What did I ever do to you?

Was bored and decided to write some angst, probably with no fluff at all.
Remember to take care of yourself and that you are loved.

Enjoy :)

TW: arguing, mention of being Abonded


It was messed up in most eyes, yet in his it was normal. He was his father and that meant he could do anything he wanted, even if it was hurting the child's emotions and his mental health. He simply did not care and did not tried to hid the true. He shoved everyone his intentions and they were far from being good, along with his thoughts on the child. It was selfish, cruel and probably the worst thing you could ever do to a child, yet he didn't hesitate.
None of them was better, because even tho they knew what was going on, they didn't help. They were all the same. Selfish, too focused on themselves, or simply not able to help. And even after that, he still tried to reach out to them for help. But to his disappointment, they would only turn around and leave not saying a single word.
He got used to growing up like that, slowly realizing the truth behind all this lies.

And he that even if he tried hard, it would never be good enough. No one cared, yet they let him live in their house, act in front of strangers that they are perfect family and even praise him. But once they were alone, insults would be thrown and cruel words. Was it too much for him to ask for dinner? Or ask if he can do something or go somewhere? He was a kid, his father should take care of him. Yet he did nothing to teach his kid. He was basically raised by his brothers, who stayed on his side even when their father threatened to kick him out from the house. But he didn't do that, since he knew that if the youngest would have to leave, the other two would do the same. So he had to accept his life and live under the same roof with the annoying child.

The question was, how did they end up in this exact situation? Let's start from the beginning.


Tommy was hanging out with Quackity and Ranboo, simply joking around and eventually picking up some allium flowers. It was peaceful day, with nothing else to do and everyone was bored so they decided to stick together and enjoy the free time they had. But of course, it had to be interrupted and ruined by someone..

"Why do like this flowers so much?" Quackity asked Tommy, who was putting them in Ranboo's hairs.

"Funny story actually, Ranboo was the one who gave me the first allium flowers and it somehow stick to me. They are just beautiful and help me calm down when I have bad day, you know" Tommy explained, picking up another flower and tickling it in Ranboo's hairs.

Ranboo laughed, feeling the flower tickle his neck, before it was places in his braid that Tommy made a moment ago. He smiled, looking at his younger friend who was so focused with his work, that he didn't even notice. Meanwhile Quackity stood next to them, watching over them and following Tommy's gaze at the braid filled with flowers. It looked pretty, showing off Ranboo's long and black hairs. It was nice to watch them interact, especially since at first their friendship seemed off and they were often arguing with each other. However with time, they both warmed up to each other and became friends. It was Jo surprise to find them in the flower field on around the woods, where they would cool off during hot days and observe animals walking around. It was probably their favorite thing to do, just sit back and relax with nothing to worry about. Both prefered to be alone, away from crowded places or loud places. They matched completely. One was shy and laid back, while the other one was loud and chaotic. Perfect duo. And their name was allium duo, which was perfect since they both loved the said flower.

Unfortunately for the trio, their peaceful morning was ruined by heavy footsteps and three people approaching them. Tommy looked up from behind Ranboo's back, almost imidiatelly recognized the approaching people. His father and brothers. He knew very well that if Philza was looking for him, it didn't mean anything good. The hell was about to start.

"Tommy!" His scream reached the trio, making the teens flinch a little.

Tommy's eyes trailed to look at his oldest brother, who only mounted apology to him. He nodded his head slightly, which went unnoticed by his father but not by his brother. Ranboo sighed, standing up and pulling Tommy with him. Quackity made his way towards the two and stood in front of them only to be met with Philza's angry face. Well, more like pissed off.

"What's the problem?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

Philza tried to push his away, reaching his hand towards Tommy but he was quickly pushed back by Ranboo who used his tail. It swing to the sides angrily, purple particles appearing and floating around the taller teen.

"I asked what's the problem, Phil" Quackity said again, crossing his arms on his chest.

Philza glared at him, smiling a little.

"If you don't mind, could you let me see my son? I need to have a small conversation with him" Philza said.

It was obvious lie, which even Techno and Wilbur could realize. This man was full of lies and bullshit. Nothing more or less.

"If you can't see, he's busy and doesn't want to do anything with you. So please, be that kind and go back to your so called house" Quackity said.

Philza glared at him, turning to look at one of his oldest son's and pointing at Tommy who was hiding behind Ranboo. Seeing that, the hold on Tommy's waist only tightened.
Techno shook his head and held his hands in the air, silently praying for his father to leave Tommy alone. But that of course didn't worked out. The man only scoffed and continued to Argue.

"Give me back my son" he said, anger only boiling inside of him.

Quackity shook his head, while Ranboo glared at him too. Meanwhile Tommy, looked up and at his father. Or, who he was supposed to be.

"What do want from me? Did I do something wrong again that ruined your look or something?" He asked.

"Watch your tone, young boy! Behave or self there will be consequences" Philza said, before coughing and his syss weirdly softening. "Come back with us, it's getting late"

It was morning, far from being dark and late. Tommy chuckled, shaking his head.

"You are stupid to think I will go back with you to this hellhole"

Philza groaned, hand running down his face and pinching his nose in annoyance.

"I'm doing this for your own good and safety!" Philza raised his voice.

Tommy freed himself from Ranboo's grasp and walked forward, only to be stopped by Quackity's arm.

"You are doing this because you don't want to lose Techno or Wilbur! You know that if I leave, they will also leave!" Tommy also raised his voice.

This time, Philza was the one to walk forward by he also was stopped by Wilbur.

"Don't raise your voice at me! You have no right to assume that!" Philza yelled.

"I will raise my voice whenever I want! I don't give a fuck about what you want, just as you don't give a fuck about what I want!" The argument continued on.

Wilbur tried to hold back Philza, but Techno had to help him since Phil was older and stronger than Will alone. Tommy wasn't making any Aggressive or sudden moves, only talking back to Phil or glaring at him. Ranboo stood back, trying to do something but he was afraid that he would make it even worse.

"I don't get why you act this way, I'm your father damnit!" He yelled, making Tommy's eyes widen.

"Father?! You care to call yourself a father after this year's?! You are pathetic"

Philza stopped suddenly, his arms falling to his side as his head hung low but he still glared at Tommy.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Phil yelled, angry look visible on his face even tho he was looking down.

Tommy also froze, shocked look on his face as smile creeped on his face.

"What you did?" The smile disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Leave me alone!"

"You are useless!"

"Make yourself dinner!"

"You are a disgrace to this family!"

"Why are even my son?!"

"Oh please, you think I care?"

"If I said I love you, that would be a lie"

"Why can't you be like your brothers?"

"Try harder!"

"Get lost!"

"I wish I never had you in the first place"

Tommy laughed weakly, his voice dry.

"Better question would be what you didn't do to me"

Philza stood silently, fists gripping tightly the material of his shirt. Wilbur let go off him, taking couple steps towards Tommy. He tried to held his hand, but the teen quickly took his hand away.

"Tommy.." Ranboo said softly.

"Leave me alone, I just need some time" Tommy said, turning around and disappearing in the distance.

Techno and Will wanted to run after him, but was stopped by Quackity who gave them a sad lok and shook his head.
Techno breathed to calm himself, before he turned to look at Philza who still stood there quietly.

"It's all your fault. I hope you are proud of yourself" He said, before turning to his brother and two friends. "Let's go"

Ranboo stood there for a moment, watching as his friends walked away as he looked in the opposite direction. Tommy disappeared from his sight and all he could do was to be worried and follow his friends.

And it was all because of that one question. What did I ever do to you?
