
DMs between Courtney and Althia

CCrimson: You better watch the way you talk to me

Althia.Tonight: Me watch the way

I talk to you?

Althia.Tonight: How about YOU

watch the way you talk to ME

CCrimson: See that's exactly what I'm

talking about...

CCrimson: I know all about you

Althia.Tonight: "All about me"?

Althia.Tonight: Bitch, you don't even

know the first thing about me

CCrimson: I know that you're the

typical slutty new girl who brings

everyone together just so it's easier

to bang them all

CCrimson: And then when everyone

finds out you're a whore and drops

you, you go crying to mommy

and daddy until they change you

schools or you move away so

you can start all over again

Althia.Tonight: Alright, I've

had enough.

Althia.Tonight: I don't want to

start a fight but if you keep

talking about me, the

way you're talking about me,

I'm going to have to put you

back in your place

Althia.Tonight: And trust me,

it's not going to be a pretty sight

Althia.Tonight: So I highly suggest,

you sit the fuck back down and check

who you're talking to, before I make you.

{Seen at 9:09pm}
