

Hannah invited me to sit with her at lunch and that's when I got to meet Clay, as well as Tony. They were both really nice, just like her.

Halfway through lunch, Jeff came to join us and we talked quite a bit.

My class after lunch was mechanics, which Tony had as well so it was great having a familiar face around.

"Okay, so I asked another one of my friends if he could wait for you before heading inside chemistry so you can have someone and he said yes" Hannah told me, as we were gathering our things for the last class of the day

Before I could respond, a bunch of laughter erupted in the hallway.

I turned my head to where the sound was coming from and I saw a group of of boys. All pretty good looking if I might add. There was one who caught my eye though.

He had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Who's that?" I asked Hannah who was helping me with my locker again, my eyes still on the group of boys who were joking around with one and other

Hannah looked at me then followed my gaze to see who I was talking about

"Don't go for him" She told me

"Why not?" I asked

"He's um, a little broken I guess you could say" Was her answer

I simply nodded, my eyes following his body

He caught me looking at him, and he smiled widely as his eyes met mine

The bell rang, indicating us that we had 5 minutes to get to class

"Okay well, I'm off to English" Hannah closed her locker "And don't forget about my friend! He's the really tall one, that's kinda cute, and he probably has a smile on his face!" She told me

"Alright, thanks Hannah" I waved to her as I grabbed my things for chemistry

I closed my locker and made my way to the classroom.

Just as Hannah had told me, a really tall, slightly darker skin guy who was attractive and carried a smile on his face was leaning on the wall

"Ah, you must be Althia" He smiled as he saw me

"Yep, that's me" I told him "And you are?" I questioned

"Your new best friend but you can call me Zach" He flashed a cheeky smile

I laughed and he led me inside the classroom

Everyone was standing at the front.

"All right everybody, pick out who you will be working with for the rest of the semester" Our teacher announced as soon as she walked in

"What do you say new best friend who wants me to call him Zach, will you be my lab partner?" I asked him

"Of course, new bestfriend who I will now be calling Thia" He answered

Zach and I chose a desk near the back of the classroom.

Beside us was two of the guys that I recognized from the group of earlier.

"Hey, who are those guys?" I whispered to Zach, nudging him as I nodded my head towards the guys

He looked over

"They're your typical jocks, they play baseball, football and basketball" Zach whispered back to me "They're bad news though" He added

I nodded before starting to take notes again


Before I knew it the day was over.

Everyone met up at mine and Hannah's lockers

"Thank you" I told Jeff as he opened my lock for me again

"Anytime, Thi" He smiled

I smiled a little, feeling happy that these people haven't known me for long but they were already on nickname basis

I put my binder and manuel in my locker and took out my bag

"Before we all go, we're gonna need your number" Clay told me

I gave them all my number and we seperated

I found my school bus and got on it. I looked outside in the parking lot and saw the same group of guys again. This time, the one who caught my attention was there.

As if on cue, he looked up and saw me looking at him.

A rush of panic came to me and I quickly looked the other way.

"This might not be so bad after all" I thought to myself
