

"Just so you guys know I have no clue how baseball works" I told the group as we found seats in the bleachers

"So you're telling us, Ms. Sporty, that you don't understand baseball?" Clay asked

I nodded

They all faked a gasp and I playfully rolled my eyes

"Jeffy and Zachy would be highly disappointed in you" Hannah told me

"Eh, I'll learn" I shrugged

"Zach and Jeff are going to get so pissed if you keep calling them Jeffy and Zachy" Tony told us as Clay nodded agreeing

"Sucks for them" Hannah and I both answered at the same time, causing us to start laughing

There was still a couple of minutes before the game started and I was keeping my eyes open for Jessica since I wanted to meet Alex.

Soon enough, Jessica and a somewhat tall brunette guy was joining us

Everyone greeted them and Jessica introduced me to Alex

"I honestly hate baseball so much" Alex let out a groan as he sat behind us

"Yo, same here" I told him

"That's because you don't understand the game" Clay pointed out, teasing me

I mimicked him which made everyone laugh

"What sport do you know how to play?" Hannah asked me

"At my old school, I was really into football and basketball" I answered

"Don't we have a football team here?" Alex asked

"Yeah, you come to the games all of the time" Jess told him

"No, I meant like a girls football team. Since maybe Althia could play on it" Alex suggested

"Oh, I think we do? I'm not sure, I could ask Coach tomorrow and let you Alt" Jessica replied

"Okay, thanks Jess" I nodded

"Playing a sport would be nice, even though it seems like the boys rule the sports over here at Liberty" I thought to myself

We continued talking until Tony let our a scoff

"What is he doing here" He said and we all looked in the direction he was looking in

Of course, he had to be talking about Justin Foley.

"Maybe he's here to watch his friends play?" I suggested

"He usually sits with them" Hannah told me

"Why is he suddenly starting to sit with the crowd?" Clay asked

"Why is he suddenly in my mechanics class?" Tony questioned

Before any of us could respond, music started playing and our Liberty High Tigers started running out on the field.

We all cheered.

Zach and Jeff stopped and looked through the crowd until they stopped on us. They waved a little and we waved back. I made a heart with my hands and they both gave me a thumbs up.

Monty and Scott saw my heart and they both stuck their tongue out at me and I ignored them.

Bryce's eyes also landed me and he winked a little as he bit his lip. I flipped him off and everyone else laughed


Throughout the game, Alex had to explain to me what was happening. Turns out none of us but him really know how the sport worked.

Our boys ended up winning and we went on the field to congratulate them

"Good job Zachy" I cheesed as I hugged him tightly

"Moment ruined" Zach replied as he playfully pushed me away

"Fine, I'll just go see Jeffy" I made a face at him and he laughed as he started talking to Clay, Alex, and Jessica.

Jeff had his back to me as he talked with Hannah and Tony so I decided to jump on him

"Jeffyyyyyyy" I yelled as he caught me on his back

"Althia" He replied, trying to sound annoyed but he failed

"Great job tonight" I told him

"Thank you, my dear" I could hear the smile in his voice

We talked with them for a bit more before we decided it was time to leave.

Hannah told Tony that she was going to drive Jess and I home, so he took Clay home instead as Alex drove himself home

"Sooooo who do you like? Jessica asked me, as we started driving

"What do you mean?" I asked her

"I mean, would you go for Zach or Jeff?" She questioned

"It's pretty obvious that Jeff has a thing for her" Hannah spoke before I could say anything

"Mmh, I think Zach likes her" Jess argued

"I think of none of them likes me" I said and they both looked at me "I meant none of them likes likes me" I said but they both looked at me still

"You guysss" I whined

"Well you're going to have to go for someone" Hannah told me

"And that someone needs to be either Jeff or Zach" Jessica added

"Well I don't know, we'll just have to see how things play out" I replied

The rest of the car ride consisted of Jessica and Hannah arguing about who liked me

Thankfully, we arrived in my driveway soon enough

"Thanks for the ride Han" I said as I got out of the car and Jessica stepped over the seat to sit in the front

She nodded

"See ya tomorrow" Jess smiled and I waved to them both as they drove away


I took a quick shower before getting into bed and checking my social media before heading to sleep.
