

"Justin, I'm sitting in the front" I told him
Justin looked at me and rolled his eyes
"The fuck you are" He replied
Justin and I have been fighting over who gets to sit in the front seat since we've all met up at Hannah and I's lockers
"Zachy, who's sitting in the front?" I asked him as we all made our way outside
"I'm not getting into this" Zach answered "You guys are going to have to figure it out on your own" He added
"Ee-Ah! You sat in front this morning" Justin whined
"Justin just let her sit in front" Jess told him
"Yeah, Jus" I chimed in
"No it's not fair" He jumped up and down like a little kid
"Al, just sit in the back like you did when we went to the farm" Montgomery said
"Nooooooooope" I shook my head
Soon everybody starting yelling at either me or Justin to get in the back but we continued arguing
"Foley, just get in the fucking back already" Tony yelled
Justin opened his mouth to argue but Tony glared at him
Finally giving in, he opened the back door
"I want to ride in front when we're done" He told me
"We'll see" I replied
We all got in the cars, me happily sitting in the front next to Zach
Zach reached over for my hand and I intertwined our fingers
"Can you guys like fucking not" Justin said as Monty fake gagged
"You guys are all very cranky today" I turned around to look at them "Jeff, you're still my sweet best friend" I added since Jeff was cheesing a smile at me
"Talk about favoritism" Monty mumbled as Justin huffed
"If I buy you guys a donut each when we get there, will you both stop?" I asked them
"Whichever kind I want?" Montgomery questioned
"Any kind you want" I answered
Monty and Justin looked at each other then at me
"Deal" They both said
I nodded my head and turned around to look ahead of me again
"They're seriously like little kids" I thought to myself

The car ride to the mall was full of small bickers and listening to the radio. Once we got to the mall, we followed Tony as we tried to find a parking spaces that were close to one and other. After we parked, we became a group again
"Can we go get the donuts first?" Justin asked as we walked in
"We're getting donuts?" Alex questioned
"Not you guys, just Justin and me" Monty answered
"Rude" Clay spoke
"You can get a donut too if you want" I told him "I'm just buying for Mont and Jus though" I added
We walked to the food court and immediately all of the boys got in line for the donuts
"Can we get froyo?" Hannah asked Jessica and I
"Yes" We both answered
"Here make this work for the two of you" I said as I handed Monty a ten dollar bill
"You said that I could get whichever donut I want, what if the one I want is 10$?" He asked me
"I highly doubt that there's a donut that'll be 10$, Montgomery. Now make it work" I said
He grabbed the money and turned back to Justin as they discussed which kind they would get
"What are the chances that you share your donut with me?" I asked Zach
"I'll share if you share your frozen yogurt" He answered
"You've got yourself a deal" I replied before joining Jess and Han where they were waiting for me
We walked to the froyo place and looked at the menu
I got a kiwi and raspberry mix. Jess got a strawberry and banana mix, and Hannah got a blueberry and pomegranate mix.
After we paid for everything, we joined the boys once again at the table they choose
"Here's your change" Justin handed me 5 cents as I took a seat beside Jeff
I opened my mouth to say something but then I thought about it
"Thank you" I finally said as I grabbed the change
"Jeff, what kind of donut did you get?" Hannah asked Jeff
"I'm not giving you a bite" Jeff told her
Hannah frowned
"Here" Tony slid his tray over to her
"This is why you're my favorite" Han said to him
"Wooooooow" Clay spoke
"It's not my fault, you got the one kind you know I hate" Han replied
Clay mimicked her and we all laughed
I ate some of my froyo before looking at Zach
"Here you can have the rest" He told me as he handed me the last piece of his donut
"You are honestly the best" I replied as I grabbed it and ate it
The boys gagged at my comment and I rolled my eyes
"Oh would you three leave them alone" Tony said to Montgomery, Justin and Jeff "You aren't saying anything to Jessica and Alex" He added while pointing at them as they were feeding each other
"See we could be worse" Zach told them as he grabbed my froyo cup
I watched as he spooned a huge amount onto the spoon and ate it
"Zachhhhhh" I screeched "You just ate half of my yogurt" I whined
Zach looked at me then at my half empty cup then back at me
"Sorry" He said, his mouth still full
I frowned and took the spoon back from it as I ate the rest of my froyo
We finished up then decided which store to go into
As we were walking to some athletic store, Zach tried to grab my hand but I pushed him away
"Babe" He whined
"No" I shook my head "You ate my froyo" I reminded him
Zach frowned and looked at me but I kept walking
The boys looked around in the store as the girls and I messed around
I had put on some shoulder and chest pads while Jess and Han had helmets on
Taking their turn, they each head butted into my chest to see if the helmet and the pads were good
"What are you girls doing?" Jeff asked us as he appeared out of nowhere
"We're testing the equipment" Hannah told him
"Duh!" Jess and I added
"You're going to get us kicked out" He said
"I highly doubt that" Jess responded
"Also can you guys hurry up, there's only one more brand left to try out and then we'll get bored" I told him
Jeff shook his head and laughed
"Okay, I'll go deliver the message" He replied
And with that he left
We tested the last brand of equipment before going to find the boys again
Montgomery was at the cash buying something and the rest were at the side
Next stop was Forever 21
"Are you still mad at me?" Zach asked me as he walked beside me
"A little bit" I answered
Zach huffed and I giggled to myself
"Ugh, every single time I go in here it reminds me exactly why I hate this store" Alex complained as we walked into the store
"Every single time blah blah blah" Jessica mimicked him "You barely come in here" She reminded him
"It can't be that bad" Clay chimed in
One look around and he made a face
"This place is messy" He remarked
"Yeah, try shopping in here" Hannah told him
All of us girls started looking around as the boys trailed behind us
"This is cute" Justin held up a shirt at us
"Mmh, now turn it around and look at back" I said
"What the fuck" He replied as he read 'Sundays are for tacos and tequila'
We all laughed
"Yeah that happens a lot" Han told him
"This is frustrating me" Jeff said as he looked through a bunch of shirts that seemed cute but had weird sayings on the back of it
We looked around the store for a bit more but none of us could find anything we liked
As we decided which store do into next, I wrapped my arms around Zach's
"Well look who's back already" Zach teased me
"Oh did you want me to leave? Because I can do that" I replied as I started to unwrap my arms from him
"Nooooooo" He exclaimed which made me laugh
The group finally decided on going into Boat House


"Jeff stop, you're going to get us kicked out" I scowled him as he kept holding up different types of underwear and saying that he wanted to try them on
"I'm a minor, I shouldn't even be allowed in here" Clay said as he held Hannah's basket for her
"You had the choice the wait outside the store" Han told him
"Are you shopping for anything?" A worker came up to us but looked at Jeff as she asked the question
"No, I'm just messing around... Sorry" Jeff told her as he handed her his basket
She gave us a dry smile and I glared at him
"I'm going to go wait with the others" Jeff said
"I'll join you" Clay said as he gave Hannah her basket
Once the boys left, the girls and I continued our shopping in peace
"Which one should I get for Halloween?" Jessica questioned as she held up two different lingerie sets
"Oh God Jess! I don't want to know what you'll be wearing when you have sex with Alex on Halloween! That's gross!" Hannah screeched
Jess rolled her eyes and looked at me
"The black one" I answered her
"Thank you" She cheesed
With that, we went to the cash to pay. I ended up buying a new set of underwear and bra, and a sports bra
"Fina-fucking-lly" Justin threw his hands up when he saw us walking out of the store
Jess playfully pushed him but he wasn't paying attention so he ended up falling, causing all of us to laugh hysterically
"Can we wrap this up?" Tony questioned once we had all calmed down
"Yeah, I'm getting tired of this shit" Alex agreed
"I feel like Tony and Alex lowkey hate all of us" Montgomery spoke
"That's because we do" They responded
For our final store, we decided to go to some bargain shop just to mess around and have some fun.
"THEY HAVE SO MANY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES" Jeff yelled as he ran to that section of the store
We all followed him as he looked through the costumes
"Can we do a group costume?" Justin asked us
"Sorry, we're being frat boys" Jessica told him
"Who's 'we'?" Jeff questioned
"Alt, Han and I" She answered
"You guys fucking suck" He frowned
We all flipped him off
The boys decided that they will do a group costume and after minutes of arguing, they finally decided on dressing up as the Greasers from Grease.


"Alright, cover your eyes boys" I announced as Zach pulled up in my driveway
Montgomery, Jeff and Justin did as they were told
"Facetime me when you get home?" I asked Zach
"Mmh" He answered before leaning in for kiss
Even though the boys couldn't see us they still made gagging noises which made me roll my eyes
"Okay bye" I said as I kissed Zach again before opening the door
Justin got out and got in front which made me roll my eyes
I waved them all goodbye before walking inside my house

Update is a little bit earlier than usual today since I'm going to bed early since I'm exhausted 🥴. Hope you all enjoyed it and oh, yeah, shit boutta get real in the next couple of chapters👀. Much love as always xx
