
DMs between Tyler and Althia

Hi, I just wanted to
say that I'm really sorry
about what happened
with Montgomery in the hall
I hope you're okay
And also whatever
it was that you wanted
to ask me about
feel free to ask now

Hey, yeah, I just wanted
to ask a few questions
about football for the page
in the yearbook but it can wait
Also thank you for apologizing
about Montgomery but there's
no worries, I'm used to it by

Wdym you're "used"
to it?

It's not the first time Monty
has pushed me against lockers
or yelled it my face...
I doubt it'll be the last
time too
He's been doing it for
years now

I cannot believe him
Tyler I really am sorry,
and I promise you that it will
be the last time Monty touches you
We can also meet up at lunch
tomorrow, if you still want
to ask me some questions

Yeah that works
Also don't feel the need
to talk to him, I'm fine

Okay perfect and
I'll talk to him
I'm really sorry
{Seen at 3:07pm}


Montgomery De la Cruz

Look I know I fucked up
I don't need you to yell at me

Why tf did Tyler just tell me that you've been bullying him for years? Wtf Montgomery?! Explain now.

That son of a bitch...

No stop.

Because he's a fucking little freak!
He was bothering you and when you told him to stop, he continued so I did something about it

Ok so all of the other times were that too?

Yeah pretty much
He doesn't know when to stop
Maybe next time I'll actually fucking hit him

I think the fuck not.
You are going to apologise to him, Montgomery, and you will not touch him another time.
I stg if you do anything to him again, I'm dropping your ass and we won't be friends anymore.
And I'm not shitting you either.

I don't wanna.

I don't care.

Why are you like this?

Tic Toc Montgomery, I'm waiting.

For fucksakes
I'll do it
I'm only messaging him "I'm sorry" and I'm only doing it online, no face to face bullshit

That's all I want you to do.

It's done

Thank you



I heard my mom walking up the stairs so I quickly put my phone on my desk then sat on my bed and made it look like I was reading
"How's it going in here?" Mom asked through the door as she knocked on it and started to open it
"It's going good" I answered
She walked in and looked around quickly
"I just wanted to let you know that dinner will be a little bit later tonight since your father is stuck at the office for a meeting" She told me
"Okay, just call me down when it's ready" I responded
"What are you working on?" She questioned
"I'm finishing the chapters we needed to read for English then I'm going to do my commentary and then I'll probably start to look over my notes for chem since we've got a test soon" I answered
"Okay" Mom nodded and turned towards the door "And no phone unless it's important" She said over her shoulder
"Mmh" I responded and with that she closed my door and walked back downstairs

Seconds later, I heard a knock at my window
I got up and went to it and saw Zach. I opened my window for him and he climbed in the room as quietly as he could
Before he could even say anything, I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him
Zach didn't speak, he just brought me closer to him and held me tightly
I buried my face in his chest as he rubbed my back
"What-" He started to say but I looked up at him and put a finger on his lip
"Shh, I wanna hug just a little bit longer" I quietly told him
Zach nodded and kissed my finger before engulfing me in another bear hug
I sighed against his chest and closed my eyes
We stayed like that for a bit longer before I grabbed Zach's hand and led him to my bed
"What happened?" He asked me
I took a deep breath before telling him everything that had happened from the moment I got called to the office to right now
"Man fuck that shit" He exclaimed once I was done telling him everything
"Shhh" I shushed him
"Oh, right sorry" He whispered which made me smile "You don't need that in your life" He continued
"I know but I said what I needed to say and if she goes back, I'll just tell Mr Porter that it's bullshit again" I said

We talked a bit more about what had happened until we decided to do our homework together


"What are the chances that you-" I spoke at the same time Zach said "Can I-"
We both quietly laughed and I told Zach that he could go first
"Can I stay over tonight?" He asked me
I smiled
"I was literally just about to ask you that" I told him "But can you?" I questioned
"Yeah, I could come over after my mom goes to bed which is like at 9:30, 10 the latest, and then stay the night and then come pick you up in the morning like I usually do" Zach answered
"But doesn't your mom wake up earlier than you do? Wouldn't she see that your car isn't there?" I asked him
"Her and Clara get to sleep in tomorrow since Ra has an appointment later in the morning" He told me
"Well then if she doesn't need to wake up early, wouldn't she go to bed later?" I asked
"Nope, mom always goes to bed at 9:30" Zach said
"Are you sure?" I questioned
"Babe!" Zach laughed
"I'm sorry! It's just I don't want you to get in trouble because I wanted you to stay over and listen to me cry" I told him
"I know exactly what I need to do and I'll even tell her that I've got practice early in the morning, so if she wakes up early and sees that my car isn't there, which she won't, it'll make sense" Zach said
"Okay, yay" I cheesed
"Wait, you didn't cry did you?" He asked me
"Not yet" I answered
"Please don't cry" He stuck out his bottom lip
"I won't cry" I promised him "At least not when you're around" I mumbled half joking
"What was that?" Zach questioned
"Nothing" I said
He gave me a look and I stuck out my tongue at him
"I'm going to have to go soon" He told me
I frowned
"I gotta go eat supper and tell my mom I have practice tomorrow morning, I'll be back here before you know it" He poked me
"I knowww, my dad is going to be home soon too which means I'll have to eat" I sighed "It's just I'll miss youuuuu" I told him
"I'll miss youuuuu too" He mimicked me
I leaned my head on him as he wrapped an arm around me, as if on cue, his phone rang and I heard my dad pull up in the driveway
Zach looked down at his phone and sighed
"I gotta go" He announced as he got up
I nodded and got up as well
"I'll be back here at 10:30 the latest" Zach told me
"Okay" I mumbled
"Oh and here so you don't miss me too much" He said as he opened his backpack and took out a hoodie
"Awe, yay" I smiled as I took it from his hands and put it on right away
Zach opened my window and turned back around to hug me
I looked up at him as he leaned down to give me a quick kiss before he started to go through my window
I watched as he carefully stepped out onto the tree and then climb all the way down
Once he was on my lawn, he made a heart with his hands as I playfully rolled my eyes but blew him a kiss.
I heard someone coming up the stairs again and I made a small gesture at Zach. He nodded and then started to sprint away.
"Althia, what are you doing?" My mom came into my room just as soon as Zach wasn't in sight anymore
"I'm just closing my window" I told her "I forgot to close it yesterday and I was wondering why it was so cold in here" I added
"Well dinner is ready" She said
I closed my window but didn't lock it before following my mom downstairs.

Hope y'all enjoyed🦋
Also not that anyone cares but ya girl is lowkey catching feels oooof
Much love as always xx
