
We sat in silence as we waited for Zach, a couple minutes later he was knocking at my door
I slowly got up
"I'll be in the kitchen, you've got this" Montgomery told me
I nodded and went to answer the door
Zach stepped in as soon as I opened the door
"Look if you didn't like me then you could've just said no to me. There was no need to play me and go behind my back with one of my best fucking friends" Was the first thing he said
"Zach" I spoke "Please just let me explain" I said
"Why should I?" He crosses his arms
I gave him begging eyes and he sighed
"You have five minutes" He told me as he took his shoes off
I led him to the living room where he sat down on the couch and I sat beside him
He shifted in his place a bit so there was more space between us
"Zach, I know what Hannah told you and it's not true. I swear to God, I am not cheating on you" I started
He scoffed
"Alright so I'm just supposed to believe that? Hannah told me that Justin stayed over here and that she caught you guys kissing? I'm not stupid, Althia" Zach said
I winced at how he said my name
"Yes, Justin stayed over but it wasn't for us to hook up or anything. And Hannah didn't catch us kissing, she saw Justin running out of the house and she jumped to conclusions" I told him
"So there wasn't any kissing at all?" He asked me
"Justin kissed me" I answered him "But I pushed him back the second he did. I didn't kiss back, I would never do that" I added as I saw anger flashing in his eyes
"Why was he here?" Zach questioned
I lowered my head
"Why? I need to know why or else we're over" He said
I shook my head, feeling more tears coming to my eyes
"I can't tell you" I whispered
"Bullshit you can't tell me" Zach exclaimed as he got up
"Zach please" I said as I reached out for him but he flinched away
"No Althia, if you don't tell me why he was here and why he stayed over then there is no way that I can believe you over Hannah" He said
I got up
"I can't tell you" I repeated "I promised Justin I wouldn't tell anyone" I added
"You would rather lose me then break a promise to Justin?" Zach asked me as he lowered his eyes "That just shows how much you truly care about me" He added
"Oh God, Zach! I do care about you. More than anything! I just can't tell you" I told him as some tears spilled out of my eyes
"She didn't do anything" A voice said before Zach could say anything
We both turned to the doorway and saw Justin
"And what the fuck are you doing here?" Zach stumped angrily towards Justin "You here to kiss my fucking girlfriend again?" He grabbed him
"Zach, stop it" I said as I walked up to them
"Or what? So you're defending him now too?" He looked at me and tighten his grip on Justin's collar
"Let him go" Montgomery spoke as he walked into the living room
"Monty here's too? Jesus Christ, you must be fucking the whole gang" Zach said and my heart sank
"Just let him explain" Monty said as Zach wouldn't let go of Justin
Zach looked at all of us before finally letting go of Justin
I shot Monty a thankful look and he nodded slightly
"Well you gonna talk" He said to Justin
"I kissed Althia and I'm sorry, I don't know why I did but I did and she pushed me away the second it happened. It was all me" Justin told him
"Why did you stay over?" Zach asked him
Justin took a deep breath
"Why?" Zach urged him
"Because my moms boyfriend fucking beats me and I needed a place to stay and Althia was nice enough to let me stay over and maybe that's why I kissed her because she showed that she fucking cared about me alright and I'm fucking sorry about it" Justin exclaimed before storming out of the room
Zach's eyes soften
"Justin, wait" He called after him
We heard the front door being opened and closed
Zach started walking to go after him but Montgomery stopped him
"Let him go" He said
Zach nodded and turned towards me again
"I'm sorry" He said
I shook my head
"You have nothing to be sorry about, don't apologize" I told him
I reached out to him but he took a step back
"Not... Not right now" He shook his head
I nodded
Before any of us could say anything more, there was a knock at the door
Monty went to go get it
A couple seconds later, I heard more voices
"Alright so are we going to kill this bitch today or tomorrow?" Jess said as she walked into the room
I ran up to her and gave her a hug
"You know?" I asked her
"Yeah, Hannah made a group chat without you and said a bunch of bullshit and then Monty called us over and here we are" She said as she hugged me back
"Wait, us?" I questioned her
"Yeah, we've got your back mama" Jeff said from behind Jessica
I let go of Jess and went to hug Jeff tightly
"I thought I would lose you guys" I said
"You could never lose us" Another voice said
I looked behind Jeff and saw Alex
"I allow you to hug me just this one time" He added
I laughed a bit and hugged him
"I think I'm gonna go" Zach announced
I looked at him
"No, please don't" I shook my head
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere and I believe you" He told me "I think it's just a good idea that you spend time with everyone else" He added as he squeezed my side
"I'll go with you" Alex said
They said their goodbyes and I was left with Jess, Jeff and Mont
"Let's go do something" Jeff suggested
"I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere" I told him
"I don't care" He replied
"Can we go to Monet's?" Jess asked
Jeff nodded and they both went to put their shoes
"Come on, I'll buy you coffee" Monty told me as he gently grabbed my arm
"And a muffin?" I questioned
"And a muffin"He promised
I nodded and we joined the others to put our shoes on
"Can I see what she said, please?" I asked them as we got into Montgomery's car
They all looked at me
"Please" I said again
Jeff sighed but gave me his phone and I thanked him
Group chat-
Hannah-Banana๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ™ˆ added you, Jensons๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ“š, Jessi-Yah๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ™‰, Big Z๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’ฅ, Alex๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ’€, Padilla๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’จ and Monty๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜ค

Hey, what is this?

Why are Justin and Thia not here?

I have something to share...

What is it?


Alright so I went over to Alt's just now and she wasn't answering the door so I got worried and I just walked in and then I saw her and Justin making out...
I'm so sorry Zach

Big Z๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’ฅ removed himself from the chat

There's no fucking way she'd do that

I mean she has been acting weird these past couple of days...

She's been acting like herself

Look guys when I caught them, Justin ran off and Althia was all in shock
I confronted her and said that I was going to tell everyone when she said she wasn't going to tell Zach
And then she threaten to make rumors about me


I'm not buying any of this

And you shouldn't
I'm with Al rn and none of this bullshit is true

Hannah-Banana๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ™ˆ removed Monty๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜ค from the chat

What the hell was that Hannah?!

She obviously already got to him, telling him lies like she tried to tell me

Bull fucking shit
I should've never trusted you to come back into my life smfh

I'm with Jess, you fucked us over once why wouldn't you do it again

That's enough

The fuck it is Tony
Why would Althia do that to Zach???????

We don't know her enough to know what she would do and wouldn't do

This is fucking ridiculous
This whole thing makes no sense

Jeff would you seriously believe her over me?

Yes I would
100 fucking %
You're probably just making this up or something
Because you're jealous of not getting enough attention or whatever

You watch the way you talk to her Jeff

Oh suck my fat cock Clay
Defending Hannah like she's your girl when the truth is, you've been having a thing with her for years now and you still haven't asked her to be your gf because you're a pussy ass bitch

I'm with Jeff
This is bullshit

Jessi-Yah๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ™‰ removed herself from the chat
Alex๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ’€ removed himself from the chat
You removed yourself from the chat

"Wow" Was all I could say
We were parking in front of Monet's so I gave Jeff his phone back
"Thank you guys, really" I told them once we were all seated and had our drinks and snacks
"Anytime. Seriously without you, I still wouldn't be talking to her" Jessica said
We sat in silence for a bit, enjoying our drinks
"You're still worried about something, aren't you?" Montgomery questioned
I nodded
"I just don't want my relationship with Zach to be different and weird now because of this or because he doesn't trust me or anything" I said "Like all I wanted to do was hug him or at least touch him but every time I tried, he moved away" I added, my voice shaking a bit
"Thia, trust me if Zach wanted to break up with you over this he would've. He'll just need some time, after we're done here you should call or facetime him and see if he can come over or do something" Jeff said
"Yeah that's a good idea, just no texting him. Texting in this situation isn't the best idea" Jessica agreed "It'll all be okay" She reassured me
Before any of could say anything else, all of our phones buzzed, meaning it was from a groupchat

Han๐Ÿ’– removed herself from Alt's Love Life๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’ž
Han๐Ÿ’– removed herself from ENGLISH CRIES๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™„
Han๐Ÿ’– removed herself from Gang Gang๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿท
Han๐Ÿ’– removed herself from 15 other groupchats

Clay๐Ÿ’ฉ removed himself from Gang Gang๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿท
Clay๐Ÿ’ฉ removed himself from 11 other groupchats
Tony๐Ÿ’š removed himself from Gang Gang๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿท
Tony๐Ÿ’š removed himself from 7 other groupchats
"Well I guess that tells us that they chose Hannah over me" I said as I frowned a bit
"Screw em" Monty replied "They obviously weren't your real friends if they made the decision of listening to Hannah before even hearing your side" He added
I nodded

We finished up at Monet's and once I was home, I Facetimed Zach where we talked for a couple of hours before I had to go eat supper with my parents

Hope you lovelies enjoyed this chapter, much love as always xx
