The End... or is it?

Hello lovelies!!!!!

I can now officially say that this is the end of this story. I want to thank each and every single one of you who read this, who voted for this, who commented on this. It means so so so much to me and I'm glad you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I got a few of you asking me if I'm planning on writing on a second story and I don't think I will be. I'm currently writing a different story and I think I want to continue with only that project.

HOWEVER, I will be more than happy to write a few epilogue chapters if that's something you guys want. I was planning on doing a quick chapter about what would happen right after this but now I'm thinking that you guys can just comment what you want to know and I can write about that. So please leave questions in the comment for epilogue ideas. The ideas can differ from where I think Althia and Justin would be in 5 years of if Alt, Jess and Jeffy still have their dates!!!

Thank you so much for all the support and letting me share this amazing story with you all.

Much love as always and take good care of yourselves xx
