

"You have no idea where he's taking you?" Hannah asked me at the end of the day as we were getting ready to leave school

"No, Zach never tells me where he's taking me" I answered

"I think he's taking you somewhere to finally ask you to be his girlfriend" Jessica chimed in

I stopped putting my chemistry book in my bag to look at her

"Seriously?" I questioned her, my anxiety already starting to kick in

"Yes!" She exclaimed "You guys have been at it for almost a month, you guys have already kissed, he's expressed many times how he likes you and wants to kiss you again, you guys are always all over each other" She went on, "I think it's about damn time" She finished

I looked over at Han who nodded her head, agreeing with Jess

"Am I ready for this?" I thought out loud

"You sure as hell better be" Han told me

"Plus you wanna cuff Zach before someone else does, right?" Jess asked me as Sheri and some friends walked down the hallway

I looked at Jessica with a face

"Don't look at me like that" She said

"I got a little bit jealous one time and reply something to her on Insta and now everybody thinks I hate her" I sighed

"Nobody said anything about you hating her" Hannah spoke "You've just made it very clear that she needs to understand that Zachy is yo mans or should I say yo soon to be mans" She added

Before any of us could say anything more, Zach came up and wrapped his arm around my shoulders

"You ready to go?" He asked when an awkward sudden silence came

"Yeah, just need to fit this stupid chem book in my bag" I answered as I turned back to my locker

I grabbed everything I needed and closed my locker

"I'll text you guys later" I told the girls

They nodded in response

"Let's go" I told Zach as I grabbed his hand

Zach led the way to the parking lot and to his car

"Oh such a gentleman move of you" I told Zach as he opened the passenger door for me

"I'm always a gentleman" Zach replied before he closed the door and walked around the car to the drivers side

We got out of the parking lot and started driving wherever Zach was bringing us

"What were you girls talking about before I came?" Zach asked me

I hummed in response

"It seemed serious" He went on

"Nothing too serious" I said "Just Jess wanting to know when we can hangout next and then trying to figure out a good time" I added

He nodded and turned the radio up louder

I softly sang along with the song, reaching out for his arm

Zach let his right hand fall from the steering wheel to hold mine

The car ride was mostly comfortable silence as we enjoyed each other's company with small talk here and there

Zach pulled up into a bakery's parking lot

"We're here" He announced

"Fuck yes" I exclaimed

I got out of the car and rushed to Zach's side as he was getting out

I grabbed onto to him and excitedly walked to the front door

Once we got inside, the smell of baked goods hit us

"You wanna go sit down, and I'll order?" Zach asked me

"Sure but can we pleaseeeee get donuts?" I questioned

"Of course" He answered

I squealed like a child, making him laugh, before going to find a table near the back of the restaurant

I looked around as I waited for Zach, admiring my surroundings

Soon enough Zach joined me with two drinks and a box, that I hope was filled with donuts

"Alright, here you go" Zach sat the drinks and the box down on the table before taking a seat across from me

I thanked him and immediately reached for the box

I opened it and gasped as I read the words 'Will you be my girlfriend?' that were glazed on the donuts

I looked up at Zach and he had an anxious face as he waited for my answer

"Yes" I said "Of course!" I added as I smiled widely

Zach smiled back at me and with no hesitation, he leaned across the table and kissed me

The sudden move shocked me but I kissed back

"Holy shit, I've been waiting forever to do that again" He sighed once we released

A playful smile came across my face

"Well now you can do it whenever you want to" I told him

A smirk came onto his face

"Whenever I want to?" He repeated

"Okay, maybe not whenever" I said

"Too late, you already said it" Zach replied, leaning in again for another kiss

I smiled against his lips

"Okay, maybe I could get used to that" I told him

Zach laughed and gave me a small wink, making me shake my head

"Can we eat the donuts now?" I asked him

"Yes, we can eat the donuts now" He answered

I happily grabbed a donut and took a big bite out of it

"Holy shit this is good" I said with my mouth full as Zach laughed at me "Wait, how did you know I was going to ask you to get us donuts?" I asked him, looking at him suspiciously

"Althia, please, I know you and I knew you'd want donuts" Zach answered as he grabbed himself one "Plus Alex and Clay told me that you wouldn't shut up about donuts this morning" He added

I laughed and couldn't help but smile

For the rest of our time at the bakery, we made jokes and laughed as we enjoyed each others company


"Wait, one more" Zach mumbled against my lips

"Zachhh" I giggled as I pulled away from him slightly

Zach brought me back closer to him and kissed me again

"You need to go, your mom is waiting for you" I told him for the billionth time since he had walked me to my door

"I know" He whined "Last one, I swear" He promised as he leaned in again

I rolled my eyes but leaned in anyways

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said as we released and I walked inside my house, closing the door behind me before he could ask for another kiss

"Thiiiiiiiiii" Zach whined through the door

"Text me when you get home Zachy" I replied

I heard him huff an okay before he walked back to his car

I watched through the window as he drove away

I happily danced around my house for a while before ordering some Chinese food and working on my chemistry homework for the rest of the night


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have so much planned for this book, y'all arent ready!!! Also what do you think about Althia and Zach becoming official?
