I just don't want you to get hurt" the king smiled softly at the man before his gaze once again shifted towards the two people.

"I am King Tommy Idris III, the ruler of the fallen kingdom and the king of Centaurs. And you dare to come here? For what? Ruin everything once again?" The king asked, eyeing his prisoners.

"We are sorry for what others did, but it's not-"

"DO NOT LIE TO ME!" The king raised his voice.

His people took a step back, bowing and kneeling down on the ground. Tommy raised his front legs in the air, missing the two only inches. They held their breath, not daring to look up at the terrifying king.

"People from your nation destroyed our home years ago, murdering the whole kingdom and leaving only few of us! And now, you dare to come here and lie to me in face?!" The king yelled, pulling out his sword and raising it by his side. "You wanted a fight, we will give you a war! And there won't be any living soul left! We will wipe off your small nation and burn it down! There will be nothing left except for memories!" 

The two man closed their eyes, accepting the fact that the sword was about to kill them.

"And they won't be able to do anything, before it will be too late to save yourselves!" The sword swung down.

A loud thud and a body fell to the ground, the head falling couple feet away from it. The second body fell to the ground seconds later, blood splattering everything around them.
People cheered, throwing their hand in the air and yelling.

"Get ready, we leave in two hours! We will meet in front of the main gate, it's tine for our revenge!" Tommy yelled, sword raided high in the air.

His people cheered once again, before going to get ready for the final fight. Schlatt ran up to his king, before slowing down and accompanying him towards the main gate where they would observe their surrounding once again before finally going off.

"Make sure to get ready, I'm not planning on losing anyone this time" Tommy said, watching the surrounding.

"You won't, this people trained two years for this day and they won't give up till this place is gone" Schlatt said, smiling.

He looked in the sky for a moment, before continuing.

"They wanted a fight-"

"-And they will have a war" Tommy said, looking back at their camp.

"It's time" They both turned around and went to get ready.

Before Tommy disappeared in his tent, he turned around and raised his voice some everyone would hear him.

"In the name of the king!" He shouted.

"IN THE NAME OF THE KING" Was his answer.

This time, they will win.


See you in part two!
