
Hi lovelies! Please read the A/N at the end of this chapter! Happy reading xx
Wtf is that post?
Who tf is behind it?
And why tf are they saying that shit?

I know
It's ridiculous

Can you ft?

Of course

Soon a request was coming up on my screen and I accepted it
"Yo I'm fucking pissed" Zach growled as soon as his face came up on my screen
"I know, it's so stupid" I said
"I swear to God if I find out that Bryce is the one behind this, I'm going to murder him and this time it's not a threat, it's a fucking promise" Zach spat
"Babe, calm down a little" I gently spoke "This whole thing will blow over soon" I told him "And I'm pretty sure Bryce isn't behind this, since why would he expose Chloe's pregnancy?" I added
"Wait, Chloe is actually pregnant?" Zach asked me
My jaw dropped a little and I silently cursed myself for not thinking before I spoke
"Mmh, she told Jess at the dance" I answered "Nobody knows except for us and I highly doubt that Bryce himself knew before this post got made" I added
"Well if her pregnancy is real, who says the other things aren't true as well?" Zach questioned, clearly still mad about the whole situation
I pursed my lips and just looked at him
Zach sighed once he realized what he had said
"I didn't mean it like that, it's just-I meant-FUCK" He started then yelled
"Since you clearly need the reassurance, I'm not stealing all of the boys at Liberty. Jessica isn't "letting me" steal all of them. Montgomery doesn't secretly love me. Jeff doesn't secretly love me as well and neither does Justin" I reminded him
"Don't be like that" Zach frowned "You know I didn't mean it like that, there's no reason to be a smart ass about it" He added
"I'm not being a smart ass about it, Zach, if you didn't mean it like that you wouldn't have said it. You obviously needed to hear me say what I just said" I argued
"Yeah well I need a lot of that, don't I?" He mumbled
I scoffed and shook my head
"Don't shake your head at me, I'm sick and tired of this Thi" Zach clenched his jaw "It's always the same shit and then you try to make me feel bad because I need the reassurance like no fucking shit I need it when something like this comes up every other week" He raised his voice
"Do not start yelling at me" I pointed my finger at him "If you think you're tired of needing to hear my reassurance, try thinking about how tired I am of having to reassure my boyfriend that I'm loyal to him and that I'm not going behind his back and hooking up with his friends" I told him "This is ridiculous, Zach, are we really going to fight over this again?" I asked him "Are we really going to let some random person who decided to make a stupid post because they're insecure and bored with themselves get us started on the same subject we always fight on?" I went on
"I don't wanna fight though!" Zach exclaimed as he ran a hand through his hair
"Neither do I!" I threw my hands up "But there's not much else I can do, I can't keep reminding you every second that I'm loyal to you, Zachy, you need to start telling yourself that as well. What's a relationship without any trust? I can't be the only one that's doing all of the work, you need to help me" I told him
Zach looked at me before sighing and closing his eyes
"It's just hard and I know that we've had this discussion many times and I'm getting sick of it, just like you, but I'm trying" He finally said
I massaged the side of my head
"I love you Thi" Zach said so low, it was barely a whisper
"And I love you" I replied just as low as him
"It's, um, getting pretty late..." He trailed
"Yeah" I responded
"I'll see you tomorrow, hope you sleep well" Zach told me
"You too" I said
He gave me a small smile and I blew a kiss at the screen before he hung up
I stared at my phone blankly before throwing it beside me
I groaned to myself as I thought about how Zach and I just pushed everything under the rug again and didn't solve our issue
I closed my eyes and began thinking about the awkwardness that's going to be with us all throughout the rest of the week and sighed as that's what I fell asleep to.
Hi darlings, hope you enjoyed this little chapter!
I have exciting news... I have finished writing this book! The story will have a total of 121 chapters and maybe a few epilogue chapters, if that's something you guys want.
Now since the book is officially over, I can continue posting one chapter every Wednesday or I can post two chapters every Wednesday or I can post all of the chapters left next Wednesday. Please comment and let me know which of these options you would like me to do, since I'm alright with whichever.

To celebrate the ending of this book, I really want to do a Author's Q&A so please please please comment any questions you have for this book. The questions can vary from the name behind certain characters to why I decided that a character should have a certain storyline to everything&anything in between. Please do not hesitate to ask me as many questions as you have, I will gladly answer them all as soon as all of the chapters are published.

I'm very exciting to share the remaining chapters with you all and I hope you enjoy them since I'm proud of this book.

With this being all said, thank you for reading!
Much love as always xx
